Bruce B. Janz, Ph.D.
Bruce Janz is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at UCF, graduate faculty in the Texts & Technology Ph.D. program, and co-director of the CAH Center for Humanities and Digital Research. He has been at UCF since 2003, and was chair of the Philosophy department from 2008 to 2013. Previously he was at Augustana University College (now the Augustana Faculty of University of Alberta), in Alberta, Canada. His Ph.D. is from the University of Waterloo in Canada. He has taught in Canada, the US, Kenya, and South Africa.
Janz has several roles at UCF:
- Co-director, CAH Center for Humanities & Digital Research (CHDR)
- Graduate Faculty, Texts & Technology Ph.D.
- Teaching undergrad and grad courses in the Humanities and Philosophy programs at UCF
- As a teacher in these programs (and indeed in all my research and administrative work), I adhere to this anti-racism statement.
- Ph.D. in Philosophy from U. of Waterloo (1992)
- M.A. in Philosophy from U. of Waterloo (1985)
Research Interests
- Contemporary African Philosophy; Postcolonial Thought
- Theories of Place/Space; Urban Studies; Environmental Thought
- Contemporary European Philosophy: Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Deleuze
- Contemporary Cultural Theory & Aesthetics; Visual Culture; Technology & Culture
- Digital Humanities; Theories of digitality
- Liberal Arts, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Studies; Scholarly Cognition
- Philosophy & History of Mysticism; Religion, Philosophy & Culture
Recent Research Activities
As co-director of the Center for Humanities and Digital Research, I work with faculty and students to help formulate and implement digital strategies for studying traditional and new humanities areas. The digital humanities enables us to find new objects or new aspects of traditional objects to analyze. We focus less on producing cultural objects with digital media and more on creating and using digital tools to understand the content of culture better.I am also working on books and articles on digital humanities, African philosophy, philosophy-in-place, and culture.
Selected Publications
- African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: The Space of Thought. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Shaun Gallagher, Bruce Janz, Lauren Reinerman, Patsy Morrow and Jörg Trempler, A Phenomenological Analysis of Awe and Wonder: Towards a Non-Reductive Cognitive Science. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Philosophy in an African Place. Lexington Books, 2009. Paperback edition, 2011.
Edited Collections
- Place, Space, and Hermeneutics. Springer Press, 2017.
- Co-guest editor (withTamara Seiler) of Free Space: Reconfiguring Interdisciplinary Theory andPractice. Special Issue of History of Intellectual Culture, Spring 2003.
- “Spaces of Thought: A Response to Critiques”, in Philosophia Africana 22:1 (2023): 43-60.
- “The Limits of Individualism and the Potential for Friendliness in Thad Metz’s A Relational Moral Theory” in The African Philosophical Inquiry. Fall 2023.
“Questions and Engagements on Aribiah David Attoe’s Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics: The Idea of Predeterministic Historicity.” In Arumaruka: Journal of Conversational Thinking 2:2 (2022): 22-33.
- “Conversational Thinking, Logic, and the Making of Meaning” in Arumaruka: Journal of Conversational Thinking. 1:2 (2021): 106-123.
- "Mysticism, Wonder, and Cognition". On Hugh Gash's “Constructivism and Mystical Experience” in Constructivist Foundations.
- “Ecological Phenomenology: Ram Prasad, Bodiliness and Experience.” Journal of World Philosophies.
- Cathy Davidson and Bruce Janz, “Theory Into Practice: Julie Thompson Klein’s ‘Boundary Work’ as Organizational and Institutional Change” in Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies. Fall 2019.
- Shaun Gallagher and Bruce Janz, “Solitude, Self and Autonomy” in Discipline Filosofiche 28:2. Special issue “Philosophical Perspectives on Affective Experience and Psychopathology”. 28:2 (November 2018): 159-175.
- “Dialogue and Listening” in Dialogues in Human Geography 8:2 (July 2018): 124-127.
- “The Problem of Method in African Philosophy” SERRC: Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 7:8 (July 2018): 1-7.
- Awe and Wonder in the Urban Built Environment” in Log 42, special issue “Phenomenology Against Architectural Phenomenology”, ed. Bryan E. Norwood. Winter 2018
- “Response to Jonathan Chimakonam, ‘Conversational Philosophy as a New School of Thought in African Philosophy: A Conversation with Bruce Janz’” Journal of World Philosophies. December 2016.
- “Free Space in the Academy.” The Journal of Academic Freedom, Fall 2016.
- “Philosophy-in-Place and the Provenance of Dialogue”, South African Journal of Philosophy 34:4 (2015): 480-490. Special issue, ‘Contrasts and contests about philosophy’.
