The inaugural Anna V. Eskamani Day of Service Learning on May 20 in Bithlo was a resounding success. In conjuction with the nonprofit United Global Outreach, the Women’s Studies program worked to provide over 150 Bithlo residents with a free community meal.
They were joined in service by Bailey Callahan Music, the Girl Scouts and the Women’s Studies Advisory Board Members.
The Women’s Studies program at UCF leads in service learning. Each of their students participate in service learning at some point during their academic careers; from these experiences they are able to witness the realities of their coursework, while simultaneously having a positive impact in their community.
Eskamani is an alumna of Women’ Studies at UCF, a current graduate student, and a community leader in service. The Anna V. Eskamani Day of Service Learning was created in honor of the Women’s Studies alumni who continue to engage with service throughout their lives.
For more pictures, visit the Women’s Studies program Facebook album.