Important New Volume on the Jewish Enlightenment: The Maskil in our Time: Studies in Honor of Moshe Pelli
September 22, 2017 Three scholars, namely Zev Garber, Lev Hakak, and Shmuel Katz have recently undertaken to edit a jubilee volume (Festschrift) in honor of Moshe Pelli, authority on the Hebrew Haskalah (the Jewish Enlightenment), as well as longtime Director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Judaic Studies and the Abe and Tess Wise...

UCF Community Veterans History Project receives The Anne J. Caudal Foundation Grant
September 06, 2017 The UCF Community Veterans History Project, coordinated by the History Department’s Dr. Barbara Gannon, has been awarded the Anne J. Caudal Foundation Grant. The Anne J. Caudal Foundation’s grant helps to fund the UCF CVHP’s efforts to collect the stories of veterans in the Central Florida community as well as...

History Professor receives Community Based Research Grant
August 31, 2017 Dr. Rosalind Beiler, Associate Professor of History, received a Community Based Research Grant from the Office of Research and Community Engagement at the Burnett Honors College to partner with History Revealed, Inc., a historical research organization that focuses the public education of lesser-known groups of people from the past. The...

Faculty Summer Research Spotlight: Dr. Yovanna Pineda
August 03, 2017 The Harvester: The Memories behind the Machinery Dr. Yovanna Pineda spent three weeks in Argentina directing her documentary The Harvester. Joining her was Professor Scott Launier, UCF Department of Writing and Rhetoric, who assisted with filming, lighting, and driving through towns and cities in Santa Fé province to record interviews,...

Summer Internship Spotlight: Brandon Nightingale
August 03, 2017 History graduate student Brandon Nightingale is currently interning at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. His work this summer focuses on researching and developing WWI White Papers that will become interpretations for future exhibitions, identifying replacements for Gallery Loans and conducting research relative to African...

Dr. Scot French named one of Winter Park's Most Influential People
July 27, 2017 Associate Professor of History and Director of Public History, Scot French was recently recognized as one of Winter Park Magazine’s Most Influential People for 2017. Read why “The Historian” was selected by clicking here.

UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now: Meghan Ashley Vance, UCF BA in History, 2011 and MA in Public History, 2015
July 17, 2017 UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now Meghan Ashley Vance, UCF BA in History, 2011 and MA in Public History, 2015 Since completing her MA in Public History at UCF, Meghan Ashley Vance continues her work in Digital History and Preservation at the Morse Museum in Winter Park, FL....

UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now: Albert Tellez, UCF Class of 2016 – BA in History
June 30, 2017 UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now Albert Tellez, UCF Class of 2016 – BA in History After completing a history internship at the Museum of Military History in Kissimmee, FL, alumna Albert Tellez served as the museum’s Historian and Curator following graduation. He recently accepted a position with...

UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now – Anne Ladyem McDivitt, Class of 2010 & 2013
June 27, 2017 UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Where Are They Now Anne Ladyem McDivitt, Class of 2010 & 2013 While pursuing her PhD in Public History at George Mason University, Anne Ladyem McDivitt is interning this summer at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. She is working on curatorial...

Citizen Curator Project on RICHES
June 08, 2017 RICHES (the Regional Initiative for Collecting the History, Experiences and Stories) includes a permanent archive of Resilience: Remembering Pulse and Pulse: A Consultation, plus five additional projects: Florida Pride and Shame by Amanda Polk; Black in White by Kimari Jackson; Literature for the Resistance by Jaclyn Crawford; Central Florida Pulse:...
History Department's Dr. Tiffany Earley-Spadoni has been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science
May 26, 2017 History Department’s Dr. Tiffany Earley-Spadoni has been published in the Journal of Archaeological Science. Her article, “Spatial History, deep mapping and digital storytelling: archaeology’s future imagined through an engagement with the Digital Humanities,” argues for collaboration between GIS specialists and digital humanists, as well as collaboration in deep mapping, digital storytelling and...

UCF History Alumnus Receives Florida Historical Society Award
April 26, 2017 Terrell Orr (MA History 2016) has won the 2016 Gov. LeRoy Collins Award from the Florida Historical Society for his MA Thesis titled “Conflict and Modernity in New South Florida’s Phosphate Mines, 1900-1930.” You can read the abstract for Orr’s thesis here. Named in honor of the late Gov. LeRoy...

Longtime UCF history professor Jerrell Shofner dies at 88
April 17, 2017 Read on Dr. Shofner’s career at UCF in the Orlando Sentinel by clicking here.

UCF History Students Showcase Their Research at the 2017 Graduate Research Forum
April 10, 2017 On Tuesday, April 4th, seven History graduate students showcased their research at UCF’s 2017 Graduate Research Forum. The Graduate Research Forum allows students from all disciplines to share their research and projects through academic posters. Along with creating a poster that showcases their work, students are given the opportunity to...

Max Osceola recently spoke to students in Bob Clarke's AMH 2010 class
April 10, 2017 Max Osceola is a tribal historian and current Council member of the Seminole Tribe of Florida. He recently spoke to students in Bob Clarke’s AMH 2010 class, covering a wide range of topics from Indian Removal to modern Seminole culture. Max helped student’s understand different perspectives on U.S. History and...

Historian David Staley Unveils FHQ Data Sculpture At Public History Talk on “The Creative Humanities”
April 07, 2017 Visitors to the Florida Historical Quarterly offices on the fourth floor of Colbourn Hall will soon find displayed there a 3D data sculpture representing 100 top key terms from the journal’s 85-year run of digitized back issues, courtesy of Ohio State University historian David J. Staley. The sculpture resembles a...

Arts & Humanities 2017 Founder's Day Awardee
April 07, 2017 Dean Jeff Moore introduces the UCF College of Arts & Humanities 2017 Founder’s Day winner: History major Kayla Davis.
Dr. Olivia Sohns' Recent Publication in Diplomacy & Statecraft
April 06, 2017 UCF History Department’s Dr. Olivia Sohns has recently published an article entitled “The Future Foretold: Lyndon Baines Johnson’s Congressional Support for Israel” in a recent issue of Diplomacy & Statecraft. Click here to read the article.

Professor Martínez-Fernández's Published in the Orlando Sentinel
March 31, 2017 Professor Martínez-Fernández was recently published in the Orlando Sentinel. His article, “Are Latinos invisible? Watch TV and you’ll believe it’s so”, delves into the invisibility of Latinos on television. To read Professor Martínez-Fernández’s article, please click here.
Dr. Lori Walters Honored by the Center for Success of Women's Faculty
March 31, 2017 Dr. Lori Walters was honored by the Center for Success of Women’s Faculty this month for Women’s Month. See Dr. Walter’s profile by clicking here.