This following list features recent publications, sorted alphabetically by faculty name. Click each name for more publications and profile information, or visit the Faculty and Staff page for all profiles.

Martha Catherine Brenckle

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Hard Letters and Folded Wings. Finishing Line Press, 2019.

Matthew Bryan

Bryan, Matthew. “For the Record: Practicing Critical Software Literacy in Writing Centers.” Computers and Composition, vol. 72, 2024.

Bryan, Matthew. “Instructor’s Manual.” Writing about Writing: A College Reader, 5th ed., edited by Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2023.

Bryan, Matthew D. “Bringing AI to the Center: What Historical Writing Center Software Discourse Can Teach Us about Responses to Artificial Intelligence-Based Writing Tools.” Proceedings of the Computers & Writing Annual Conference, 2023, edited by Christopher D.M. Andrews, Chen Chen, and Lydia Wilkes, Computers & Writing, 2024, pp. 15-26.

Nathan Holic

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Bright Lights, Medium-Sized City. Burrow Press (2019).

Esther Milu

Browdy, R., Milu, E., Hierro, D. V., Gonzales, L. (2021). From Cohort to Family: Coalitional Stories of Love and Survivance. Composition Studies. Special Issue on “Diversity is not Equity: BIPOC Scholars Speak to Systemic Racism in the Academy and Field.” 49(2), 14-30.

Browdy, R. & Milu, E. (2022) Global Black Rhetorics: A New Framework for Engaging African and Afro-Diasporic Rhetorical Traditions. Rhetoric Society of America Quarterly. 52(3), 219-241.

Rounsaville, A, Milu, E., &. Schneier, J. (2022). Contributive Knowledge Making and Critical Language Awareness: A Justice-Oriented Paradigm for Undergraduate Research at a Hispanic Serving Institution. College English. Special Issue on Undergraduate Research, 84(6), 519-545.

Laurie A. Pinkert

Pinkert, L.A and Bowen, L. M. “Disciplinary Lifecycling: A Generative Framework for Career Trajectories in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies.” Composition Studies 49.1 (2021).

Pinkert, L.A and Moore, K. R. “Programmatic Mapping as a Rhetorical Tool for WPAs.” WPA: Writing Program Administration 44.2 (2021).

Bowen, L. M. and Pinkert, L.A. “Identities Developed, Identities Denied: Examining the Disciplinary
Activities and Disciplinary Positioning of Retirees in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies.”
College Composition and Communication 72.2 (2020).

Sherry Rankins-Robertson

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Roen, Duane, Sherry Rankins-Robertson, and Barry Maid. McGraw Guide to Writing. 5th edition. McGraw Hill (2021).

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Aurora Matzke, Louis M. Maraj, Angela Clark-Oates, Anyssa Gonzalez, and Sherry Rankins-Robertson.“Coalition as Commonplace: Centering Feminist Scholarship, Pedagogies, and Leadership Special Issue Practices” Peitho Vol 25, issue 4 (Summer 2023). 

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Angela Clark-OatesAurora Matzke and Sherry Rankins-Robertson, eds. Mike Rose: Teacher and Scholar, Writer and Friend. Special Issue of WPA: Writing Program Administration. Vol 45.2 (Spring/Summer 2022).

Kevin Roozen

Kovanen, Bruce, Nikki Turnipseed, Meagan Merkle, and Kevin Roozen. “Tracing Literate Activity across the Curriculum: Toward Embodied, Multimodal Perspectives of Disciplinary Knowing, Writing, and Becoming.” Across the Disciplines, Special issue on STEM and WAC/WID: Co-Navigating Our Shifting Currents, vol. 19, 2022, pp. 62-78.

Roozen, Kevin.Acting with Inscriptions: Expanding Perspectives of Writing, Learning, and Becoming” Journal for the Association of Expanded Perspectives on Learning, vol. 26, 2021, pp. 23-48.

Gregg, Anya, and Kevin Roozen. “Everyday Writing Researchers: A Collaborative Co-Interview Dialogue.” Grassroots Writing Research Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, 2021, pp. 151-165.

Joel Schneier

Schneier, J. (2023). Modeling Mobile Writing: Applying Sociocognitive Models of Writing to Mobile Contexts. Written Communication, 40(1), 3–29.

Rounsaville, A., Milu, E., & Schneier, J. (2022). 'Research is a Gift of Yours': A Place for Language Diversity in Undergraduate Research at a Hispanic Serving Institution. College English, 84(6), 519-545. 

Kester, J.*, & Schneier, J. (2021). Soft Surveillance: Social Media Filter Bubbles as an Invitation to Critical Digital Literacies. The Journal of Interactive Teaching & Pedagogy, 1(20). 

Blake Scott

Scott, J. Blake, and Laurie A. Pinkert. “Integrative Techne, Transdisciplinary Learning, and Writing Program Design.” College English, 2020, pp. 492-506.

Scott, J. Blake. “An Analytic of and Beyond Representation for the Rhetoric of Health & Medicine.” The Rhetoric of Health & Medicine As/Is, edited by Lisa Meloncon, Scott Graham, Jenell Johnson, John Lynch, and Cynthia Ryan, Ohio State UP, 2020, pp. 143-158.

Scott, J. Blake, and Catherine C. Gouge. “Theory Building in the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine” Reinventing (with) Theory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies: Essays in Honor of Sharon Crowley, edited by Andrea Alden, Kendall Gerdes, Judy Holiday, and Ryan Skinnell, Utah State UP, 2019, pp. 181-195.

Shane Wood

Wood, Shane A. (2023). Teachers Talking Writing: Perspectives on Places, Pedagogies, and Programs. The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE): CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric (SWR) Series.