Degree Requirements

Required Courses
15 Total Credits
  • Complete the following:

    • ENC5703 – Composition Histories and Theories (3)
    • ENC5920 – Colloquium in Rhetoric and Composition (3)
    • ENC6335 – Rhetorical Traditions (3)
    • ENC6712 – Studies in Literacy and Writing (3)
    • ENC6720 – Research Methods in Rhetoric and Composition (3)
Elective Courses
15 Total Credits
Restricted – 9 Hours
  • Complete all of the following
    • Complete at least 3 of the following:

      • ENC5237 – Writing for the Business Professional (3)
      • ENC5276 – Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing (3)
      • ENC5337 – Rhetorical Theory (3)
      • ENC5705 – Approaches to Teaching College Composition (3)
      • ENC5745 – Teaching Practicum (3)
      • ENC6421 – Digital Rhetorics (3)
      • ENC6428 – Digital Literacies (3)
      • ENC6245 – Teaching Professional Writing (3)
      • ENC6247 – Proposal Writing (3)
      • ENC6306 – Persuasive Writing (3)
      • ENC6332 – Gendered Rhetoric (3)
      • ENC6333 – Contemporary Rhetoric and Composition Theory (3)
      • ENC6338 – The Rhetorics of Public Debate (3)
      • ENC6339 – Rhetorical Movements (3)
      • ENC6701 – Professional Writing Studies (3)
      • ENC6740 – Topics in Rhetoric and Composition (3)
      • ENC6945 – Community Literacy Practicum (3)
      • LIN5137 – Linguistics (3)
      • LIN5675 – English Grammar and Usage (3)
      • LIT6435 – Rhetoric of Science (3)
  • ENC 5705 – Approaches to Teaching College Composition Note: Graduate Teaching Associates are required to enroll in this course before they become instructors of record. ENC 6740 – Topics in Rhetoric and Composition This course may be used in the degree program a maximum of 2 times when course content is different.
Unrestricted – 6 Hours
  • Earn at least 6 credits from the following types of courses:

    Students will work with an adviser to choose two other graduate-level Writing and Rhetoric courses or approved courses outside the department (e.g., English, Texts & Technology, History).
Thesis/Non-Thesis Option
3 Total Credits
  • Complete 1 of the following
  • Earn at least 3 credits from the following types of courses:

    ENC 6971 – Thesis 3 Credit Hours Students complete a formal thesis on a topic selected in consultation with an advisory committee and will meet both departmental and university requirements for the thesis.
  • Non-thesis
  • Complete all of the following
    • Earn at least 3 credits from the following:

      • ENC6918 – Directed Research (1 – 99)
  • Students complete either an essay intended for publication or a portfolio representative of their work in the program.

Grand Total Credits: 33