Don Harrell in Pegasus Magazine: Why I Celebrate My Heritage
October 17, 2020 Don Harrell, adjunct professor of Africana Studies, shares why his past and present make him proud of his heritage.

Author Martha S. Jones speaks at Florida history and culture lecture series
September 21, 2020 Distinguished author Martha S. Jones will be the keynote speaker at the 2020 Jerrell Shofner Lecture Series on Florida History and Culture on October 12. The subject will be “The Right to Vote: Women and Race in the 1920 Election.“

History Professor Becomes Nationally Syndicated Columnist
September 16, 2020 Luis Martínez-Fernández hopes to use the platform to give a voice to a growing and important Latino community in America.

Richard Crepeau Updated NFL Book to be Republished
September 14, 2020 Historian Richard Crepeau expands his history of the league on its centennial.

Russian translation of Solonari's Purifying the Nation now available
September 03, 2020 The Russian edition of history professor Vladimir Solonari’s book “Purifying the Nation: Population Exchange and Ethnic Cleansing in Nazi-Allied Romania” was just released.

New course on the Civil Rights Movement serves as a global case study
August 31, 2020 Robert Cassanello actively engages students in primary document research in his new course, “History of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.” The course is a featured case study on the Adam Matthew website, a digital publisher of unique primary source collections from archives around the world.

History professor to lead national webinar on slavery in the Caribbean
July 20, 2020 For the National Council for History Education Summer Professional Learning Series, Luis Martínez-Fernández will host a webinar on July 28.

Interactive media and web conference sessions open to public
July 06, 2020 Texts and Technologies at UCF is hosting two virtual conferences this summer, both of which focus on the fusion of humanities questions with critical examination and playful exploration of the potential of technology.

The First Independence Day and the True Challenge of Our Own Time
July 01, 2020 As challenging as today is in America, it is nothing like the nation’s turmoil of July 4, 1776.

'Hamilton', 'Dad History', monuments and cheating – new articles from David Head to read
July 01, 2020 Historian, author, and lecturer David Head gives insight from his recent op-eds and research.

Faculty from Africana Studies, History, SVAD partner with COS for Virtual Black Lives Teach-In July 2
June 29, 2020 The online event July 2, 3-5pm will cover aspects of systemic racism against Black people in America, as well as international perspectives on the issues

Celebrating Juneteenth with a Local History Lesson
June 18, 2020 UCF Associate Professor Scot French will help lead a virtual discussion that anchors this year’s Hannibal Square celebration.

Arts and Humanities Summer Speaker Series
June 17, 2020 The UCF College of Arts and Humanities is hosting a series of talks from the faculty highlighting research and teaching in arts and humanities. The summer speaker series will run from June 18 through July 23.

26 Books, Videos and Plays That Can Help Educate on Race and Racism
June 09, 2020 To learn more about racial history and current events, check out these titles recommended by UCF faculty and librarians.

COVID-19: Lessons from the Black Death
May 29, 2020 Historian Peter L. Larson draws some comparisons between current days and another public health crisis: the Black Death in the 14th century. This article was written as part of the Addressing Global Crisis Project, which is run by UCF’s Office of Global Perspectives & International Initiatives.

Best Student Film Award Goes to “Filthy Dreamers”
May 12, 2020 “Filthy Dreamers” was narrated by associate professor of history Connie Lester, and led by project faculty advisers Robert Cassanello, Ph.D., and Lisa Mills, Ph.D.

Staff Awards recognize dedication and success
May 06, 2020 The annual CAH staff awards recognize employees who have delivered exemplary service to the college and UCF.

History class makes news with unique project
April 27, 2020 History instructor Kevin Mercer is receiving national media attention for his COVID-19-related class assignment.

Congratulations to CAH's 2019-20 TIP and RIA Awardees
April 24, 2020 Congratulations to the faculty members who have been selected to receive 2019-20 UCF Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Awards or Research Incentive Awards (RIA).

Alumnus awarded most outstanding thesis on Florida history
April 08, 2020 The Florida Historical Society honored UCF History alumnus Gramond McPherson with the Gov. LeRoy Collins award for the most outstanding graduate level thesis on Florida history.