The College of Arts & Humanities will honor USPS and A&P staff on March 28, from 9-11 am at the Student Union, Room 218C.
Awards will be presented to two USPS employees and one A&P employee for their outstanding work and contribution to their school, department or program, and to the College of Arts and Humanities. Additionally, employees who have reached significant anniversaries of employment will be recognized.
The first USPS Award will be in honor of the late Dr. David Vickers. The second USPS Award will be in honor of Dr. Bruce Whisler. They both were dedicated and outstanding faculty members of the College of Arts & Sciences and the College of Arts and Humanities. CAH will also be presenting an award to an A&P employee in honor of the late Tony Travaglini. Tony was an exceptional staff member of the college and gave his time and his expertise generously.
The awardees will each receive a $600 supplemental payment (less applicable taxes and benefits that are calculated by UCF Payroll Services).
Employees must have been employed in CAH for at least 2 years (January 1, 2015-December 31, 2017) and must have received an evaluation for both years of Satisfactory or above. Employees may only be eligible for this award a maximum of one time every three years.
A committee will be established of at least one CAH faculty member, one CAH A&P or USPS employee and one UCF employee outside of the CAH.
Who can nominate the employee?
Nominations must come from CAH employees (faculty and/or staff). Nomination letters should be no longer than two pages, double spaced, containing specific examples of the employee’s exceptional efforts and dedication to their position. Please include the nominated employee’s name, the CAH Department/School/Program, and position title in the submission. Other letters of support from CAH employees are highly encouraged (maximum of three).
Nominations should be submitted by e-mail to Lyman Brodie and Wendy Perez by March 15, 2018.
The established committee will review each submission and will make the final decision as to the selection of the awardee. The committee has the right to contact the person who initiated the nomination for any clarity regarding the nomination. The committee will make their selection based on the performance and merits of the nominated employee. All decisions by the committee must be approved by Dean Jeff Moore.