• Assoc. Professor, Interim Asst. Dir. of Games & Interactive Media


  • Ph.D. in Folklore from Indiana University (2002)
  • B.A. in Sociocultural Anthropology from University of California, Berkeley (1996)

Selected Publications


  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. The Evolution of Video Games. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning (forthcoming 2018).
  • Underberg, Natalie M. and Zorn, Elayne (2013). Digital Ethnography: Anthropology, Narrative, and New Media. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Edited Collections

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (Ed.) (2016) Special issue of Visual Ethnography on Exploring Digital Ethnography through Embodied Perspective, Role-Playing, and Community Participation and Design.  Visual Ethnography v5(2).


  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie and Smith, Peter. (2018) Proceso de Lana: Playing Andean Culture through Board Games. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 10(2): 161-176.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M.  (2017) Digital Storytelling for Heritage across Media. Collections:  A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 13(2), 103-114.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (2016).   Photo essay:  Archaeology and Cultural Tourism on the North Coast of Peru:  Images from a Region in Transition.  Visual Ethnography 5(2):  157-159.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M., and Carolyn Hopp  (2016).  Investigating Cultural Learning in Digital Environments through PeruDigital.  Visual Ethnography 5(2): 19-34.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. and Jo Anne Adams. (2014) Multidisciplinary Exploration of Peruvian Culture through Visual Design and Website Development. Media Education Research Journal 5(1), 60-72.

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (2014). Cultural Heritage Tourism on Peru’s North Coast.  Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes v6 (3):  pp. 200-214.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. and Zorn, Elayne (2013).  Exploring Peruvian Culture Through Multimedia Ethnography.  Visual Anthropology v26 (1):  1-17.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. (2010).  Negotiating Puerto Rican Identity in Central Florida and Online.  CENTRO:  The Journal of the Puerto Rican Studies Association XXII(1):  117-127.

  • Underberg, Natalie M.  (2008). The Turkey Maiden Educational Computer Game.  Folklore 119, 201-217. 

  • McDaniel, Rudy and Underberg, Natalie M. (2007) . Exembellishment: Using the eXtensible Markup Language as a Tool for Storytelling Research. International Digital Media Arts Journal 4(2), 56-69.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. and Congdon, Kristin. (2007). Folkvine.org: Ethnographic Storytelling in Folk Art Web Design. Visual Anthropology Review 23(2), 151-161.

  • Congdon, Kristin and Underberg, Natalie M. (2006).  Religious Inspiration in Ruby C. Williams’ Creative Practices:  Presentation and Teaching Approaches in Folkvine.org.  Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education 24, 93-103.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. (2006). Virtual and Reciprocal Ethnography on the Internet: The East Mims Oral History Project Web Site. Journal of American Folklore 119(473), 301-311.

Book Sections/Chapters

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (2016)  Integrating Key Cultural Ideas into Digital Media Projects:  Two Classroom-Based Case Studies.  In Belinha DeAbreu et al. (Eds.), The International Handbook of Media Literacy (pp. 260-273).  London:  Routledge.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (2016) Conveying Peruvian Intangible Heritage through Digital Environments.  In P. Davis and M. Stefano (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Intangible Cultural Heritage.  London:  Routledge.

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (2016) Digital Ethnography.  In H. Friese et al. (Eds.), Handbuch Soziale Praktiken und Digitale Alltagswelten.  Berlin:  Springer.

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M.  (2015)  PeruDigital: Ethnographic Storytelling through Iterative Design.  In A. Gubrium, K. Harper, and M. Otanez (Eds.), Participatory Visual and Digital Methods in Action (pp. 213-226).  Walnut Creek, CA:  Left Coast Press.

  • Underberg, Natalie M.  (2012)  Between Fact and Fiction in Cultural Heritage.  In Erik Champion (Ed.), Game Mod Theory and Practice  (pp. 51-66).  ETC (Carnegie Mellon).

  • Congdon, Kristin, Underberg, Natalie M. and VanWagenen, Sterling (2004).  Linking Generations Through Film and Foodways.  In Angela LaPorte (Ed.), Community Connections:  Intergenerational Links in Art Education (pp. 93-103).  Reston, VA:  National Art Education Association.

