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William R. Ayers

“Scoring, Sounding, and Silencing Death: Musical Depictions of Failure in Coherent and Incoherent Worlds—Part 1,” Music and the Moving Image 17, no. 2 (2024): 35–55. University of Illinois Press.

Matthew Bryan

Bryan, Matthew. “For the Record: Practicing Critical Software Literacy in Writing Centers.” Computers and Composition, vol. 72, 2024.

Bill Fogarty

“The Redress of Seamus Heaney’s Prose Poetry.” The Frontier of Writing: A Study of Seamus Heaney’s Prose, edited by Ian Hickey and Eugene O’Brien, Routledge.

William R. Ayers

“Playful Listening for Performing Musicians,” Florida Music Director 77, no. 8 (2024): 24–28. Florida Music Education Association, Center for Fine Arts Education.

Bruce B. Janz

“Interviews, Dialogues, Conversations on Screen” Philosophy and Film: Genres, Convergences, Synergies. University of Bayreuth

Sandra Sousa

“Explorando as narrativas de violência contra a mulher.” Revista Abril 15.31 (2023): 9-15.


Sandra Sousa

Transições na literatura cabo-verdiana? – O Fiel Defunto de Germano Almeida.” Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa, Transições. Ed. Renata Flavia da Silva, Daniel Laks, Silvio Jorge. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Makunaima, 2023. 253-277.

Shelley M Park

Shelley Park, "Automated Healthcare," Care Talk, April 22, 2024.

Bruce B. Janz

“Transhumanism and Moral Enhancement: African Philosophy, A/Humanism, and the Question of Morality”, Transhumanism in Africa: Questioning the Concept of Radical Enhancement of Humans’ Moral Capacities Colloquium, Center for Phenomenology in South Africa and the Conversational School of Philosophy, Nigeria. 

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Keri Watson

Watson, Keri. Florida's New Deal Parks and Post Office Murals. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2024.

Jeanine Viau

“Consent and Contemplative Pedagogy in the Post*pandemic Classroom: Finding Our Way through the Labyrinth,” accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Commission for the Study of Religion, March 1-3, 2024.

Lisa Nalbone

El niño biopolítico en el cuento ‘Rompecabezas’: Trauma y ansiedad política.” Coda a un centenario. Galdós, miradas y perspectivas, edited by Yolanda Arencibia and Rosa María Quintana, Cabildo de Gran Canaria, 2024, pp. 422-32.

Sandra Sousa

“O Olhar Ecocrítico de Boaventura Cardoso em Margens e Travessias.” Gragoatá 28.61 (2023): 1-15.


Sandra Sousa

Onésimo Teotónio de Almeida.” Espaço, Lugar e Território. Figuras do pensamento português contemporâneo. Coord. André Carmo. Porto: Edições Afrontamento, 2023. 329-338.

Sandra Sousa

Representações culturais de violência contra as mulheres nas literaturas de língua portuguesa. Revista Abril. (2023). Ed. and Introd. Sandra Sousa and Renata Flavia da Silva.

William R. Ayers

“Forking Paths and Ludomusical Form in John Morris’s Score for Clue (1985)”

  • Music and the Moving Image Conference, New York University, New York City, New York, May 24, 2024.
  • North American Conference on Video Game Music, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, March 16, 2024.

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Scot A. French

Scot A. French, "'An Imperfect Sketch' Revisited: Burkley Bullock's Life and Legacy at UVA and Beyond" in After Emancipation: Racism and Resistance at the University of Virginia," eds. Kirt von Daacke and Andrea Douglass (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2024): 49-60.

Lisa Nalbone

February 2024. “Flagging the Foundational: Diaspora and Identity in Feliciano Castro’s Lágrimas y flores.” Fourteenth Conference on Cuban and Cuban American Studies, Miami, FL.

