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Faculty and students in the UCF College of Arts & Humanities are engaged in a wide variety of interdisciplinary research projects. The college provides resources to assist faculty in securing funding for their research, while promoting and encouraging these activities.

Recent Publications

William R. Ayers

“Scoring, Sounding, and Silencing Death: Musical Depictions of Failure in Coherent and Incoherent Worlds—Part 1,” Music and the Moving Image 17, no. 2 (2024): 35–55. University of Illinois Press.

Matthew Bryan

Bryan, Matthew. “For the Record: Practicing Critical Software Literacy in Writing Centers.” Computers and Composition, vol. 72, 2024.

Bill Fogarty

“The Redress of Seamus Heaney’s Prose Poetry.” The Frontier of Writing: A Study of Seamus Heaney’s Prose, edited by Ian Hickey and Eugene O’Brien, Routledge.

William R. Ayers

“Playful Listening for Performing Musicians,” Florida Music Director 77, no. 8 (2024): 24–28. Florida Music Education Association, Center for Fine Arts Education.

Bruce B. Janz

“Interviews, Dialogues, Conversations on Screen” Philosophy and Film: Genres, Convergences, Synergies. University of Bayreuth

Example Projects

Astronaut with text 'Space, Science, and Spirituality'
Collage of vintage Florida photographs, RICHES of Central Florida Documentaries Podcast Showcase
The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition with portrait of Brown