About the Journal
Florida Philosophical Review: The Journal of the Florida Philosophical Association calls for papers for general issues at all times of the year for consideration for publication in future issues. We invite submissions from all interested persons both inside and outside the State of Florida. The FPR is published once or twice a year (summer and winter) depending on the number of accepted submissions and is a fully electronic, Internet based publication of the University of Central Florida Department of Philosophy. FPR is an anonymously refereed, indexed publication adhering to standards of professional excellence. We welcome submissions representing a variety of philosophical approaches.
Reviewers Wanted
We need additional reviewers of philosophical papers. Would you like to review papers in your area of specialization? Contact Us!
Call for Submissions
Florida Philosophical Review: The Journal of the Florida Philosophical Association calls for papers for general issues at all times of the year for consideration for publication in future issues. We invite submissions from all interested persons both inside and outside the State of Florida. The FPR is published once or twice a year depending on the number of accepted submissions and is a fully electronic, internet-based publication of the University of Central Florida Department of Philosophy. FPR is an anonymously refereed, indexed publication adhering to standards of professional excellence. We welcome submissions representing a variety of philosophical approaches.
Submission Guidelines