This following list features recent publications, sorted alphabetically by faculty name. Click each name for more publications and profile information, or visit the Faculty and Staff page for all profiles.
Jonathan Barker

"Ordinary Objects" (2025) with Korman, Daniel Z. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

"Genealogical Defeat and Ontological Sparsity." (2023). Midwest Studies in Philosophy 47:1-23.

“Against Purity.” (2023). Ergo an Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9: 50.
Jonathan Beever

Beever, J. (Ed). The Horror of Relations: The Dark Side of Interdependence. Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield). Forthcoming Fall 2020.
Beever, J., & Taylor, L. “The Ethics of Public Commenting: Manipulation, Data Risk, and Public Participation in E-Rulemaking.” Bioethics. (forthcoming Fall 2021).
Beever, J., Kuebler, S.M. & Collins, J. Where ethics is taught: an institutional epidemiology. International Journal of Ethics Education (2021).
Mason Cash
Mason Cash 2024. “Enactivist Distributed Cognition, and the Role of Distributed Social Practices in Social Change.” Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 6(1)1: 7-19.
Mason Cash 2025. “The Ecological Brain needs the rest of E-Cognition.” Philosophical Psychology, 1–8.
Stacey L. DiLiberto
DiLiberto, Stacey, Debra Luken, and Amy Sugar. "Creating A Digital Escape Room to Increase Student Engagement in Cultural Literacy." Florida Distance Learning Association Journal, vol 8, Article 1, Spring 2024,
DiLiberto, Stacey. “Borderlands and Linguistic Mestizaje in U.S. Puerto Rican Literature.” Journal of Literary Multilingualism, vol. 1, no. 2, 2023, pp. 184-199.
DiLiberto, Stacey. “Affirming Cultural Resilience with Contemporary Latinx Superheroes,” In Media Res: A Media Commons Project, November 16, 2022.
Ann Gleig
"Multiple Buddhisms in Ladakh: Strategic Secularities and Missionaries Fighting Decline,"
co-written with Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg and Brooke Schedneck Religions 2021, 12(11), 932.
"#BuddhistCultureWars: BuddhaBros, Alt-Right Dharma, and Snowflake Sanghas," co-written with Brenna Artinger Journal of Global Buddhism Vol 22: 1(2021)
"Collaboration as Care: Teaching Sexual Abuse in American Buddhism," co-written with Amy Paris Langenberg, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 37:1 (2021)
Derek Green

2021. "Rules of Belief and the Normativity of Intentional Content." Acta Analytica, 36 (2): 159-69. Link:

2023. "Explaining away Kripke's Wittgenstein." Erkenntnis (88) 3: 991-1011. Link:
2024. "Still More Luminous Patterns." Metascience. 4pp. 10.1007/s11016-024-01016-1. Book reviewed: Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40 (2024, Cambridge University Press).
Bruce B. Janz

African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought. Bloomsbury Publishing.
“Spaces of Thought: A Response to Critiques”, in Philosophia Africana 22:1 (2023): 43-60.
“The Limits of Individualism and the Potential for Friendliness in Thad Metz’s A Relational Moral Theory” in The African Philosophical Inquiry. Fall 2023.
Lanlan Kuang

Kuang, Lanlan. "Creating a Sustainable Narrative: The Interplay of Ecological Agriculture, Cultural Heritage, and Community Efficacy in Contemporary China" Culture as Text (2024).

Kuang, Lanlan. 2021. “Tides High and Low: The Changing Landscapes of Gongfu Cha Tea Culture in Contemporary China.” The Cultural Politics of Food, Taste, and Identity: A Global Perspective: Cases from Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Edited by Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz. Bloomsbury Academic.
Shelley M Park
Forthcoming Shelley Park, "E-Carity: The Entanglement of Care and Precarity under Technocapitalism." Azimuth. Special issue on Critical Care.
Shelley M. Park, "Uncomfortably Close to Human: Robots and the Neocolonial Politics of Care, Feminist Philosophical Quarterly 8: 3/4 (2022)
Shelley Park, "Normativity and Belonging: Reflections about Critical Adoption Studies," Adoption & Culture 9.2 (2021) 300-307.
Nicholas Shrubsole
Shrubsole, N. Raising Indigenous Religious Freedom to a Higher Standard: Michael McNally’s Defend the Sacred and the Canadian Legal and Legislative Landscapes. Journal of Law and Religion 37(1) 2022, pp. 182-90
Shrubsole, Nicholas. "The Network of Relationships in Law and Religion." Political Theology Network. The Law, Religion, and Paradoxes of Sovereignty Symposium with Dana Lloyd, Spencer Dew, and Méadhbh
McIvor. 8 December 2020,
Melody Bowden et al. General Education, Open Educational Resources, and Faculty Development in Crisis: What We Did Last Summer. Journal of Faculty Development 34(3) 2020: 47-51.
Michael Strawser

Michael Strawser, Spinoza and the Philosophy of Love (Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield, 2021). Reviewed in International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
"Between Mood and Spirit: Kierkegaard’s Conception of Death as the Teacher of Earnestness." Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook. Vol. 28, Issue 1 (2023).
Christopher Barnett, Kierkegaard and the Question Concerning Technology. Philosophy Now 148 (February/March 2022).
Jeanine Viau

Otto von Busch and Jeanine Viau, eds., Silhouettes of the Soul: Meditations on Fashion, Religion, and Subjectivity (Bloomsbury Academic, 2022)
“Fashion and Religion – A conversation between the editors of the book Silhouettes of the Soul,” with Otto von Busch for The Revealer, Center for Religion and Media at New York University, August 1, 2023,
“‘Everybody Being Themselves Real Hard’ – A Serious Conversation about Theology and Fashion with Linn Tonstad,” The Revealer, Center for Religion and Media at New York University, September 3, 2020,
Cyrus Ali Zargar

Religion of Love: Sufism and Self-Transformation in the Poetic Imagination of ʿAṭṭār. Albany, NY: The State University of New York Press, 2024.
The Ethics of Karbala: Myths, Modernity, and the Warrior’s Nobility. London, UK: Routledge, 2024.
“Sober in Mecca, Drunk in Byzantium: Antinomian Space in the Poetry of ʿAṭṭār,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 89:1 (March 2021), pp. 272-297.