Anastasia Salter
Salter, Anastasia. “Tame, Suggestive, and Lewd: Early Erotic Play Encoded in Leather Goddesses of Phobos.” The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sex and Sexuality in Game Studies, edited by Matthew Wysocki and Steffi Shook. Bloomsbury, forthcoming January 2025.
Amrita Ghosh
Ghosh, Amrita, Shringarpure, Bhakti, Dasgupta, Rohit. India's Imperial Formations: Cultural Perspectives. United States, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2024.
Shelley M Park
Shelley Park, "E-Carity: The Entanglement of Care and Precarity under Technocapitalism." Azimuth. Special issue on Critical Care.
Scott Warfield
Review of: Mary Jo Lodge, ed., Milestones in Musical Theatre (Routledge, 2024) in Studies in Musical Theatre (projected 2024)
Wayne H. Bowen
Shelley M Park
Margaret A. McLaren, Shelley M. Park, and Eric Smaw, "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen": The Orwellian State of Higher Education in Florida." In Brandon Absher, ed. Philosophical Interventions in Neoliberal Higher Education. Lexington Press.
Shelley M Park
Shelley Park, "Women who Care Too Much: From Helicopter Moms to Helicopter Teachers," IAMAS (International Association of Maternal Action + Scholarship) blog.
Lisa Nalbone
“A Gem of Many Colors”: Articulating Migration in Isabel de Palencia’s I Must Have Liberty (1940)." Nomadic New Women Exile and Border-Crossing between Spain and the Americas, Early to Mid-Twentieth Century, edited by Renée M. Silverman and Esther Sánchez-Pardo, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 101-20.
Lisa Nalbone
November 2024, Presidential Address. “'Seen / Unseen' in Censorship in 20th Century Spain." South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Atlanta, GA.
Amy Larner Giroux
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Hi Vi Mitz Mak a Be o Ta, Honoring the Historic Footprints of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Warriors at Fort Marion, 1875–1878 (ISBN: 978-0-9863466-3-7), 2024. Editorial Manager and contributor.
David Lerner Schwartz
“Love Was This Alone,” New Orleans Review, 2024
Shelley M Park
Respondent, Is Technology a Vehicle of Care or Control? Revaluing Care in the Global Economy Working Papers series. Featuring work by Mercer Gary and Fulden Arisan. Duke University Revaluing Care Lab (via zoom). Oct 18, 2024.
Derek Green
2024. "Still More Luminous Patterns." Metascience. 4pp. 10.1007/s11016-024-01016-1. Book reviewed: Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40 (2024, Cambridge University Press).
Chiara Mazzucchelli
Bastimenti d'inchiostro. La Grande Emigrazione nella letteratura siciliana (1876-1924). Palermo: Kalós, 2024
Lisa Nalbone
"Postcolonial Otherness and Angst in Liberata Masoliver’s Efún (1955)." South Atlantic Review, vol. 89, no. 3, 2024, pp. 44-59.
Sandra Sousa
"The Legacy of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness:
Reimagining the Portrayal of Africa in Twentieth Century Literature" Introduction, South Atlantic Review, special issue co-edited by Lisa Nalbone and Sandra Sousa, vol 89. no. 3, 2024, pp. 1-8.
Sandra Sousa
“Shattering Silence: Unmasking Violence Through Art in ‘Olha Pra Elas.’” South Atlantic Review 89 (2024): 115-118
Luis Martínez-Fernández
"Pablo Casals and the Hymn to the United Nations." Kennedy Center (webpage), September 2024
Emily Kuzneski Johnson
Johnson, Emily K. “Teaching Liberatory Design.” Communication Design Quarterly Special Issue on UX Pedagogy, vol. 12, no. 3, 2024, pp. 59-70. DOI: 10.1145/3658422.3658427.
T&T Alumni Publications
Michael Strawser
“The Uncanniness of Death in Knausgaard and the Question of Secular Faith,” International Conference on the Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London, UK/Online, August 17-18, 2024.
Lanlan Kuang
Kuang, Lanlan. "Creating a Sustainable Narrative: The Interplay of Ecological Agriculture, Cultural Heritage, and Community Efficacy in Contemporary China" Culture as Text (2024).
Mel Stanfill
Kies, Bridget, and Mel Stanfill. 2024. “From Algorithms to Attribution: Teaching AI and Copyright in Media Studies.” Teaching Media 9 (2).
William R. Ayers
“Scoring, Sounding, and Silencing Death: Musical Depictions of Failure in Coherent and Incoherent Worlds—Part 1,” Music and the Moving Image 17, no. 2 (2024): 35–55. University of Illinois Press.
