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Amrita Ghosh

Ghosh, Amrita, Shringarpure, Bhakti, Dasgupta, Rohit. India's Imperial Formations: Cultural Perspectives. United States, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2024.

Shelley M Park

Shelley Park, "E-Carity: The Entanglement of Care and Precarity under Technocapitalism."  AzimuthSpecial issue on Critical Care. 

Scott Warfield

Review of: Mary Jo Lodge, ed., Milestones in Musical Theatre (Routledge, 2024) in Studies in Musical Theatre (projected 2024)

Wayne H. Bowen

The History of Saudi Arabia, 3rd edition (London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2024).

Shelley M Park

Margaret A. McLaren, Shelley M. Park, and Eric Smaw, "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen": The Orwellian State of Higher Education in Florida." In Brandon Absher, ed. Philosophical Interventions in Neoliberal Higher Education.  Lexington Press.

Shelley M Park

Shelley Park, "Women who Care Too Much: From Helicopter Moms to Helicopter Teachers,"  IAMAS (International Association of Maternal Action + Scholarship) blog. 

Lisa Nalbone

“A Gem of Many Colors”: Articulating Migration in Isabel de Palencia’s I Must Have Liberty (1940)." Nomadic New Women Exile and Border-Crossing between Spain and the Americas, Early to Mid-Twentieth Century, edited by Renée M. Silverman and Esther Sánchez-Pardo, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024, pp. 101-20.

Lisa Nalbone

November 2024, Presidential Address. “'Seen / Unseen' in Censorship in 20th Century Spain." South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA). Atlanta, GA.

Amy Larner Giroux

Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Hi Vi Mitz Mak a Be o Ta, Honoring the Historic Footprints of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Warriors at Fort Marion, 1875–1878 (ISBN: 978-0-9863466-3-7), 2024. Editorial Manager and contributor.

David Lerner Schwartz

“Love Was This Alone,” New Orleans Review, 2024

Shelley M Park

Respondent, Is Technology a Vehicle of Care or Control? Revaluing Care in the Global Economy Working Papers series. Featuring work by Mercer Gary and Fulden Arisan. Duke University Revaluing Care Lab (via zoom). Oct 18, 2024.

Derek Green

2024. "Still More Luminous Patterns." Metascience. 4pp. 10.1007/s11016-024-01016-1. Book reviewed: Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40 (2024, Cambridge University Press).

Lisa Nalbone

"The Legacy of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness: Reimagining the Portrayal of Africa in Twentieth Century Literature" Introduction, South Atlantic Review, special issue co-edited by Lisa Nalbone and Sandra Sousa, vol 89. no. 3, 2024, pp. 1-8.

Sonia H. Stephens

S. H. Stephens and A. Altamirano. (2024) “Envisioning user agency during development of a natural hazard communication website.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication. 38(4): 345–370. DOI: 10.1177/10506519241258456

Sandra Sousa

Is there a Portuguese Female Conrad? An analysis of ‘imperial attitude’ and narrative voice in Guilhermina de Azeredo’s Brancos e Negros.South Atlantic Review 89 (2024): 27-43.

William R. Ayers

“Scoring, Sounding, and Silencing Death: Musical Depictions of Failure in Coherent and Incoherent Worlds—Part 2,” Music and the Moving Image 17, no. 3 (2024): 20–43. University of Illinois Press.

Martha García

2024. [September] “El patrimonio literario en El año santo de Roma y El año santo en Madrid de Pedro Calderón de la Barca.” VIII Congreso Internacional de Educación, EPAC, Educación, Patrimonio y Creatividad. Duques de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. Virtual Presentation.

Bill Fogarty

“‘We Come to Languages’: Lucille Clifton’s Multi-Tongues.” Furious Flower IV: Celebrating the Worlds of Black Poetry, September 2024.

Sonia H. Stephens

S. H. Stephens and D. E. DeLorme. (2024) “Incorporating lived experience narratives into interdisciplinary projects: A technique for better environmental communication.” Environmental Science and Policy. 160: 103855. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103855

Martha García

“El árbol celtíbero de la vida, Crann Bethadh. Don Quijote de la Mancha y la Alameda de Cervantes.” Estudios sobre Educación, Patrimonio, y Creatividad. Edited by Elena Jiménez, Carlos Munilla, Aurora Martínez, Ricardo de la Fuente and Beatriz Valverde. Madrid: Dykinson Ebook, 2024, pp. 7-12.

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Mel Stanfill

Stanfill, Mel. 2024. Fandom Is Ugly: Networked Harassment in Participatory Culture. NYU Press.

Connie L. Lester

"Negotiating the Peace: Reconstruction and the New South," Oxford Handbook on Reconstruction, Andrew Slap, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2024)

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Anastasia Salter

Stanfill, Mel, Anastasia Salter, and Anne Sullivan. “They Can't Play with Us: Pronoun Controversies and the Reinforcement of Heteronormativity in Games.” FDG 2024: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. July 5, 2024.

Laurie A. Pinkert

Nikoladis, A. C., Beever, J., Kuebler, S. and Pinkert. L. A., “From Education to Enculturation: Rethinking the Development of Ethical Professionals in Higher Education.” International Journal of Ethics Education. (2024).

