A Note From the Editor
By Emma James Hello everyone! My name is Emma, I’m an intern for Imprint and the editor of this issue. Thank you to everyone who…
By Emma James Hello everyone! My name is Emma, I’m an intern for Imprint and the editor of this issue. Thank you to everyone who…
College is jammed full of exciting opportunities and resources that can benefit both your college and future careers. But it starts with taking that initial step to branch out to find your place not only in your career path, but in the world itself.
Knowledge is power and when we fail to recognize the existence of these inequities in the education system, we lack the competence to be able to adequately address existing issues, and the issues continue to persist. To eliminate inequity, we have to recognize America’s past regarding race, meaning we have to come to terms with it, including how it’s affecting our children today.
Time is money. This is a common saying most of us have heard. On the surface, the phrase simply means your time has value. Looking deeper, the saying implies that your time could, and should, be spent making money. Otherwise, you’re losing out on potential earnings. But why should we prioritize money?
I remember the moment I realized what it meant to feel black. It wasn’t when I first moved into the dorms in the crowded summer of ‘17 and was the only black person in my suite. It wasn’t when I started attending smaller classes and would be the one of the only black people in the room.
Trigger Warning. Mental health, as Gen-Z students we hear it all. We know we’re supposed to be taking care of ourselves, we know it’s ok to not be ok. But even though we know and may encourage our friends and loved ones to practice this, when’s the last time we actually lived that.