Laurie A. Pinkert
Bowen, L. M. and Pinkert, L.A. "Personal, Political, and Pedagogical Imperatives: Tactical Disciplinarity among Early Members of Writing Studies.” In Pivotal Strategies: Claiming Writing Studies as Discipline Ed. Lynn C. Lewis. Utah State University Press. (2024).
Ilenia Colón Mendoza
Edited with Lisandra Estévez, Polychrome Art in the Early Modern World: 1200-1800, Visual Culture in Early Modernity with series editor Isabella Vitti. London, England: Routledge, 2024.
Emily Kuzneski Johnson
Kong, Yingzi*, and Emily
K. Johnson. “Work-in-Progress—Cozy Games for Learning: Vocabulary Practice
with Anim-ELLE Crossing.” 10th International Conference of the
Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2024,
*student co-author
Matthew Bryan
Bryan, Matthew. “For the Record: Practicing Critical Software Literacy in Writing Centers.” Computers and Composition, vol. 72, 2024.
Pamela Baker
“Out Too Deep” (fiction). The Louisville Review 94 (Winter/Spring 2024). Print.
Martha García
2024. [June] “Texto, contexto y textualidad. Amadís de Gaula, El Victorial & Don Quijote de la Mancha.” The 60th Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists / Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas / Association canadienne des hispanistes. Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.
Humberto López Cruz
Dulce María Loynaz: un verso en el tiempo. Valencia: Aduana Vieja, 2024.
David Lerner Schwartz
“The Binding Thing,” New Letters, 2024
T&T Alumni Publications
Stephens, S. H., and Altamirano, A. 2024. "Envisioning User Agency During Development of a Website for Natural Hazard Communication." Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 38 (4), 345–70.
William R. Ayers
“Playful Listening for Performing Musicians,” Florida Music Director 77, no. 8 (2024): 24–28. Florida Music Education Association, Center for Fine Arts Education.
Bruce B. Janz
“Interviews, Dialogues, Conversations on Screen” Philosophy and Film: Genres, Convergences, Synergies. University of Bayreuth
Natalie Anne Madruga
Madruga, Natalie. “Felicidades Alejandra: Celebrating Ten Years of Counterstories.” Composition Studies, vol. 52, no. 1, Spring 2024, pgs. 153-156.
T&T Alumni Publications
Sandra Sousa
“Explorando as narrativas de violência contra a mulher.” Revista Abril 15.31 (2023): 9-15.
Sandra Sousa
“Transições na literatura cabo-verdiana? – O Fiel Defunto de Germano Almeida.” Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa, Transições. Ed. Renata Flavia da Silva, Daniel Laks, Silvio Jorge. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Makunaima, 2023. 253-277.
Shelley M Park
Shelley Park, "Automated Healthcare," Care Talk, April 22, 2024.
Bruce B. Janz
“Transhumanism and Moral Enhancement: African Philosophy, A/Humanism, and the Question of Morality”, Transhumanism in Africa: Questioning the Concept of Radical Enhancement of Humans’ Moral Capacities Colloquium, Center for Phenomenology in South Africa and the Conversational School of Philosophy, Nigeria.
Humberto López Cruz
La cabeza de Balboa, by Juan David Morgan. Hispanic Journal 45.1 (2024): 149-51.
Mel Stanfill
Antoine, Anshare and Mel Stanfill. 2024. “‘I really need Miss Rona to start tap dancing around in them lungs’: Black Twitter’s Political Humor in COVID-19 Times.” Rolling: Blackness and Mediated Comedy, edited by Alfred L. Martin. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Keri Watson
Watson, Keri. Florida's New Deal Parks and Post Office Murals. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2024.
Jeanine Viau
“Consent and Contemplative Pedagogy in the Post*pandemic Classroom: Finding Our Way through the Labyrinth,” accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion, March 1-3, 2024.
Lisa Nalbone
“El niño biopolítico en el cuento ‘Rompecabezas’: Trauma y ansiedad política.” Coda a un centenario. Galdós, miradas y perspectivas, edited by Yolanda Arencibia and Rosa María Quintana, Cabildo de Gran Canaria, 2024, pp. 422-32.
Sandra Sousa
“O Olhar Ecocrítico de Boaventura Cardoso em Margens e Travessias.” Gragoatá 28.61 (2023): 1-15.
Sandra Sousa
“Onésimo Teotónio de Almeida.” Espaço, Lugar e Território. Figuras do pensamento português contemporâneo. Coord. André Carmo. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2023. 329-338.
Sandra Sousa
Representações culturais de violência contra as mulheres nas literaturas de língua portuguesa. Revista Abril. (2023). Ed. and Introd. Sandra Sousa and Renata Flavia da Silva.