Barry Jason Mauer

Mauer, Barry. “Drama Triangles in Nadine Gordimer’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ and the War in Gaza.” Postcolonial Interventions. 2024

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Cyrus Ali Zargar

Religion of Love: Sufism and Self-Transformation in the Poetic Imagination of ʿAṭṭār. Albany, NY: The State University of New York Press, 2024.

William R. Ayers

“How Video Game Music Plays Us: Musical Topics, Modularity, and Compulsion Loops,” in The Oxford Handbook of Video Game Music and Sound, edited by William Gibbons and Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (2024): 308–325. Oxford University Press.

Bill Fogarty

“Double Agent: The Redress of Seamus Heaney’s Prose Poetry.” The Frontier of Writing: A Study of Seamus Heaney’s Prose, edited by Ian Hickey and Eugene O’Brien, Routledge, 2024, pp. 51–70.  

Lisa Nalbone

"La de Bringas: El contexto naturalista y la metaobservación crítica.Signos Literarios, vol. XX, no. 39, 2024, pp. 220-44.

Scott Warfield

"Leader of the Pack : The First Jukebox Musical?" Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal [Themed Issue: Jukebox Musicals] (projected 2024)

Sandra Sousa

“(Pós)-Memórias em Trânsito em Yara Monteiro: onde a vida e a ficção se tocam.” Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (PLCS) 40/41 (2024): 293-311.

Lisa Nalbone

June 2024. "FRQ 4: Text comparison Teaching Presentation," Poster Session Presentation, Advance Placement Spanish Literature and Culture Reading. Tampa, FL.

Bruce B. Janz

“What If Philosophy Was Part Of This World?” Keynote, The Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.

Martha García

2024. [June] “Enlightening the Textual Pathway: The Narrative of Miguel de Cervantes and Charlotte Lennox in Dialogue.” Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society and the Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy. Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey.

Sandra Sousa

“‘Esse cacilheiro sou eu’: despertença em Tornado de Teresa de Noronha. Via Atlântica 25.1 (2024): 278-301.

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Florin M. Mihai

Bari, E. & Mihai, F.M. (2023). Translanguaging and second language acquisition: A brief look at the available evidence. Sunshine State TESOL Journal, 16(1), 5-12.

Sandra Sousa

Ambivalências, contradições e complexidades: as minorias étnicas/raciais num retrato autobiográfico da diáspora portuguesa nos Estados Unidos” Gavéa-Brown-A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-North American Letters and Studies (Brown University) XLVII (2023): 75-86.

Sandra Sousa

A Periferia de Catarina Costa: Uma leitura à luz da violência da Modernidade. Revista Abril. 15.31 (2023): 117-132.

Sandra Sousa

“‘Mortu Nega’: a decolonial film or a film about decolonization?” Humanities. Special Issue: “Decolonization in Lusophone Literature.” Humanities (Special Issue “Decolonization in Lusophone Literature”) 13.1,5 (2024): 1-13.

Humberto López Cruz

“Un acercamiento ecocrítico a Jardín, de Dulce María Loynaz.” Boletín de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española, BANLE 13-15.24-26 (2021-2023): 157-72.

Christian Beck

‘Robin Hood and Resistance: The Spatial Ethics of “Felaushyp” in A Lyttel Gest of Robyn Hode’. Neohelicon 51.1 (2024): 293-313. DOI: 10.1007/s11059-024-00738-9

Francois-Xavier P. Gleyzon

"whither criticism? A poetics of images in Shakespeare, at last." Preface to Picturing Shakespeare by Jean-Louis Claret. Anthem Press, New York, 2024

Duncan Hardy

“‘There Can Be No Agreement to Take up Arms against the Turks Unless We First Restore the Empire’: The Fall of Constantinople and the Rise of a New Political Dynamic in the Holy Roman Empire, 1453-1467,” Austrian History Yearbook, 55 (2024): 524-537.

Shelley M Park

Shelley M. Park, Excerpt from Mothering Queerly, Queering Motherhood.  In Emily Hitchen, ed., The Routledge Critical Adoption Studies Reader, Chapter 12. (NY: Routledge, 2024), 100-105. 

Florin M. Mihai

Mihai, F. (2023). Comparing two+ related samples. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics (2nd ed.).  Blackwell.

Lisa Nalbone

March 2024. "(In)Tangible: La cultura socio-histórica en Hermosos días en China de Carmen Conde." Congreso Internacional TRANSLITTERAE: Estudios en torno a Carmen Conde, Madrid, Spain.

Sandra Sousa

“Reclaiming an Individual Space: the Angolan Diaspora in Portugal.” 21st Century Arab and African diasporas in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. Ed. Cristián H. Ricci. Routledge, 2023. 135-149.

Sandra Sousa

“Crossing Borders, Bodies, and Time: A Luso-Hispanic Dialogue on (Post)Colonial  Interracial Liaisons.” Migrant Frontiers: Race and Mobility in the Luso-Hispanic World. Ed. Anna Tybinko, Daniel Silva and Lamonte Aidoo. Liverpool University Press, 2023. 97-113.

Sandra Sousa

“Memórias autobiográficas: de Os Cus de Judas a Caderno de Memórias Coloniais.” Romance Notes 63.2 (2023): 453-462.

Sonia H. Stephens

S. H. Stephens and S. Singer, March 2024. “Incorporating lived experience research into technical and professional communication research.” Symposium on Communicating Complex Information, Norfolk, VA.