Florida Prison Education Project

Founded in 2017, FPEP is an initiative of the University of Central Florida that seeks to offer a high-quality undergraduate education to people who are incarcerated in Central Florida.

Spending $1 per prisoner on prison education saves $4 to $5 in the future for decreased rates of recidivism. The U.S. spends $31,000 to incarcerate someone each year. Prison education reduces the 54% recidivism rate by 40%. Source of stats: Office of Justice Programs, The Nation, RAND Corporation

Background texture using a painting by Anthony Casanova
FPEP Post magazine cover, Issue 2.1

FPEP Post 2.1

Introducing the first issue of the second volume of the FPEP Post.

Read the Magazine


Mass incarceration is among the most crucial issues of our time. Although the United States comprises only 5% of the world’s population, we house more than 25% of its prisoners, and since 1978, the U.S. prison population has increased by 408%.

Line graph representing the estimated number of adults incarcerated in the U.S., 1970-2013


Research shows that desistance, or the process by which people learn to be law-abiding citizens, is supported by three main factors: social bonds, educational attainment, and employment.

The Florida Prison Education Project draws upon the unique strengths and assets of UCF to offer impactful programs in mixed modalities that focus on building social relationships, matriculating students, and preparing them for employment in the 21st-century global economy.

This graph breaks down the Florida Prison Education Project's curriculum. Florida Prison Education Project is at the top, underneath it's broken down into Service (Continuing Education, Transition Services, Books Behind Bars), Research (Recidivisim, Rehabilitiation, Cost Analysis), Academics (Literary Arts Partnership, Service Learning, Inside Out Program), Policy (Center for Law and Policy, Awareness, Advocacy)