- "Place, Philosophy, and Non-Philosophy" Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology 25:3, p 20-22.
- "The Location(s) of Philosophy: Generating and Questioning New Concepts in African Philosophy" Philosophia Africana 16:1, p 11-24.
- Shaun Gallagher, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Brandon Sollins, Bruce Janz. “Using a simulated environment to investigate experiences reported during space travel” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science. (2014): 1-19.
- Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Brandon Sollins, Shaun Gallagher, and Bruce Janz. “Neurophenomenology: An Integrated Approach to Exploring Awe and Wonder.” South African Journal of Philosophy 32:4 (2013): 295-309.
- "Shame and Silence" in The South African Journal of Philosophy 30:3 (2011): 462-471.
- Watsuji Tetsuro and Fu-do, Journalof Global Ethics, Special Issue on Climate Ethics, Martin Schönfeld,ed. (7:2: August 2011): 173-184. Also published in Martin Schönfeld, ed. PlanB: Global Climate EthicsPlanetary Crisis and Philosophical Alternatives.Continuum, 2012.
- "Paulin Hountondji, 'African Philosophy: Myth and Reality' (1974): The Folds in Paulin Hountondjis African philosophy, myth and reality," Philosophical Papers 39:1 (March 2010): 117-134.
- "Landscape, Language, and Experience: Some Claims and Questions," Environmental and ArchitecturalPhenomenology 21:1 (Winter 2010): 20-25.
- Making a Scene and Dwelling in Place: Exhaustion at the Edges of Modes of Place-Making Textual Studies in Canada. (2008) Will Garrett-Petts, Craig Saper & John Craig Freeman, guest eds. Also in Rhizomes. (2008) Will Garrett-Petts, Craig Saper & John Craig Freeman, guest eds.
- "Reason and Rationality in Ezes On Reason," The South African Journal of Philosophy, 2008.
- "The Terror of the Place: Anxieties of Place and the Cultural Narrative of Terrorism," Ethics, Place and Environment 11:2 (June 2008): 189-201.
- "Places that Disasters Leave Behind," FACS (Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies): An Interdisciplinary Journal 9 (2006-07): 33-51.
- "Whistlers Fog and the Aesthetics of Place," Reconstructions special edition (Rhetoric of Place, Michael Benton, ed.) 5:3 (Summer 2005) Available at:
- "Walls and Borders: The Range of Place," City and Community 4:1 (March 2005): 87-94.
- Bodies on Display: Bodies: The Exhibition Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. 7:1 (Winter 2005): 103-114.
- "Coming to Place," Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology 15:3 (Fall 2004). Available at:
- "The Territory Is Not The Map: Deleuze and Guattari's Relevance to the Concept of Place in African Philosophy" Philosophy Today, 45:4/5(Winter 2001): 388-400. Also published in Philosophia Africana 5:1 (March 2002): 1-18.
- "Debt and Duty: Kant, Derrida, and African Philosophy." Special issue of Janus Head, Winter 2001. Available at:
Book Sections/Chapters
- Forthcoming “Personhood in African Philosophy and the Possibility of Social, Psychological, and Cognitive Science” in Paul Hackett, Mirian Ngozi Alike, Husein Inusah, and Ava Gordely-Smith, eds., African Philosophical Perspectives on Qualitative Psychological and Social Science Research. Routledge.
- Forthcoming “Thad Metz, Meaning as Fundamentality, and African Philosophy” in Motsamai Molefe et al eds., Thaddeus Metz.
- Forthcoming
“Orality as Philosophical Performance” in Anke Graness, ed., Orality and Philosophy.
- Forthcoming “Peripherality, Non-Philosophy and Ecology in African Philosophy” in Kenneth Abudu, Kevin Behrens, and Elvis Imafidon, eds., African Philosophy and Deep Ecology. Routledge.
- “African Philosophy and the Question of the Future” in Elvis Imafidon, Mpho Tshivhase, and Bjorn Freter, eds., Handbook of African Philosophy: Central and Emerging Subject Areas. Springer Press, 2023.
- “Spaces of Virtue in Universities” in Ingrid Stefanovic, ed., Conversations on Ethical Leadership: Lessons Learned from University Governance. University of Toronto Press
- “Play, World, and the Human” in Ingo Farin and Jeff Malpas, eds., Heidegger and the Human. SUNY Press
- “The Universal and the Individual, the Global and the Local: Philosophy’s Diverse Debts and Duties” in Victor Roudometof, Ugo Dessi, and Gili Drori, eds., Handbook of Culture and Glocalization. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- “Oruka, Odinga, and Pragmatic Sagacity” in Kai Kresse and Oriare Nyarwath, eds. New Approaches to Sage Philosophy.