Humberto López Cruz

Imágenes de la ciudad tras la fachada de una biografía: Fe de vida, de Dulce María Loynaz.Ficción no ficción en América Latina. Ed. Macarena Areco, Fernando Moreno, and Cécile Quintana. Poitiers, France: Editions des archives contemporaines, 2024. 39-48.

Shelley M Park

Shelley Park, "Polymaternalism: Transforming and Preserving Familial Landscapes." Keynote address. Feminism and Motherhood Winter School.  University of Antwerp. Antwerp, Belgium, February 2024.

Bruce B. Janz

“Where is the African Future in Afrofuturism?” Keynote, Zora Neale Hurston Conference,

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Tison Pugh

Bad Chaucer: The Great Poet's Greatest Mistakes in the Canterbury Tales. University of Michigan Press, 2024.

Matthew Bryan

Bryan, Matthew D. “Bringing AI to the Center: What Historical Writing Center Software Discourse Can Teach Us about Responses to Artificial Intelligence-Based Writing Tools.” Proceedings of the Computers & Writing Annual Conference, 2023, edited by Christopher D.M. Andrews, Chen Chen, and Lydia Wilkes, Computers & Writing, 2024, pp. 15-26.

Humberto López Cruz

“El protagonismo narrativo de Dulce María Loynaz en su Fe de vida.” Rassegna iberistica 46.120 (2023): 201-15. [Italy]

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Yovanna Pineda

Yovanna Pineda (2023). “Using Virtual Reality to Immerse Students in the Middle Passage: Ethics, Challenges, and Benefits,” in Melody Bowdon, Kevin Yee, and William Dorner, editors. Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom: Cross-Disciplinary Case Studies of Immersive Technology Implementation (New York: Taylor & Francis).

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David Head

Co-editor with Timothy C. Hemmis, A Republic of Scoundrels: The Schemers, Intriguers, and Adventurers Who Created a New American Nation (Pegasus Books, 2023).

Ann Gleig

Ann Gleig and Amy Langenberg, "Sexual Ethics and Healthy Boundaries in the Wake of Teacher Abuse," 
Buddhadharma: The Practitioners Quarterly (Winter 2023)
Available online via Lions Roar:

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Martha García

Sentido y arte de la peregrinación textual. Relatos & auto sacramental en clave bilingüe. Sense and Art of the Textual Pilgrimage. Stories & auto sacramental in bilingual key. Miami: Ediciones Baquiana, 2023. ISBN: 978-1-936647-49-1. [Book. December, 2023]

Sandra Sousa

“Abraham Lincoln”. In J. Franco, P. Jerónimo, S. M. Alves-Jesus, T. C. Moreira (coords.). Dicionário Global dos Direitos Humanos. [ISBN: 978-989-9012-74-5], 2023.

William R. Ayers

“Listening to Recursive Translations of Easley Blackwood’s Twelve Microtonal Etudes

  • American Musicological Society/Society for Music Theory, Denver, Colorado, November 10, 2023.

Angela R. Rounsaville

Nowacek, Rebecca, Rebecca Lorimer Leonard, and Angela Rounsaville. Writing Knowledge Transfer: Theory, Research, Pedagogy. Reference Guides to Rhetoric and Composition Series. Anderson, South Carolina: Parlor Press, 2024.

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Sandra Sousa

Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida: Tecelã de mundos passados e presentes. Ed. & Introd. Sheila Khan & Sandra Sousa. Braga: UMinho editora, 2023.

Sandra Sousa

“Ecocumplicidade em A visão das plantas de Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida.” Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida: Tecelã de mundos passados e presentes. Ed. & Introd. Sheila Khan & Sandra Sousa. Braga: UMinho editora, 2023. 110-122.

David Head

No More Conspiracy Theories,” Current, Nov. 21, 2023. 

