Graduation is an exciting time in college. You’ve survived all your classes and now it’s time to celebrate. However, before you walk across the stage in your cap and gown, we would like for you to understand the difference between commencement and graduation:

Graduation – Fulfillment of academic requirements of all declared program and the award of a degree and diploma

Commencement – A ceremony where students walk dressed in academic regalia (cap and gown) to be congratulated by the university’s leadership and faculty

Commencement is a celebration, but it doesn’t mean you’ve officially graduated and earned your degree. Graduation is awarded after your college advising office for your major has approved your record and the Registrar’s Office has completed final degree certification.

If you have applied as a “walk only” candidate for the commencement ceremony, please note that your record will not be reviewed for degree certification that semester. It is your responsibility to refile the Intent to Graduate application in the semester that you enroll in your remaining requirements. This is not an automatic process. 

The UCF Registrar’s Office conducts identical commencement ceremonies each semester. For information about commencement, the ceremony schedule, cap & gown, and tickets, please visit the commencement website.