Conference Papers/Presentations

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie. Participatory Research and Design in the Portal to Peru. American Folklore Society, October 2018, Buffalo, NY.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie, and Roney, Lisa. (2018) Curating Digital Stories for a Literary Magazine: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. In Proceedings of International DST Conference: Current Trends in Digital Storytelling: Research & Practices. Zakynthos, Greece: DST.
  • Hawthorne, Timothy, Underberg-Goode, Natalie M., & Emily Johnson. “Participatory Research and Design Network.”  HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory), November 2017, Orlando, FL (national).  
  • Smith, Peter, & Natalie Underberg-Goode.  “Role-Playing Reciprocity,” DiGRA (Digital Games Research Association), July 2017, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M.  “Digital Heritage.” Connecting to Heritage Studies in the U.S. convention (co-sponsored by the U.S. chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies), June 2017, Jonesboro, AR.  
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M., & Peter Smith.  “Arpilleras and Ayni.”  CAA (Computer Applications in Archaeology), March 2017, Atlanta, GA.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M. (2016).  Perspective and Role-Taking in Multimedia and Multisensory Ethnography, American Anthropological Association convention, November 2016, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M., Jody Norman (chair), Ross Brand, and Eric Griffiths (2016). Panel:  Preparation, Preservation, and Presentation:  Archives and Folklife Collections.  American Folklore Society convention, October 2016, Miami, FL.
  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M.  PeruDigital:  Iterative Design in Cultural Heritage.  American Anthropological Association Conference, December 2014, Washington, D.C.

  • Underberg-Goode, Natalie M.  Ethnographic Storytelling and New Media, Society for Applied Anthropology Conference, March 2014, Albuquerque, NM.

  • Kim, Si-Jung and Underberg, Natalie M. PeruDigital: Cultural Storytelling through Digital Ethnography, HCI, and Digital Media, HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) International, July 2011, Orlando, FL.

  • Underberg, Natalie, Jo Anne Adams, Elayne Zorn, and Norma A. Ledesma.  Multidisciplinary Exploration of Peruvian Culture through Visual Design and Website Development, Society for Amazonian and Andean Studies, November 2010, Gainesville, FL.

  • Saverino, Joan, Bert Lyons, Nicole Saylor, and Natalie M. Underberg.  Digital Experiments, Hypermedia, and Community Participation, American Folklore Society, October 2010, Nashville, TN.        

  • Underberg, Natalie M. and Elayne Zorn.  PeruVine/PeruDigital:  Multisensory Immersion in Digital Spaces.  American Anthropological Association, December 2009, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. and Elayne Zorn.  PeruVine/PeruDigital:  Collaborative Interpretation in Digital Environments, American Anthropological Association, December 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • Underberg, Natalie M.  Lilly Carrasquillo:  Negotiating Puerto Rican Identity in Central Florida and Online, Puerto Rican Studies Association, October 2008, San Juan, PR.

  • McDaniell, Rudy, Stephen Fiore, Natalie M. Underberg, Karla Kitalong, J. Michael Moshell.  Designing Usable Games for the Humanities:  Five Research Dimensions.  Digital Humanities Conference, June 2008, Oulu, Finland.

  • Tripp, Mary, Rudy McDaniel, and Natalie M. Underberg.  The Digital Humanities Exchange as Networked Digital Archive, Conference of the Association for Teachers of Technical Writing, March 2008, San Francisco, CA.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. and Elayne Zorn.  From the Coast to the Andes to Cyberspace:  The PeruVine/PeruDigital Project,  Southeast Conference on Amazonian and Andean Studies, March 2008, Boca Raton, FL.

  • Underberg, Natalie M.  Playing Public Sector Folklorists Online, American Folklore Society convention, October 2007, Quebec, Canada.

  • Underberg, Natalie M.  The Turkey Maiden Educational Computer Game, Society for Applied Anthropology, March 2007, Tampa, FL.

  • Underberg, Natalie M.  Cinderella as Computer Game:  Folklore Meets Digital Media in the Classroom, American Folklore Society convention, March 2006, Milwaukee, WI.

  • Underberg, Natalie M. Ethnographic Storytelling on the Internet:  Folkvine.org and the East Mims Oral History Project Web Site, Bilan du Film Ethnographique  seminar, March 2006, Paris, France.


No courses found for Spring 2025.

Course Number Course Title Mode Date and Time Syllabus
89716 DIG6647 Hist&theory of Dynamic Media Mixed-Mode/Reduce Seat-Time(M) Tu 06:00 PM - 08:50 PM Unavailable
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Course Number Course Title Mode Session Date and Time Syllabus
59875 DIG3043 Evolution of Video Games Web-Based (W) A 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Unavailable
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No courses found for Spring 2024.

Course Number Course Title Mode Date and Time Syllabus
85201 DIG3043 Evolution of Video Games Web-Based (W) 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Unavailable
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Course Number Course Title Mode Session Date and Time Syllabus
55603 DIG2500 Fund Interactive Design Web-Based (W) B 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Unavailable
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