Preston-Sidler Wins CAH Outstanding Dissertation Award
February 04, 2016 Congratulations to Dr. Leandra Preston-Sidler for winning the College of Arts and Humanities 2015-2016 Award for Outstanding Dissertation for her Texts and Technology work Watch Me Disappear: Gendered Bodies, Pro-Anorexia, and Self-Injury, advised by Dr. Melody Bowdon. This award recognizes excellence among the dissertation, focusing on the quality and significance...

WGST Director Invites Students to Human Trafficking Awareness Day
January 07, 2016 Maria Santana invites UCF students to the 8th annual Human Trafficking Awareness Day at Lake Eola Park on Saturday, January 23, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Santana is part of the Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force, which is a citizens coalition made up of volunteer professionals who are passionate...
Welcome Newest WGST Faculty Member: Anne Bubriski-McKenzie
December 01, 2015 The department of WGST welcomes Dr. Anne Bubriski-McKenzie to join us in Spring 2016 as a Lecturer in Women’s and Gender Studies and Coordinator for the Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP). Anne Bubriski-McKenzie received her M.A. in Women’s Studies at Southern Connecticut State University and her Ph.D. in Sociology at...

WGST Student Wins Hispanic Heritage Scholarship
November 18, 2015 Women’s and Gender Studies is happy to announce that Daniela Muiño, a junior student minoring in the program, was selected to receive the prestigious $5,000 Hispanic Heritage Scholarship. Muiño is from Miami, Florida and plans to graduate in 2018. She is very proud of her Latino roots and what it...

WGST Alumna Named one of Central Florida 100 by Orlando Sentinel
November 02, 2015 Women’s and Gender Studies Aluma Anna V. Eskamani, Director of Public Policy and Field Operations for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, is part of the 100 of Central Florida’s most influential people in government, politics and culture by the Orlando Sentinel. Anna V. Eskamani is not afraid of change —...

Heather Graves
October 14, 2015 Please give us a little background information about yourself (where you were born, what brought you to UCF, hobbies, what you studied at UCF, etc) I was born and raised in the Central Florida area and chose to go to UCF after completing my A.A. at community college. I came...

Women's and Gender Studies Program Ranked in Top 12 Best Colleges for Queer Women
September 02, 2015 In August of 2015, UCF’s Women’s and Gender Studies Program was ranked as one of the Top 12 Best Colleges for Queer Women by SheWired. SheWired, an online magazine focusing on queer women culture wrote, “The Women and Gender Studies program at UCF is one of the best in the...

Fifth Annual Women's Suffrage March
August 26, 2015 On August 26, the Women’s and Gender Studies program along with the College Democrats, the National Organization for Women and the Voices of Planned Parenthood, met to commemorate the 19th Amendment and the right of women to vote. Two dozen students joined the march from Milican Hall to the Student...

Eskamani Day of Service Learning a Success
June 11, 2015 The inaugural Anna V. Eskamani Day of Service Learning on May 20 in Bithlo was a resounding success. In conjuction with the nonprofit United Global Outreach, the Women’s Studies program worked to provide over 150 Bithlo residents with a free community meal. They were joined in service by Bailey Callahan...

Milanés Recognized for Anthology Contribution
April 30, 2015 Cecilia Rodríguez Milanés is part of a group that has been recognized at the International Latino Book Awards. Milanés’ contributions to the anthology, Wise Latinas: Writers on Higher Education, were acknowledged in the Most Inspirational Nonfiction Books in English category. Wise Latinas is a collection of personal essays addressing the varied...

Santana Presents Keynote for the American Association of University Women
April 13, 2015 On April 11, 2015, M.C. Santana was the keynote speaker for the American Association of University Women in Flager County. Her speech, “The Half-Truth About Gender Pay Gap“, given on Tuesday, April 14th, marked the day white women in this country make the same amount of money for 2014 as white males....

Women's Studies Student Selected to the President's Leadership Council
March 25, 2015 Amy Maitner has been selected for the UCF’s President’s Leadership Council. Maitner is one of 35 students selected for excellence in leadership, scholarship, and service to the university and the Orlando community. The President’s Leadership Council was established during the 1977-1978 academic year to recognize students who exemplify well-rounded excellence...

Santana Presents Keynote in India
March 09, 2015 This past November, M.C. Santana was granted the opportunity to present the keynote address at the Media Youth and Values conference at the Holy Cross College in Tiruchirappalli, India. During her presentation, Creating the Whole Individual, Dr. M.C. Santana discussed the importance of allowing young people to lead and create...

Women's Studies Faculty Affiliates Awarded LIFE Awards
February 24, 2015 On February 22, 2015, two Women’s Studies faculty affiliates were awarded this year’s LIFE at UCF Awards by the Center for the Success of Women Faculty. Winners included Meredith Tweed and Christine Hanlon, as well as two other members of UCF faculty. Meredith Tweed is a Women’s Studies instructor and...

Santana Named AAUW Title IX Champion
December 18, 2014 Maria Santana has been recognized as a Title IX Champion by the American Association of University Women. Santana was honored for her work on behalf of women and girls in education, including her leadership of UCF’s Women’s Studies Program, her work with AAUW programs, and her community activism. The American...

Undergraduate WST Student Presents at the National Women's Studies Association Convention
November 20, 2014 Amy Maitner, presented her work on Purple Ribbon at the NWSA convention in San Juan, Puerto Rico on November 15, 2014. The convention was notable in the association’s history with 2,6000 participants, and keynote speaker, Bell Hooks. The Purple Ribbon Program is a student-created original program that certifies university faculty...

Competitive Research Incentive Seed Funding for Women's Studies
October 30, 2014 CAH granted Women’s Studies instructor, Meredith Tweed and Sociology Assistant Professor, Amanda Anthony, created a Competitive Research Incentive Seed Funding for $13,129 for their project titled “Understanding how cultural gender beliefs affect young women’s core leadership identity development.” Their research project, a partnership between the Women’s Studies Program’s Young Women...

Than you, Dr. Jahani for the Lecture about Women's Status in Iran, Pre/Post Islamic Revolution
October 27, 2014 Visiting International scholar, Dr. Sheida Jahani spoke to Professor Tweed’s “Women, Race, and Struggle” honors course on October 23rd, 2014. She spoke about the status of women in Iran, focusing on the changes that the Islamic Revolution brought for women’s roles and equity. Her talk, part of a unit on...

Love Your Body Week promotes healthy self-image at UCF
October 17, 2014 The National Organization for Women at UCF held its annual Love Your Body Week Oct. 13 to Oct. 17 in 2014. Having recovered from six years of anorexia, NOW Vice President Christina Marriner is passionate about changing the conversation about body image. “A lot of the representations of different body types...

Women's Studies Commemorates 20th Anniversary
September 04, 2014 UCF Women’s Studies hosted workshops, receptions and other events in September 2014 to commemorate its 20th anniversary on campus. “Women’s Studies serves the community with academic opportunities and a mission for service,” said Maria Santana, director for the past six years. The program also works toward social justice and equality with more...