The Department of Writing and Rhetoric hosted its first annual Awards Reception on May 1, 2014 in the Sand Key Room. Awards were given to three students and three faculty members who had demonstrated excellence in areas related to departmental goals. Two faculty committees (one for student awards and one for faculty awards) read nomination materials and selected the winners. At the ceremony, committee members presented the awards, and nominators said a few words about their colleagues’ or students’ work.
- Undergraduate Excellence: Aubrey Marks (Writing minor, Political Science major)
Aubrey’s involvement in the department has included publishing her ENC 1101 work in Stylus, presenting that work at the Knights Write Showcase, serving as an assistant editor for Stylus, working in the Writing Center, and promoting DWR upper division writing programs to other students. Aubrey has also demonstrated exceptional work at the undergraduate level through her outstanding ePortfolio (selected as a model for the department). - Excellence in Graduate Work: Jacob Stewart (Rhetoric and Composition MA student)
Jacob has demonstrated exceptional work at the graduate level through his research and his effectiveness in sharing those ideas with others. His thesis, “Arrangement of Google Search Results and Imperial Ideology: Searching for Benghazi, Libya,” which he successfully defended in spring 2014, is both responsive to ongoing conversations in the field of writing and rhetoric and innovative in its coverage of ideas and assumptions that are under-examined. - GTA Teaching Excellence: Lissa Pompos (Rhetoric and Composition MA student)
Lissa has demonstrated exceptional teaching that contributes to the overall mission of the department through her willingness to seek out professional development, incorporate lessons and ideas from her coursework into her own teaching, and develop and share materials with fellow teachers. During her first year teaching composition in the department, Lissa has worked to create detailed, useful handouts that clearly explain course and assignment expectations to students while also providing useful scaffolding to help students work through difficult concepts and material. - Outstanding Community Engagement: Leslie Wolcott (DWR Instructor)
Leslie’s approach to community engagement emphasizes sustainability in both student involvement and community impact. Leslie’s Rhetoric & Civic engagement students have participated in and promoted community engagement around local transportation issues, raising awareness about and addressing transportation problems or barriers. Leslie’s pedagogical community engagement effort around transportation is remarkable for its sustainability, inventiveness, and reach. - Outstanding Contribution to Teaching and Learning: Joseph Longhany (DWR Visiting Instructor)
Joe is an active and enthusiastic member of our writing program. He has a quiet and gentle passion about teaching writing and his students respond enthusiastically to his feedback and suggestions. He goes above and beyond to discuss pedagogical strategies with colleagues; his willingness to share ideas, support colleagues, and promote student learning is exemplary. - Excellence in New Media Innovation: Dan Martin (DWR Instructor)
Dan has demonstrated exceptional work in creating innovative instructional videos for WAC, the Writing and Rhetoric Department, and web-based courses. His department interview video was created to help promote our department’s mission, and is frequently used during freshman and transfer orientations. Dan has also created videos for his web and mediated courses and has generously created instructional videos for other colleagues. Dan is a leader in demonstrating the value of technology in our courses, and his innovative videos help present our department to others across the university.
Pictured from left to right: Lissa Pompos, Joseph Longhany, Dan Martin, Jacob Stewart, and Aubrey Marks.