T&T Alumni Publications
Matteson, David, Keri Watson & Gisela Carbonell (2025) Curating for Peace and Justice in Times of Crisis, Art Education, 78:1, 47-53. https://doi.org/10.1080/00043125.2024.2428133
Sandra Sousa
“Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Cuban Women in Cinema. Sônia
Braga and Sara Gómez” The Other Fridas: The Lives and Works of Latin
American Women Artists. Eds.
Luciana Namorato, Débora Thomé, João Nemi Neto. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2025. 193-207.

Tadashi Ishikawa
Geographies of Gender: Family and Law in Imperial Japan and Colonial Taiwan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025).

Tiffany Earley-Spadoni
Earley-Spadoni, T. (2025). Landscapes of Warfare: Urartu and Assyria in the Ancient Middle East. University Press of Colorado.
Rochelle Hurt
“Maria Berrio – The Dream of Flight,” and four other poems. The Georgia Review 78.4 (Winter 2024): 829-833. Poetry.
Lisa Nalbone
Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer (1850-1919): Cartas, cuentos cortos y artículos periodísticos. Ana I. Simón Alegre. Vernon P, 2023. Anales Galdosianos, vol. 59, 2024, pp. 122-24.
Sandra Sousa
“Memórias autobiográficas: de Os Cus de
Judas a Caderno de Memórias Coloniais.” Romance
Notes 63.2 (2023): 453-462.
T&T Alumni Publications
Lundblade, Kirk. In Press. “What Video Games Have Taught Us: Two Decades of Gaming and Learning.” In Historiographies of Game Studies: What It Has Been, What It Could Be, edited by Alisha Karabinus, Carly A Kocurek, Cody Mejur, and Emma Vossen.
Ezekiel Walker
The Nigerian Cocoa Economy at the Crossroads: Growth, Stagnation, and Restructuring in Southwestern Nigeria, 1900-2000s (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press).
David Lerner Schwartz
“We Can Voyage There,” Nimrod International Journal, 2024
Ashley Moreshead
“Missionary Models of Evangelical Manhood and Womanhood,” in Gender in the Early Republic, edited by Craig Thompson Friend and Lorri Glover, forthcoming (expected 2024).
William R. Ayers
“Virtuosic Play in Super Mario Maker 2,” in Music and Sonic Environments in Video Games: Listening to and Performing Ludic Soundscapes, edited by Kate Galloway and Elizabeth Hambleton (2024): 86–103. Routledge.
https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003275305-9Bill Fogarty
“Queer Light: Henri Cole's Forms of Knowledge.” American Literature Association Symposium on American Poetry, November 2024.
Lisa Nalbone
"La visión ecocrítica en la narrativa de Carmen Conde." Encendida de mediodía exacto: Estudios sobre Carmen Conde, edited by Manuel A. Broullón-Lozano, Cari Fernández and Fran Garcerá, 2024. pp. 121-26.
Mike Shier
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Hi Vi Mitz Mak a Be o Ta, Honoring the Historic Footprints of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Warriors at Fort Marion, 1875–1878 (ISBN: 978-0-9863466-3-7), 2024.
Duncan Hardy
"Vom Schiedstag zum Reichstag. Versuch einer Typologie des 'Tagungsspektrums' aus konzeptioneller
und funktioneller Sicht im Heiligen Römischen Reich ca. 1350–1550," in Kollektive Willensbildung in der Vormoderne: Hansetage im Vergleich, ed. Angela Huang and Christina Link (Wismar: Callidus Verlag, 2024), pp. 3-38.
Lisa Nalbone
October 2024. Invited Book Presentation: Gloria. La poeta de los amores prohibidos. Editorial Dos Bigotes, Madrid, 2024, virtual.
Lanlan Kuang

Chiara Mazzucchelli
Bastimenti d'inchiostro. La Grande Emigrazione nella letteratura siciliana (1876-1924). Palermo: Kalós, 2024
Lisa Nalbone
"Postcolonial Otherness and Angst in Liberata Masoliver’s Efún (1955)." South Atlantic Review, vol. 89, no. 3, 2024, pp. 44-59.
Sandra Sousa
"The Legacy of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness:
Reimagining the Portrayal of Africa in Twentieth Century Literature" Introduction, South Atlantic Review, special issue co-edited by Lisa Nalbone and Sandra Sousa, vol 89. no. 3, 2024, pp. 1-8.
Sandra Sousa
“Shattering Silence: Unmasking Violence Through Art in ‘Olha Pra Elas.’” South Atlantic Review 89 (2024): 115-118
Luis Martínez-Fernández
"Pablo Casals and the Hymn to the United Nations." Kennedy Center (webpage), September 2024

Emily Kuzneski Johnson
Johnson, Emily K. “Teaching Liberatory Design.” Communication Design Quarterly Special Issue on UX Pedagogy, vol. 12, no. 3, 2024, pp. 59-70. DOI: 10.1145/3658422.3658427.
T&T Alumni Publications
Michael Strawser
“The Uncanniness of Death in Knausgaard and the Question of Secular Faith,” International Conference on the Uncanny in Language, Literature and Culture, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, London, UK/Online, August 17-18, 2024.

