Angela Rounsaville and Pavel Zemliansky Awarded CCCC Research Grant
January 23, 2018 Congratulations to Drs. Rounsaville and Zemliansky, who are co-PIs on a grant that was awarded through the Conference on College Composition and Communication Research initiative program. Their study is titled “Academic and Professional Multilingual Literacies in Sociomaterial Contexts: A Multi-Institutional Study in Norway, Ukraine, and the U.S.”. They will receive...
In Memoriam: Dr. Simon Barton
January 23, 2018 With great sadness, the Department of History at the University of Central Florida announces the passing of Simon Fraser Barton, Professor of History. The renowned historian of medieval Iberia passed away in Orlando on Friday, December 15, 2017 at the age of 55. Before coming to the University of Central...
UCF History Department Presents at American Historical Association Conference
January 18, 2018 Professors and students from the UCF History Department presented at the American Historical Association Conference last week. Dr. Amelia Lyons, Dr. Scot French, Dr. Barbara Gannon, and Graduate student Sarah Schneider presented papers on the benefits and challenges of the Veterans Legacy Program. Dr. Martinez-Fernandez also chaired a Latin American...
Theatre UCF’s production of Pentecost paints cultural diversity in new light
January 17, 2018 Theatre UCF presents Pentecost, a production that finds religious, political and scholarly individuals going head-to-head for claim of a newly discovered fresco on a nondescript church ceiling in Eastern Europe. The various groups battle over the validity and possible historical significance of the fresco until twelve refugees storm the church...
Brandy Dieterle Successfully Defends Dissertation
January 16, 2018 Committee in Charge: Dr. Stephanie Vie, Assoc Prof, Dept Chair, Writing & Rhetoric/UCF Dr. Martha Brenckle, Professor, Director of Graduate Programs, DWR/UCF Dr. Anastasia Salter, Assistant Professor, Digital Media, SVAD/UCF Dr. Stacey Pigg, Assistant Professor, Department of English, NC State Univ. Ms. Brandy Dieterle for the degree of...
UCF SVAD, CREATE, FIEA spark at Otronicon 2018
January 11, 2018 With the theme of “Igniting a Passion for STEM through Technology Experiences”, the annual convention will be held at the Orlando Science Center this weekend. Several UCF College of Arts and Humanities departments, schools, faculty and students are presenting at Otronicon, a showcase and celebration of innovations in technology. Since...
Dr. Luis Martinez-Fernandez, UCF Professor of History, presents "Before-and-after Maria”
January 11, 2018 Over 200,000 people have migrated from Puerto Rico since hurricane Maria devastated the island. Following the storm’s landfall, the Central Florida area has become a refuge to a growing number of Puerto Ricans impacted by the storm. Dr. Luis Martinez-Fernandez, UCF Professor of History, continues to share his expert knowledge...
In memoriam: Professor Simon Barton
January 11, 2018 With great sadness, we announce the passing of Simon Fraser Barton, Professor of History. A memorial service will be held at 4:00 pm on Thursday, February 1, in the UCF Cypress Room.
Character animation students' short films win accolades
January 08, 2018 “Cuddlefish” and “Dreamweaver” are two films created by School of Visual Arts & Design students that are ending 2017 and beginning 2018 on a winning note. Both films from the 2017 cohort of the Character Animation program have been selected for national, regional, and local awards and screenings. Character Animation...
SVAD students' short films win accolades
January 05, 2018 SVAD character animation students’ short films are winning multiple awards in film festivals nationwide
The NEA Big Read at UCF – Dinaw Mengestu’s The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears
January 03, 2018 This January, UCF will celebrate The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears, the debut novel of African journalist and MacArthur Foundation Fellow Dinaw Mengestu. Events include an art exhibition, play, book clubs, lectures, artist talks and book signing. Woven throughout these events is the goal of revitalizing reading as a shared...
YWLP 10th Anniversary Gala
December 21, 2017 Dr. M. C. Santana welcomed Seminole County Public Schools Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent and Chair of the School Board among other guests to the 10th Anniversary Gala for the Young Women’s Leaders Program (YWLP). The event took place on October 26, 2017 at the Live Oak Center at UCF. More than...
Open Heart/Open Mic Events
December 21, 2017 Starting on fall 2016 the Women’s and Gender Studies program together with the then librarian Carrie Moran from the John C. Hitt Library inaugurated a monthly open mic event over lunch time to celebrate our UCF community of students, faculty and staff. The events are free and open to the...
Crisis in the Campus
December 18, 2017 Crisis in the Campus functioned as a day of advocacy and entertainment. Organized form the ground-up, students in Dr. Stephanie Wheeler’s ENC 3331 – Rhetoric and Civic Engagement shared information on social injustices that they have researched this semester. Local Central Florida bands including Justin Alcaraz, Dylan Lancaster, Common Creatures,...
Piano students, faculty in Luxembourg for International Festival
December 18, 2017 On August 7-21, UCF piano professor Dr. Yun-Ling Hsu and two piano students Daria Park and Danielle Buckles attended the Vianden International Music Festival and Summer School in Vianden, Luxembourg. The festival is a two-week intensive summer music performance program for international young talented musicians, guest artists, and distinguished faculty...
Dr. Robert Cassanello and Dr. Lisa Mills discuss upcoming documentary film on WMFE 90.7
December 18, 2017 Dr. Robert Cassanello and Dr. Lisa Mills recently joined Reporter Brendan Byrne at the WMFE 90.7 studio to discuss their work on an upcoming documentary film, “Marching Forward”. Slated for release in early 2018, the documentary chronicles the rise of the all-black marching band at Orlando’s Jones High School...
New Issues of DWR Student Publications, Stylus and Imprint
December 15, 2017 New issues of the Department of Writing and Rhetoric’s two student publications, Stylus: A Journal of First-Year Writing and Imprint, have been released. The new issue of Stylus can be found here and the new issue of Imprint is available here. Stylus publishes outstanding writing and research produced in UCF’s...
T&T Faculty Involved in Social Sim Project
December 15, 2017 T&T faculty members Anastasia Salter, Mel Stanfill, and Barry Mauer joined the team led by Assistant Professor Ivan Garibay, director of UCF’s Complex Adaptive Systems Laboratory in the College of Engineering & Computer Science, “to develop models and massive simulations to help understand online social behavior and predict the spread of...
Creative Writing alumnus named 2018 NEA Literature Creative Writing Fellow
December 14, 2017 Jaroslav Kalfař ‘11 might feel that literary success is elusive, but it seems to be following him closely. Kalfař was recently awarded a highly competitive and prestigious National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowship for $25,000. Kalfař majored in Creative Writing at UCF before completing his MFA at New...
T&T Student Wins Social Venture Competition
December 07, 2017 At the recent Social Venture Competition, doctoral student David Thomas Moran pitched his idea to use real-time data to enhance public transportation. University of Central Florida doctoral student David Thomas Moran and his company, Omnimodal, LLC, which uses real-time data to enhance the quality, efficiency and reliability of public transportation...