Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz First SVAD Faculty Member Elected to CAA Board of Directors

February 25, 2021  Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz, associate professor of studio art, has been elected for a four-year term on the College Art Association Board of Directors.

Meet the Artists of "Paper House"

February 16, 2021  Paper House, on view at the UCF Art Gallery beginning February 17, explores the unique backgrounds and perspectives of Studio Art & Design MFA program candidates.

7th Annual Healing Art Exhibition Showcases Social Justice Visibility

February 10, 2021  The Art of Being Visible: Expressions of Social Justice virtual reception will take place on Zoom Feb. 10 at 6 p.m

2 Teams Awarded 2020 Pabst Steinmetz Foundation Arts and Wellness Innovation Awards

February 04, 2021  The winning projects, which received $25,000, were chosen for being interdisciplinary, sustainable and community focused.

Graphic Design Alumna Vanessa Flores ’11 Publishes First Graphic Novel

February 02, 2021  Graphic design alumna and children’s book illustrator Vanessa Flores ’11 recently announced the publication of her first graphic novel, “Moriviví.”

"But Before Bone is Skin" Curator Jonell Logan Discusses Her Curatorial Process for UCF Gallery Exhibition

January 20, 2021  Jonell Logan, curator of “But Before Bone is Skin,” sat down with Orlando Weekly to discuss the curatorial process behind her current UCF Art Gallery exhibition.

Three SVAD MFA Students Win Dell Talks: I Made That Competition

January 19, 2021  Brian Phinn ‘20MFA, Danny McCabe and Damian Thorn-Hauswirth, students in the Animation and Visual Effects MFA program, have won the Dell Talks: I Made That competition.

UCF Celebrates “Silver Sparrow” During NEA Big Read: Central Florida

January 07, 2021  UCF is one of 84 communities nationwide participating in this year’s program meant to promote literacy and reading for pleasure.

Studio Art Student Helps Bring Bionic Limbs from Screen to Real Life

December 17, 2020  UCF senior Remy Marasa interns with UCF-based non-profit Limbitless Solutions to paint expressive designs on 3D-printed prosthetic arms in collaboration with newly released video games Cyberpunk 2077 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

SVAD Faculty and Student Collaborate on Bionic Arm Featured in Cyberpunk 2077

December 15, 2020  SVAD associate professor Matt Dombrowski and student Remy Marasa of Limbitless Solutions worked on the Silverhand-themed arm featured in Cyberpunk 2077.

"Robert Reedy: Revival," solo exhibition at Polasek Museum

November 20, 2020  Ceramicist and studio art professor Robert Reedy has been chosen for the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens’ winter exhibition.

Deadline extended: Pabst Steinmetz Foundation Arts & Wellness Innovation Awards

November 17, 2020  The Pabst Steinmetz Foundation Arts & Wellness Innovation Awards are $25,000 grants for interdisciplinary projects involving UCF faculty and community organizations.

UCF SVAD professor Kevin Haran is helping Veterans heal through art

November 09, 2020  Studio art professor Kevin Haran is teaching art via Zoom to local veterans at the Lake Baldwin VA Medical Center to help them cope with pain, addiction and homelessness. 

Honor Veterans with the UCF College of Arts and Humanities

November 09, 2020  Please join us throughout the month as we honor the people who have fought and served for our country in events and special initiatives.

UCF Alumni and student featured in the “2020 Florida Biennial: NOW is the Time / The time is NOW”

November 06, 2020  Four UCF alumni and a student are featured in the “2020 Florida Biennial: NOW is the Time / The time is NOW” exhibition taking place now through February 21, 2021 at Art and Culture Center/ Hollywood. 

Studio Art alumni co-curate the 2020 Center for Book Arts Exhibition in New York

November 04, 2020  The public can visit the Center for Book Arts Main Gallery to see the “Americans Looking In” exhibit co-curated by two SVAD MFA alumni, highlighting “The Americans” photograph collection taken by Robert Frank. 

14 Faculty Members Inducted into the UCF Scroll and Quill Society

October 29, 2020  This years’ inductees are experts in methodology, animation, music history, business ethics and other fields.

Explore Pompeii at UCF

October 23, 2020  The ancient town of Pompeii, destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, has long fascinated society. This fall, the Orlando Science Center will host the traveling exhibition, “Pompeii: The Immortal City,” and two UCF collaborations from the College of Arts and Humanities will be featured.

Of History and Hope

October 20, 2020  Artwork commissioned for UCF Downtown pays homage to Parramore’s rich heritage.

SVAD Students, Alumni and Faculty Featured at Adobe Max 2020

October 20, 2020  SVAD students, alumni and faculty have represented UCF at Adobe Max in previous years presenting on various topics. This year is no different!