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Nicole Balsamo

Nicole Balsamo

Beautiful, Terrible Things is an adult urban fantasy novel that explores the toxic dynamics of dysfunctional families, why we love the people who hurt us, and how far we will go for the people we love. For over a century, Portland has been ruled by three supernatural families: the McCulloughs, a nest of ruthless vampires, the Sinclairs, a pack of cutthroat werewolves, and the Takeuchis, a family of dangerous kitsune. They have enjoyed a shaky peace, one that Shiki Takeuchi and Dominic Wright have preserved with their supernatural speakeasy, a safe zone with only one rule: No Fighting. But when Mina Takeuchi’s body turns up dead in her mother’s driveway with signs that the wolves are to blame, tensions ignite. As shots are fired and bodies drop on all sides, their relationship is put to the test and their families demand they pick a side. Dom and Shiki must protect each other as they navigate feuding families, town politics, and a city on the verge of war. But in a town where violence is the strongest currency, everyone must pay. 

Because as much as Dom promised that this wasn’t Shiki’s fault, it was. His family’s grief, his mother’s impulsivity, his own fear, had caused this. Shiki might as well have locked him in that room himself. And no matter how they swore they could get through this, could protect each other, the fact remained that Dom’s pack had antagonized his family twice. Round and around they went, a carousel of chaos, clinging to each other as their world blurred into violence. He heard Rin in his head, his reminder that things like them did not get happy endings. And as Shiki held Dom on their bathroom floor, his throat clogged with the fear he might be right.