Ann Gleig

Ann Gleig, Nadine Levy, and Bhante Sujato, "Undoing Toxic Masculinities in Buddhist Communities,' Lions Roar: Buddhist Wisdom for Our Times

Bruce B. Janz

“The Limits of Individualism and the Potential for Friendliness in Thad Metz’s A Relational Moral Theory” in The African Philosophical Inquiry. Fall 2023.

Bruce B. Janz

Conversation with Tendayi Sithole, Annual Conference of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence: Spatialities, Bayreuth, Germany

Kevin Roozen

Kevin Roozen and Steve Lamos. “Intra-Active Notebooking as Becoming.” In Beyond Productivity: Embodied, Situated, and (Un)Balanced Faculty Writing Processes, edited by Kim Hensley Owens and Derek van Ittersum. Utah State University Press, 2023, pp. 209-226.

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Anastasia Salter

Murray, John, Jack Murray, and Anastasia Salter. “Playing with AI Chat: Positioning ‘Dangerous’ Language Model Futures through Interactive Fiction.” SIGDOC '23: Proceedings of the 41st ACM International Conference on Design of Communication. October 26, 2023.

Emily Kuzneski Johnson

Johnson, E.K. (2023). “It’s all the same words, but It’s not”: ChatGPT as TPC Assistant. Presented at 42nd ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC ’23) October 26, 2023.

Matthew Bryan

Bryan, Matthew D. “Centering Software: Drawing on UX Research to Develop Methods of Collaborative Inquiry into Software Rhetorics within Writing Centers.” SIGDOC ’23: Proceedings of the 41st ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication, edited by Sonia Stephens, Joseph Bartolotta, and Kristin Marie Bivens, SIGDOC, 2023, pp. 36-31.

T&T Alumni Publications

Bryan, Matthew D. (2023) “Centering Software: Drawing on UX Research to Develop Methods of Collaborative Inquiry into Software Rhetorics within Writing Centers.” SIGDOC ’23: Proceedings of the 41st ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication.

T&T Alumni Publications

Lundblade, Kirk. 2023. “Sorting Things Out: Critically Assessing the Impact of Reddit’s Post Sorting Algorithms on Qualitative Analysis Methods.” In The 41st ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, 7. Orlando, FL: ACM.

William R. Ayers

A Cradle Song

  • For SATB chorus and chamber orchestra on a text by William Blake. Commissioned by VoxO and the Orlando Contemporary Chamber Orchestra. Premiered September 9, 2023, Through a Child’s Eyes, Alexis & Jim Pugh Theater, Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, Orlando, Florida.

Martha García

2023. [September] “El árbol celtíbero de la vida Crann Bethadh: Don Quijote de la Mancha y la Alameda de Cervantes.” VII Congreso Internacional de Educación, EPAC, Educación, Patrimonio y Creatividad. Duques de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. Virtual Presentation.

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Anastasia Salter

Moreshead, Abigail, and Anastasia Salter. “Knitting the In_visible: Data-Driven Craftivism as Feminist Resistance.” Journal of Gender Studies, 2023, pp. 1–12. Taylor and  Francis,

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Sherry Rankins-Robertson

Aurora Matzke, Louis M. Maraj, Angela Clark-Oates, Anyssa Gonzalez, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson.“Coalition as Commonplace: Centering Feminist Scholarship, Pedagogies, and Leadership Special Issue Practices” Peitho Vol 25, issue 4 (Summer 2023). 

T&T Alumni Publications

Schilaro, Priscila, and Matthew Bryan. (2023) “Engineering Conversations with Peers and Bots: Using AI Tools to Promote Critical Self-Analysis and Rhetorical Knowledge in Writing Centers” (poster). 2023 Teaching & Learning with AI Conference, Orlando, FL, September 24-25, 2023.

Anna Maria Jones

“Neo-Victorian Graphic Novels: Learning to Unmaster the Archive.” In Handbook of Neo-Victorian Studies, edited by Sarah E. Maier and Brenda Ayres. London: Palgrave MacMillan (8000 words; in press).