This following list features recent publications, sorted alphabetically by faculty name. Click each name for more publications and profile information, or visit the Faculty and Staff page for all profiles.
Wayne H. Bowen
Spain and the Protestant Reformation: The Spanish Inquisition and the War for Europe (Routledge, 2022).
Robert Cassanello, (he/him/his)
Marching Forward, (2020) Film, with Lisa Mills, Executive Producer, Director
Filthy Dreamers, (2020) Film, with Lisa Mills, Executive Producer, Director
Alicia Duffy
Duda, Judith M.; Duffy, Alicia; Wehr, Paul W. Like a Mustard Seed: A Century of Faith. Awarded by the Concordia Historical Institute as the Best Congregational History
Tiffany Earley-Spadoni
Earley-Spadoni, T. (2025). Landscapes of Warfare: Urartu and Assyria in the Ancient Middle East. University Press of Colorado.
Earley-Spadoni, T. and Harrower, M. (2020). “Spatial Archaeology: Mapping the Ancient Past with the Humanities and the Sciences,” International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 14 (1-2):176–196.
Earley-Spadoni, T. (2022). “Danger in the Mesopotamian Night: Mitigating
Peril in the Heartland of Cities.” In After Dark: The Nocturnal Landscape
and Lightscape of Ancient Cities, edited by Nancy Gonlin and Meghan Strong. Boulder:
University Press of Colorado: 50-70.
Scot A. French
Scot A. French, "'An Imperfect Sketch' Revisited: Burkley Bullock's Life
and Legacy at UVA and Beyond" in After Emancipation: Racism and
Resistance at the University of Virginia," eds. Kirt von Daacke and
Andrea Douglass (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2024):
Scot A. French, "VisualEyes This: Using Visualization Tools to Engage Students in Historical Research and Digital Humanities R&D," in Quick Hits for Teaching with Digital Humanities: Successful Strategies from Award-Winning Teachers, eds. Christopher J. Young, Michael Morrone, Thomas C. Wilson, and Emma Annette Wilson (Indiana University Press, October 2020).
Julian C. Chambliss and Scot A. French, "A Generative Praxis: Curation, Creation, and Black Counterpublics," Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing," Vol. 39 (2022).
Duncan Hardy
"Vom Schiedstag zum Reichstag. Versuch einer Typologie des 'Tagungsspektrums' aus konzeptioneller
und funktioneller Sicht im Heiligen Römischen Reich ca. 1350–1550," in Kollektive Willensbildung in der Vormoderne: Hansetage im Vergleich, ed. Angela Huang and Christina Link (Wismar: Callidus Verlag, 2024), pp. 3-38.
“‘There Can Be No
Agreement to Take up Arms against the Turks Unless We First Restore the Empire’:
The Fall of Constantinople and the Rise of a New Political Dynamic in the Holy
Roman Empire, 1453-1467,” Austrian History Yearbook, 55 (2024): 524-537.
"The Imperial Cities and Imperial Reform in Late Medieval and Early Reformation Germany, 1410-1532," Reformation 28 (2) (2023): 115-133.
David Head
“When Historians Complain About Movies,” The Bulwark, Nov. 22, 2023.
“No More Conspiracy Theories,” Current, Nov. 21, 2023.
Tadashi Ishikawa
Geographies of Gender: Family and Law in Imperial Japan and Colonial Taiwan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025).
Peter Larson
Forthcoming Rethinking the Great Transition: Community and Economic Growth in County Durham, 1349-1550 (Oxford University Press, 2022).
"Gendered roles and female litigants in northeastern England, 1300-1700," in Litigating Women: Gender and Justice in Europe c.1200-c.1750, ed. by Deborah Youngs and Teresa Phipps (Routledge, 2022).
Connie L. Lester
Forthcoming "Negotiating the Peace: Reconstruction and the New South," Oxford Handbook on Reconstruction, Andrew Slap, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2024)
"Shaping a More Humane Economy: The Agrarian Revolt, 1885-1905," in Douglas Hurt, ed. A Companion to Agricultural History (Wiley Publishing, 2022)
"To Break the Hold of the Money Class: The Sub-Treasury Scheme," in Wesley Hogan and Paul Ortiz, eds., People Power: History, Organizing and Larry Goodwyn's Democratic Vision in the Twenty-First Century (University Press of Florida, 2021)
Luis Martínez-Fernández
When the World Turned Upside Down: Politics, Culture, and the Unimaginable Events of 2019-2022. Peter Lang: New York, 2023.