- “The Place That Is Not Here – Derrida’s Africa
and the Haunting of Place” in Grant Farred, ed., Derrida and Africa: Essays on
Derrida as a Figure in African Thought. Lexington Books.
- “Refiguring the scholarly process, rethinking university practice – Scholarly cognition, place, and the creation of concepts” in Leonhard Praeg, ed. Philosophy on the Border. Routledge.
- “The Edges of (African) Philosophy” in George Hull, ed., Debating African Philosophy: Perspectives on Identity, Decolonial Ethics and Comparative Philosophy. Routledge Press, 213-227
- “Virtual Place and Virtualized Place” in Erik Champion, ed., The Phenomenology of Real and Virtual Places. Routledge Press: 60-75.
- “Hermeneutics, Third-Person Self-Interpretation and Narrative” in Patrizia Pedrini & Julie E. Kirsch, eds., Third-Person Self-Knowledge, Self-Interpretation, and Narrative. Springer Press, 2018: 159-175.
- “Peripherality and Non-Philosophy in African Philosophy: Gender, the Environment, and Other Provocations.” In Jonathan Chimakonam, ed., African Philosophy and Environmental Conservation. Routledge, 9-23.
- “The Geography of African Philosophy” in Adeshina Afolayan & Toyin Falola eds., The Palgrave Handbook of African Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan, 155-166.
- "Phenomenology and Place in Space" in Janet Donohoe, eds. Place and Phenomenology. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- "Elements of Philosophy-in-Place: Learning from African Philosophy" in Murat Ates et al eds, Orte des Denkens - Places of Thinking. Verlag Karl Alber.
- “Philosophical Questions, Flowing Like Currents”, in Kishor Vaidya ed, Philosophy for the Curious: Why Study Philosophy. The Curious Academic Publishing.
- Instrumentalization in Universities and the Creative Potential of Race”, Pedro Tabensky & Sally Mathews eds. Being At ‘Home’: Race, Institutional Culture and Transformation at South African Higher Education Institutions. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2015: 273-296.
- “Hermeneutics and Intercultural Understanding”, Jeffrey Malpas & Hans-Helmut Gander, eds. The Routledge Companion to Philosophical Hermeneutics. Routledge Press: 474-485.
- "Why Boehme Matters Today" Ariel Hessayon & Sarah Apterei, eds. An Introduction to Jacob Boehme: Four Centuries of Thought and Reception Routledge Press, 279-293.
- "Questioning Texts: Philosophy-in-Place and Texts Out of Place," William Sweet and Richard Feist, eds. Migrating Texts and Traditions. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 287-303.
- "Forget Deleuze," Lorna Burns and Birgit M.Kaiser eds. Postcolonial Literatures and Deleuze: Colonial Pasts, Differential Futures. Basingstoke, England:Palgrave Macmillan, 21-36.
- “The Concept as Object, Mode, and Catalyst in African Thought,” in Gerard Walmsley & Charles Villet, eds. African Philosophy and the Future of Africa: South African Philosophical Studies III. Washington, DC: Council for Research in Values & Philosophy, 2011.
- "Philosophical Issues in Ethnophysiography: Landform Terms, Disciplinarity, and the Question of Method," David Mark, Andrew Turk, Niclas Burehnult & David Stea, eds. Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 2011: 101-119.
- "The Water is Wide: Risking Tears in the Met,and Elsewhere," Michele Byers & David Lavery, eds. On the Verge of Tears. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 12-22.
- "Thinking Like a Mountain: Ethics and Place as Travelling Concepts," Drenthen, Martin, Jozef Keulartz and James Proctor, eds. New Visions of Nature: Complexity and Authenticity. Series: The International Library of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Ethics. New York: Springer, 2009.
- "African Philosophy," Constantin Boundas, ed., The Edinburgh Companion to 20th Century Philosophies. University of Edinburgh Press, 689-701. Issued in the US as Constantin Boundas, ed. The Columbia Companion to 20th Century Philosophies. Columbia University Press.
- "Philosophy As If Place Mattered: The Situation of African Philosophy," Havi Carel and David Gomez, eds. What Philosophy Is. London: Continuum Publishers, 103-115.
- "Universities in Times of National Crisis: the Cases of Rwanda and Burundi," Malinda Smith, ed. Globalizing Africa. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2003: 465-482.
- "Alterity, Dialogue, and African Philosophy," in Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, ed. Postcolonial African Philosophy: A Critical Reader. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 221-238.
