Sara Thames
Sara Thames is graduating with an M.A. in English from the Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies program. Throughout her studies, she has worked as a high school English Teacher for Colonial High School, as GTA for World Literature I, and as an instructor of Composition II at UCF. Her conference paper “Ophelia’s Swan Song: A Minor Discourse of Femininity in Hamlet” was featured in the 2020 Virtual English Symposium, and “Jude the Obscure: Hardy’s Treatise on Education” will be presented in the 2021 Symposium which she helped to organize. Sara hopes to continue working towards publication with the lines of inquiry explored in her thesis “Mutilated Masculinity: Intersections of Disability, Gender, and Mental Health in Modernist Fiction.” She desires to either continue her studies in an English Ph.D. program, or to continue teaching at the collegiate level.