The Studio Track within the Art B.A. program offers specializations including book arts, ceramics, drawing, drawing and printmaking combination, drawing and illustration combination, painting, photography, sculpture, and type and design.

Studio Art majors can pursue either a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at UCF. The BFA is recommended for students who plan to attend graduate school. Visit the Studio Art, BFA program page for more a more detailed comparison of the programs.

As part of the program, some courses study the form and proportion of the human figure. Nude models are used as reference.


The Art, Studio Track (B.A.) requires that students pass the Studio Art Portfolio Review.

The UCF Undergraduate Catalog provides information about degree requirements and course descriptions.

Degree audits available in MyUCF lists the specific program requirements for your catalog year.

Pegasus Path plans available in MyUCF provide a semesterly class schedule recommendation.

Course descriptions and prerequisites may change.

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