Category: Graphic Narrative
One Devious Device
After Kafka
“After Kafka” is a series of one-panel comics. Each picture is a visual interpretation of one of Kafka’s “shorter stories” from Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories. I first encountered Kafka’s work many years ago and found the reality within it to be strange, ridiculous, absurd, even impossible. Returning to Kafka’s work recently, I had a similar experience. Only this time, I had a strong connection with the unreality of it. Perhaps this is because I am older. Or, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am now sober. Or, quite possibly, it has something to do with the current times. Whatever the reason, engaging with Kafka’s “shorter stories” provided me with pleasure upon pleasure. “After Kafka” is an attempt at honoring Kafka and his irresistible vision.
Beta Males
We admitted we were powerless
this is called visitation.
I made a family of the towers. The one with a heart in her center and the pointed tips of a hat, the mother. In the summer weeks that were his we rode in the car for an hour, backpacks with coloring books and dinosaurs, quarters for vending machines.
We followed the power lines out to the river, past signs for evacuation routes. Gas stations with tanning beds, boiled nuts in greasy bags, bathrooms we weren’t allowed to go in. We pretended to work, typing newsletters on typewriters, wearing headsets not connected to the phone.
I want to be involved in raising the child/ren.
We came to believe
Only her mother could talk about him in a natural way
Restore us to sanity
A straight line is not the shortest distance between two points
I believe visitation is in the child/ren’s best interest.
We made a fearless moral inventory of ourselves
“Just what was your father’s line of business?”
“Some kind of scientist, wasn’t he?”
Another human being
“When would you go, if you could time travel?”
“I’d go back and see my parents when they were younger.”
We’re entirely ready
I woke up when a man in a black cowboy hat got into the car parked next to ours. The familiar. A slamming door. My sister, asleep in her car seat, a slow drip of apple juice, crushed crackers against her legs. The sign from the building made a pink blur on the back window. Hours later, my mother returned. She smelled like someone else.
I have a safe place for the child/ren to stay during visitation.
To remove
My mother asked about my dog. A name of some vague relative.
She would be happier in the countryside, without fences, away from the apartment with two bedrooms and twin beds.
Years later I learned she was bred, litter after litter. When I was sixteen, my mother pointed out the house as we drove by—a fence and a chain, the grass worn away.
We made a list
To do so would injure them or others
You and the child/ren will know when you can spend time together.
She knew that if her father could not get her through
the wall
he would stay
We continued to take
I will support the child/ren as ordered by the court to the best of my ability.
To carry that out
The court will send you a letter
“Do you think things always have an explanation?”
To carry this message
This is not a fairy tale.
I swear that I am able
to take care of the child/ren
listed above.
I am
a fit and proper
Works Cited
Alcoholics Anonymous: Big Book. 4th Edition. A.A. Grapevine, Inc. 2001. Print.
“Figure 1. Single circuit (a) and double circuit (b) transmission line towers for 154kV.”
“Form PS-06: How to Ask for a Visitation.” Rev. 8/08. Alabama Administrative Office of Courts. Petition%20for%20Visitation.pdf
L’Engle, Madeline. A Wrinkle in Time. New York : Square Fish, 2007. Print.
NOAA. “Public Severe Weather Outlook.” NWS Storm Prediction Center. Norman, OK.
0423 AM CDT Wed Apr 27 2011. archive/2011/pwo_201104271035.html
NOAA. “Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS): Tornado Watch 235.” NWS Storm Prediction Center. Norman, OK. 145 PM CDT Apr 27 2011.
Hartley, P. “HVDC Transmission: Part of the Energy Solution?,” James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, May 2003.
Siemens. “Typical Transmission Line Structures for approx.. 2000 MW.” transmission/HVDC/applications-benefits/benefits-hvdc-4-b_463.jpg