Rafael L. Trujillo: Dictatorship and U.S.-Dominican Relations. Bedford Document Collections (Bedford: 2022).
Ashley Moreshead
Forthcoming “Missionary Models of Evangelical Manhood and Womanhood,” in Gender in the Early Republic, edited by Craig Thompson Friend and Lorri Glover, forthcoming (expected 2024).
“To 'share in the glorious work': Foreign Missions, Transatlantic Evangelicalism, and American Baptist Identity in the Early Republic.” Early American Studies 19:3 (Summer 2021).
Sanford Olshansky
Forthcoming "Israel at 75: Good for Its Place," CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Summer 2023
"Joys of Being a Second-Career Rabbi," CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2023
Hakan Özoğlu
Cumhuriyetin Kurulus Savaslari (Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, September 2023)
Amerikalı Diplomat Amiral Bristol’ın Gözlemleri: Osmanlı’nın Çöküşü Cumhuriyet’in Kuruluşu (İstanbul Yapı Kredi Yayınları 2022).
The Decline of the Ottoman Empire and The Rise of the Turkish Republic: Observations of an American Diplomat, 1919-1927 (Edinburgh Studies on Modern Turkey) 2021.
Yovanna Pineda
Yovanna Pineda (2022). "Spaces of Design & Repair in Twentieth Century Argentine Factories," Histories of Maintenance and Repair Workshop. Université du Luxembourg, C2DH Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History.
Yovanna Pineda (2021), "Conducting Digital and Ethnographic/Participatory Action Research during COVID." Featured in, H-LATAM, Research Corner Blog.
Yovanna Pineda (2020). "Ways of Seeing Maintenance and Repair," Argentina, Technology Stories, vol. 8, no. 2 (September).
Jessica Robkin
Baturayoğlu Yöney, Nilüfer, Scott Branting, M. Çıngı Salman, Doğan Tekin, Dominique Langis-Barsetti, Nurçe Düzalan Salman, and Jessica Robkin. "Digital Documentation Of The Cappadocia Gate at Kerkenes in Yozgat, Turkey." (2023).
Branting, Scott, Joseph W. Lehner, Sevil Baltalı-Tırpan, Dominique Langis- Barsetti, Sarah R. Graff, Tuna Kalaycı, Amanda Groff, Lucas Proctor, Jessica Robkin, Paige Paulsen, Nilüfer Baturayoğlu Yöney. "The Kerkenes Project 2019-2020." The Archaeology of Anatolia, Volume IV: Recent Discoveries (2018–2020) (2021): 146.
John M. Sacher
Confederate Conscription and the Struggle for Southern Soldiers (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2021)
Vladimir Solonari
A Satellite Empire: Romanian Rule in Southwestern Ukraine, 1941-1944
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019). was published in Romanian translation as Imperiul satelit: Guvernarea românescă în Transnistria, 1941-1944. Bucureşti: Humaniatas, 2021. 400
"Record Weak: Romanian Judiciary in Occupied
Transnistria.” Journal of Romanian Studies 2, no. 2 (2020): 59-82.
Ezekiel Walker
Forthcoming The Nigerian Cocoa Economy at the Crossroads: Growth, Stagnation, and Restructuring in Southwestern Nigeria, 1900-2000s (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press).
"Contending Empires: Asante and Britain from the 17th to 19th century," in The Asante World (eds.) Edmund Abaka and Kwame Osei Kwarteng (New York, NY: Routledge, 2021).
Lori C. Walters
Catbas, N., Cano, J., Furkan, L., Walters, L., Michlowitz, R. On the Generation of Digital Data
and Models from Point Clouds: Application to a Pedestrian Bridge Structure. (2023)
Infrastructures, Volume 9, Issue 1.
Sermarini, J., Laviola, J., Azevedo, R., Walters, L., Michlowitz, R., Kider, J. Investigating the Impact of Augmented Reality and BIM on Retrofitting Training for Non-Experts. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023, 1–11.
Walters, L.C., Michlowitz, R.A., Martinez, E. S., McMahan, R.P., Kider, J.T., MemoryScan Environments: Creating Large-Scale Memory-Evocative Digital Twins. IEEE International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (2023).