The Al-Ghazali Distinguished Professorship in Islamic Studies was created through donations from hundreds of members of the Islamic Center of Orlando, allowing UCF to build an Islamic Studies program through speakers, events, and new vehicles for interfaith dialogue, with the overall effect of promoting the understanding and appreciation of Islam and Muslim communities.
The Islamic Studies program at UCF establishes connections among students and faculty for talking religion, theology and social issues. The goal of the program is to create an environment that fosters intercultural awareness, especially as it concerns Islam and Muslims, and to establish a hub for interfaith dialogue on the UCF campus, allowing students to ask questions and discover answers.
Background image incorporating ceramic tile from the 15th century
Photo of Cyrus Ali Zargar

Program Director

Cyrus Ali Zargar


Cyrus Zargar is the Endowed Al-Ghazali Distinguished Professor in Islamic Studies. His research interests include Classical Sufism, Islamic Philosophy, Arabic and Persian Sufi Literature, and Ethics in Literature and Film.


These are just a few of the courses offered at UCF pertaining to Islamic Studies.

  • ASH3223 The Modern Middle East
  • ARA2200 Intermediate Arabic Language and Civilization I
  • ASH3222 Islam and Its Empires
  • ASH5227 The Arab-Israeli Conflict
  • CPO3403 Politics of the Middle East
  • CPO4710 Women in Comparative Politics
  • PHH3200 Medieval Philosophy
  • REL2300 World Religions
  • REL2300 World Religions
  • REL3363 Islam