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Faculty and students in the UCF College of Arts & Humanities are engaged in a wide variety of interdisciplinary research projects. The college provides resources to assist faculty in securing funding for their research, while promoting and encouraging these activities.

Recent Publications

Sandra Sousa

“Memórias autobiográficas: de Os Cus de Judas a Caderno de Memórias Coloniais.” Romance Notes 63.2 (2023): 453-462.

T&T Alumni Publications

Lundblade, Kirk. In Press. “What Video Games Have Taught Us: Two Decades of Gaming and Learning.” In Historiographies of Game Studies: What It Has Been, What It Could Be, edited by Alisha Karabinus, Carly A Kocurek, Cody Mejur, and Emma Vossen.

Ezekiel Walker

The Nigerian Cocoa Economy at the Crossroads: Growth, Stagnation, and Restructuring in Southwestern Nigeria, 1900-2000s (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press).

David Lerner Schwartz

“We Can Voyage There,” Nimrod International Journal, 2024

Ashley Moreshead

“Missionary Models of Evangelical Manhood and Womanhood,” in Gender in the Early Republic, edited by Craig Thompson Friend and Lorri Glover, forthcoming (expected 2024).

William R. Ayers

“Virtuosic Play in Super Mario Maker 2,” in Music and Sonic Environments in Video Games: Listening to and Performing Ludic Soundscapes, edited by Kate Galloway and Elizabeth Hambleton (2024): 86–103. Routledge.

Example Projects

Astronaut with text 'Space, Science, and Spirituality'
Collage of vintage Florida photographs, RICHES of Central Florida Documentaries Podcast Showcase
The Charles Brockden Brown Electronic Archive and Scholarly Edition with portrait of Brown