Lanlan Kuang
Kuang, Lanlan. "Creating a Sustainable Narrative: The Interplay of Ecological Agriculture, Cultural Heritage, and Community Efficacy in Contemporary China" Culture as Text (2024). https://doi.org/10.1515/cat-2024-0002
Mel Stanfill
Kies, Bridget, and Mel Stanfill. 2024. “From Algorithms to Attribution: Teaching AI and Copyright in Media Studies.” Teaching Media 9 (2). https://doi.org/10.3998/jcms.18261332.0063.802.
William R. Ayers
“Scoring, Sounding, and Silencing Death: Musical Depictions of Failure in Coherent and Incoherent Worlds—Part 1,” Music and the Moving Image 17, no. 2 (2024): 35–55. University of Illinois Press.
Laurie A. Pinkert
Bowen, L. M. and Pinkert, L.A. "Personal, Political, and Pedagogical Imperatives: Tactical Disciplinarity among Early Members of Writing Studies.” In Pivotal Strategies: Claiming Writing Studies as Discipline Ed. Lynn C. Lewis. Utah State University Press. (2024).
Ilenia Colón Mendoza
Edited with Lisandra Estévez, Polychrome Art in the Early Modern World: 1200-1800, Visual Culture in Early Modernity with series editor Isabella Vitti. London, England: Routledge, 2024.
Emily Kuzneski Johnson
Kong, Yingzi*, and Emily
K. Johnson. “Work-in-Progress—Cozy Games for Learning: Vocabulary Practice
with Anim-ELLE Crossing.” 10th International Conference of the
Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2024,
*student co-author
Stacey L. DiLiberto
DiLiberto, Stacey, Debra Luken, and Amy Sugar. "Creating A Digital Escape Room to Increase Student Engagement in Cultural Literacy." Florida Distance Learning Association Journal, vol 8, Article 1, Spring 2024, https://nsuworks.nova.edu/fdla-journal/vol8/iss1/1
William R. Ayers
“How Video Game Music Plays Us: Musical Topics, Modularity, and Compulsion Loops,” in The Oxford Handbook of Video Game Music and Sound, edited by William Gibbons and Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (2024): 308–325. Oxford University Press.
Bill Fogarty
“Double Agent: The Redress of Seamus Heaney’s Prose Poetry.” The Frontier of Writing: A Study of Seamus Heaney’s Prose, edited by Ian Hickey and Eugene O’Brien, Routledge, 2024, pp. 51–70.
Lisa Nalbone
Scott Warfield
"Leader of the Pack : The First Jukebox Musical?" Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal [Themed Issue: Jukebox Musicals] (projected 2024)
Sandra Sousa
“(Pós)-Memórias em Trânsito em Yara Monteiro: onde a vida e a ficção se tocam.” Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies (PLCS) 40/41 (2024): 293-311.
Lisa Nalbone
June 2024. "FRQ 4: Text comparison Teaching Presentation," Poster Session Presentation, Advance Placement Spanish Literature and Culture Reading. Tampa, FL.
Bruce B. Janz
“What If Philosophy Was Part Of This World?” Keynote, The Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.
Martha García
2024. [June] “Enlightening the Textual Pathway: The Narrative of Miguel de Cervantes and Charlotte Lennox in Dialogue.” Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society and the Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy. Princeton Theological Seminary, New Jersey.
Sandra Sousa
“‘Esse cacilheiro sou eu’: despertença em Tornado
de Teresa de Noronha. Via Atlântica 25.1 (2024): 278-301.

Florin M. Mihai
Bari, E. & Mihai, F.M. (2023). Translanguaging and second language acquisition: A brief look at the available evidence. Sunshine State TESOL Journal, 16(1), 5-12.
Sandra Sousa
“Ambivalências, contradições e complexidades: as
minorias étnicas/raciais num retrato autobiográfico da diáspora portuguesa nos
Estados Unidos” Gavéa-Brown-A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-North American
Letters and Studies (Brown University) XLVII (2023): 75-86.
Sandra Sousa
A Periferia de Catarina Costa: Uma leitura à luz da violência da Modernidade. Revista Abril. 15.31 (2023): 117-132.
Sandra Sousa
“‘Mortu Nega’: a decolonial film or a film about
decolonization?” Humanities. Special Issue: “Decolonization in Lusophone
Literature.” Humanities (Special
Issue “Decolonization in Lusophone Literature”) 13.1,5 (2024): 1-13.
Humberto López Cruz
“Un acercamiento ecocrítico a Jardín, de Dulce María Loynaz.” Boletín
de la Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española, BANLE 13-15.24-26 (2021-2023): 157-72.
Christian Beck
‘Robin Hood and Resistance: The Spatial Ethics of “Felaushyp”
in A Lyttel Gest of Robyn Hode’. Neohelicon 51.1 (2024):
293-313. DOI: 10.1007/s11059-024-00738-9
Francois-Xavier P. Gleyzon
"whither criticism? A poetics of images in Shakespeare, at last." Preface to Picturing Shakespeare by Jean-Louis Claret. Anthem Press, New York, 2024
Duncan Hardy
“‘There Can Be No
Agreement to Take up Arms against the Turks Unless We First Restore the Empire’:
The Fall of Constantinople and the Rise of a New Political Dynamic in the Holy
Roman Empire, 1453-1467,” Austrian History Yearbook, 55 (2024): 524-537.