Winners, 2011-12
Nicole Gayton
“When first entering into studio art, I wanted to ‘get my feet wet’ in many different methods of art making so I might better understand what I was most inspired to work with further. It was during these trials that I discovered my passion for sculpture. My sporadic collection of work reveals my path of self-discovery, each piece carrying its own message along with my interest in form and design.”
Natasha Kinsley
Painting and Sculpture
“As a so-called ‘In my painting and sculpture I explore the construction of amorphous shapes and planer ranges which convey implied texture and movement in contained spaces via the study of natural forms. Through my process of examining small, organic structure such as mold, rust, fungus, I am magnifying, transmuting and repeating their configuration within a field. I am interested in creating an exaggerated augmentation of growths, decay and the interaction between the two to manipulate subjectivity.”
Daniel Lukas
3-D Animation
“One of my earliest memories is of sitting at the kitchen table drawing. Drawing has been my passion in life ever since that day. Over the last ten years, I’ve have been using Adobe Photoshop and even some 3D software such as 3Dstudio Max, Cinema 4D, and Zbrush to create my artwork. My goal after I graduate from UCF is to work either for Pixar, Industrial Light and Magic, or Dreamworks.”
Michael Ryan Reboyro
2-D Animation
“I have always enjoyed the art form of animation. Recently, I contributed artwork and models for the traffic boxes along International Drive in a competition sponsored by Orange County. For me animation is not a labor because it is a passion. I plan on becoming a professional traditional animator with the hope that I will be well-versed in producing full fluid classical animation.”
Kwok Yin Mak
Digital Media
“Born and spent the first 12 years of my life in Hong Kong, I simply wasn’t prepared for the challenges I was about to face. After moving to America, I became very quiet and isolated because of the language barrier. And from that point, I began to pay extra attention to everything around me simply because I wanted to learn. As I learned more about what is surrounding me, the more it impacted me. And that inspired me to have the urge to create a similar effect toward other people. My artwork is all about giving impact to the audience. I believe the only way to fully deliver an idea or an expression is to have the right design and a good execution. After college, I plan to get my foot in the advertising field.”