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Policies, Guidelines and Bylaws

Academic Bylaws

On February 26, 2018, the Provost approved Resolution 2017-2018-5 Governance in Academic Units. The resolution requests each academic unit, and departments and schools whose leader holds an administrative appointment to operate according to written bylaws approved by a majority of the unit’s general faculty.

Unit bylaws are approved by the unit faculty, the unit leader, and the appropriate dean. Faculty Excellence conducts a review of the written bylaws to ensure they comply with university policy. Once approved, the bylaws are posted to this website.

The following bylaws represent academic units as defined in Section I. Definition of Faculty in the Faculty Constitution, namely, each college and the University Libraries. The bylaws have been approved for posting by Faculty Excellence. For other bylaws, refer to the appropriate division/unit.

Department/School Faculty Excellence Approved
College of Arts and Humanities pending
English pending
History May 22, 2019
Modern Languages and Literatures May 8, 2020
Nicholson School of Communication and Media pending
Philosophy pending
School of Performing Arts pending
School of Visual Arts and Design pending
Writing and Rhetoric pending