Join us for Knights Write! This two-day event celebrates excellence in writing at UCF.
Attendees will have the opportunity to view poster presentations displaying writing research projects, attend various panel presentations that discuss writing-related issues and ideas, and celebrate award-winning student work.
This event is hosted by the Department of Writing and Rhetoric, which contributes a vertical writing curriculum and experience for all UCF students, from first year to graduate students, and supports a vibrant writing culture by supporting faculty across UCF in the teaching of writing.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom
Students from the First-Year Composition program and undergraduate students in Writing and Rhetoric courses present (multimodal) posters representing their thoughtful research on a range of topics, including the importance of literacy and language, the rhetoric within diverse communities, embodied texts, the impact of influential texts, and more. Attendees can view posters, listen, learn, and ask questions to student presenters.
What does Dungeons and Dragons have in common with World of Warcraft, architecture, front desk agents, and deaf YouTube communities? They’re all sites where people use rhetoric, writing, and literacies to accomplish tasks and meet community goals. In this panel presentation, first-year student writers share how tools of discourse communities such as genre, digital communication, and embodied writing, allowed them to learn and thrive. Students’ methodologies include rhetorical analysis, genre analysis, autoethnography, and interviews.
Welcome Dr. Sheila Carter-Tod as she tells a story—a sort of hero’s journey. In her presentation, she traces her experiences with AI usage and explores how she has knowingly (and unknowingly) considered what a great tool of assistance and generative power AI could be. Then, she shares how she has had to wrestle with and critically consider the inclusive and exclusive properties of the range of AI usages. Finally, she discusses how she has come to a shaky resolution in her AI usage—considering AI’s potential to acknowledge and build upon concepts of culturally-based storytelling.
Sheila Carter-Tod, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of Writing and Associate Professor of English at The University of Denver. She has chaired and served on numerous NCTE’s committees and held leadership roles on CCCC and CWPA’s executive boards and committees. She has published works in College Composition and Communication, Enculturation, Composition Studies, WPA: Writing Program Administration and others. Her research/teaching/service/outreach focuses on writing program administration, race and rhetorics, composition theory, and writing pedagogy.
Virtual-Only (No Session in Pegasus Ballroom)
This session features graduate students hosting short presentations about the network sense mapping projects they created in the Rhetoric and Composition Colloquium course. Network sense, popularized in composition studies by scholars such as Derek Mueller, is defined as a means of understanding disciplinarity through visual methods. Whether you’re a seasoned rhetorician or someone unfamiliar with the field, we invite you to listen to graduate students detail their perspectives on existing and emerging disciplinary trends in the field of Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies.
Note: This is a virtual session. To join this session, please click here.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom
Rhetoric is a powerful tool used to express all forms of discourse. Riot grrrl zines in the 90s used rhetorical appeals to take on sexism and racism. Contemporary Black female rappers use their music to express their personalities and identities so that, in turn, they affirm themselves and other Black women. First-year student-scholars share what their diverse rhetorical analyses revealed about the communities they examine and the rhetorical choices made in their writing.
Expertise in writing and rhetoric can take many forms, including multimedia strategies, editing techniques, research abilities, knowledge of writing conventions, collaborative approaches to working with writers across contexts, and more. In this panel presentation, members of the Writing and Rhetoric Capstone course describe the ways they’ve developed, honed, and applied their rhetorical expertise to solve emergent problems in academic, professional, or civic contexts.
Access to AI-powered content generators impact the ways many individuals approach their writing tasks. While individuals may make their own decisions about whether or not to use chatbots for personal writing, they may not have quite so much freedom to decide for themselves when it comes to using these tools for academic or professional purposes.
Join us for this workshop-style session in which Laurie A. Pinkert, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, describes what students and faculty need to know about emerging workplace and disciplinary expectations for writing with/for/and AI. The session will highlight some trends in AI-related writing expectations and also provide insights from a recent policy development workshop with company leaders responsible for overseeing the integration or prohibition of AI-powered technologies on their teams. Attendees will learn about some new and emerging genres that writers should be prepared to engage and some questions that every writer should ask. Don’t miss this chance to expand your expectations through this workshop on AI and its impact on writing.
Join Dean Jeffrey Moore in a celebration of award-winning student writers and scholars.