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UCF History professor’s new book receives national praise

March 18, 2019  History professor Eric Rutkow, whose newest book is receiving high praise, will give a talk about his research on the Pan-American Highway on April 2.

Researching farm technology and global food production

March 15, 2019  Yovanna Pineda, Associate Professor of History, shares insight on her recent farm technology and global food production research trips.

Inaugural Dr. John T. Washington Lecture Series for Africana Studies

March 11, 2019  The UCF Africana Studies Program and History Department hosted the first annual Dr. John T. Washington Lecture Series at the Live Oak Event Center. A’Lelia Bundles, the great-great-granddaughter of Madam C.J. Walker, spoke on the theme “Raising Our Voices: Madam C.J. Walker’s Legacy of Leadership, Activism and Education.”

Alumni Spotlight: Anne Ladyem McDivitt and Super MAGFest 2019

March 06, 2019  History alumna Dr. Anne Ladyem McDivitt showcased her research in a solo panel at the 2019 Super MAGFest, an annual event celebrating video games and video game music. McDivitt, along with other video game historians, presented at the event’s Music and Gaming Education Symposium.

RICHES™ partners with local historical society to preserve community history

March 06, 2019  The RICHES™ project at UCF recently conducted a History Harvest event with the St. Cloud Historical Society. Led by Dr. Connie Lester, RICHES™ works to research, document, and make digitally available information on Florida’s regional history and to develop digital research tools. St. Cloud citizens contributed images, objects and documents...

History professor defends importance of historical discipline for the present

March 06, 2019  In a recent article published by The Global Post, UCF Professor of History Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández argues that historians occupy a unique position to shed light on present-day circumstances. Martínez-Fernández also feels that historians’ ability to perform this task has come under attack in recent years.

RICHES collection enhances museum experience

January 30, 2019  Mark Bruckert, a sophomore at the Crooms Academy of Information Technology and a member of the Oviedo Historical Society, recently installed his Eagle Scout project at the Lawton House Museum in Oviedo. The installation of iPads allows visitors to the Lawton House to connect to Oviedo artifacts stored in the...

History Professor appointed to National Council for History Education board

January 30, 2019  UCF Professor of History Dr. Luis Martínez-Fernández has been appointed to the board of the National Council for History Education (NCHE). Since 1990, the NCHE has worked to promote excellence in K-12 and college-level history education.

First-generation college graduate shares stories of the past through podcasts

January 15, 2019  As a first-generation college graduate, Holly Baker is ready and eager to embark on her career as a public historian. Beginning in February, she will join the Florida Historical Society as Public History Coordinator and Manager of the Brevard Museum of History and Natural Science in Cocoa.

John C. Hitt Library hosts exhibit on Zora Neale Hurston and historic African American community

January 15, 2019  The UCF History Department exhibit, Zora Neale Hurston’s ‘Native Village’: Historic Eatonville Remembered, hosted on the first-floor gallery wall in the John C. Hitt Library, explores Hurston’s anthropological research into the people, history and culture of Eatonville.

Veterans Legacy Program launches into 2019

December 07, 2018  After a successful year of initiatives, Veterans Month and a commemoration in St. Augustine, UCF’s Veterans Legacy Program team reflects on the year and looks forward into 2019.

RICHES partner remembers World War I soldier’s sacrifice

December 06, 2018  The Geneva Historical & Genealogical Society, one of the earliest community partners of RICHES, held a memorial service on October 10 to honor the centenary of the death of Roderick “Perry” Taylor. Taylor, a native of the small rural community in east Seminole County, died when a World War I...

Exploring early modern global migration patterns through written correspondence

December 06, 2018  History professor Dr. Rosalind Beiler has been examining how correspondence networks among European Quakers, Mennonites and Pietists shaped early modern global migration patterns.

Gaming for Good

November 28, 2018  Led by a UCF alum, Hero Spark is an after-school program that uses role-playing games to help teenagers improve their self-esteem and hone their social skills. Step through the automatic glass doors of the Orlando Public Library, hang a left and soon after you’ll start to hear it. The rolling...

History Professor Appears on American Anthropologist

November 17, 2018  UCF History Professor Tiffany Earley-Spadoni was recently featured in podcast Anthropological Airwaves, the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association. In this episode, Earley-Spadoni discusses digital archaeology and covers both its more humanistic and computational modes. Throughout the podcast, she also discusses how collaborating with local community stake holds and colleges...

UCF Veterans Legacy Program Inspires Orlando Resident to Share Family History

October 25, 2018  Bernie Daniels re-enlisted in the Army when the United States decided to join the fray of World War I.  Having already served in the Philippines, Mr. Daniels, served again with the US Army’s 5th Infantry in France. One hundred years ago, in 1918, Mr. Daniels fought in multiple battles. Americans,...

Discovering Armenia Through Digital Storytelling

October 11, 2018  UCF researchers and students are combining archaeology and storytelling in a new initiative. Tiffany Earley-Spadoni, an assistant professor in UCF’s Department of History, is the director of the Vayots Dzor Fortress Landscapes Project, an archaeological survey and excavation project exploring the historical and archaeological remains of the Vayots Dzor providence...

History Professor featured on upcoming space-themed episode of Central Florida Roadtrip

September 14, 2018  In August, Dr. Amy Foster, Associate Professor of History, was interviewed for an upcoming episode of Central Florida Roadtrip. The interview focused on the history of the U.S. Space Program, including the early days of the Space Race and into the Shuttle Era, and the role that Central Florida played in...

First semester student receives Dining Stipend Award

September 11, 2018  Nia Washington is the recipient of the Africana Studies and Business Services Dining Stipend Award. The Africana Studies minor was chosen for the award from a group of applicants based on her academic standing, community involvement and a personal essay. The UCF Africana Studies and Business Services Dining Stipend is an...

Research efforts support St. Augustine National Cemetery

August 31, 2018  Two Veterans Legacy Program team leaders, Dr. Amy Giroux and Dr. Scot French presented preliminary research findings and future plans for the St. Augustine National Cemetery project at recent events hosted by area veterans groups. In late July, French and Giroux spoked to a packed room at the monthly meeting...