A Note From the Editor

By Carly Fisher     

     We are experiencing a collective trauma. From COVID-19 to Ukraine, gun violence, immoral policy changes, and financial insecurity, emotions are running high everywhere, on every side, of every issue. Imprint has always been an outlet for UCF students to make their voices and emotions heard and in the last few years it has pushed its boundaries to emphasize marginalized voices. With Issue 23 we wanted to continue this tradition of making a safe space for all UCF voices.

     This Issue of Imprint is titled “Healing Through Gratitude.” In it you will see different articles from all walks of UCF life, although they may appear a random collection, they are integrally connected. A vein of gratitude runs through them all.

     When big things happen, big emotions rightfully occur and often we feel overwhelmed and lost, but a moment’s reflection can inspire a grounding force, gratitude and empathy can be tools to navigate emotions and spark a healing flame.

     We at Imprint sought to kindle this flame with Issue 23. We asked our writers to express their struggles and dig deep for gratitude, healthy coping mechanisms, and other sources of healing. We asked them to tell our audience, what is there to be grateful for during these scary times? What is there to be grateful for as a college student? What is there to be grateful for at UCF? Their responses exceeded anything we were hoping for. The UCF Imprint writers have found so many wonderful ways to overcome hardship, heal from this collective trauma, and create a community of healing at UCF.

     I know when I am overwhelmed by the history we are currently living through, I look to the history we have already survived. I remember the atrocities that have been committed and the power with which people always overcome. Humans have the uncanny ability to survive and heal, and these times are no different. The bad is often the easiest to see, and the good is always the hardest to find, but it is the good that pushes us forward towards change and the future. At UCF we are learning to build a future we are proud of, and we must not be too overwhelmed by the bad of society and forget to find gratitude. A favorite quote of mine comes to mind,

“Your now is not your forever,” John Green.

     These difficult times will pass only if we are brave enough to make the changes we want to see in the world.

     With Issue 23 we really wanted to focus on the good, on the gratitude, on making sure everyone at UCF survives these hard times so we can build that future together. We want our writers’ stories and more importantly their resources to spread the flame of healing all across the UCF and virtual campus.