Book Reviews
- “Review of Charlie Hailey, The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature,” Environment, Space, Place 15:1 (2023): 142-147.
- “What Philosophy Can Learn from The African Novel of Ideas” in The Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry 9:2 (April 2022).
- Review of Sudye Cauthen, Southern Comforts: Rooted in a Florida Place, Florida Historical Quarterly 87:1 (Summer 2008).
- "Between the Particular and the Universal: Cultural Inquiry as the Encounter Between Anthropology and Philosophy." Review of Ivan Karp & D. A. Masolo, eds. African Philosophy as Cultural Inquiry for Polylog 4 (November 2003)
- Review of Achille Mbembe, On the Postcolony for H-Africa, March 2002. Review available at:
Conference Papers/Presentations
- “Big and Large Data”, Digital Worlds Workshop, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
“Loneliness and its Others: A Materialist Approach” Loneliness: A Discussion in Philosophy and Psychology.
- “How Do We Speak Of Our Place? Achille Mbembe’s World”, WISER, University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa, May 22, 2018.
- “Questions, Problematics and Events in African Philosophy” What-Is Questions and Philosophy Workshop, Rhodes University, Grahamstown South Africa, May 11-13, 2018.
- “Sasa, Zamani, and Myths of the Future: John Mbiti”, Department of Philosophy, University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa, May 4, 2018.
- “Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Digital Humanities” Plenary panel chair and lead presentation. Science of Team Science Conference, Clearwater Beach FL, June 12-14, 2017.
- “Peripherality and Non-Philosophy in African Philosophy: Gender, the Environment, and Other Provocations” International Colloquium on Marginalisation in African Philosophy: Women and the Environment. University of Calabar, Nigeria
- “First- Second- and Third-Person Self Understanding, the Truman Show Delusion, and the Forensics of Self.” UCT Colloquium Series, Cape Town, South Africa
- “The Edges of (African) Philosophy”, Philosophy in Africa, Africa in Philosophy lecture series, UCT, Cape Town, South Africa
- “What Is African Philosophy?” Philosophy Society, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- “Creating and Activating Concepts in Place: The Example of African Philosophy” The 11th East-West Philosophers’ Conference: “Place”. University of Hawai’i Manoa, Hawai’i.
- “Hacking the Urban Unconscious: Urban Exploration, Desire, and Anxieties of Place” Orders and Disorders in Spatiality workshop, University of Memphis.
- “The Place That Is Not Here – Derrida’s Africa and the Haunting of Place” Derrida as a Maghrebian Philosopher Seminar, Cornell University
- “African Philosophy and its Questions” paper in panel titled “The Future of Research in African Philosophy,” African Studies Association, San Diego
- "Free Space in the Academy" D. C. S. Oosthuizen Memorial Lecture, Rhodes University, South Africa
- “Dialogues and Dialects: Rethinking Dialogue through African Philosophy” St. Augustine College, Johannesburg
- “Is it Possible Africanize the Philosophy Curriculum in Universities in Africa?” African Philosophy Workshop: What Are You Teaching Me? Africanizing the Philosophy Curricula in Universities in Africa University of the Witswatersrand Philosophy Department
- “Refiguring the scholarly process, rethinking university practice – Scholarly cognition, place, and the creation of concepts.” Critical Pedagogy of Place Workshop, Rhodes University, South Africa.
- “Scholarly Cognition and the Virtual Space of Academia” St. Augustine College, Johannesburg, SA
- “Conceptualizing DH for Multiple Audiences: Folkvine and Chinavine.” Digital Humanities 2015. Sydney, Australia.
- “We’re World Class!: Orlando’s Successive Attempts at Self-Definition and the Proposed University of Central Florida & Valencia College Downtown Campus.” Libidinal Circuits, 3nd Annual Conference of The International Association for the Study of the Culture of Cities, Liverpool UK.
- “Scholarly Cognition, Digital Humanities and Africa” African Studies in the Digital Age Workshop. University of Michigan.
- “Hacking the Urban Unconscious – Code, Cities, and Place-Making Imagination” Affective Cities: Scenes of Innovation II. 2nd Annual Conference of The International Association for the Study of the Culture of Cities, Toronto ON August 5-7 2014.
- “Are There Limit Conditions for Philosophical Habitation? Torture and the Exhaustion of Dwelling” Torture and Solitary Confinement: Phenomenology and Ethics. Memphis TN, April 11-12 2014.
- “Digital Place and Urban Space” Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER), University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, March 13, 2014.
- “Ontological and Cognitive Wonder” Department of Philosophy, Rhodes University, Grahamstown South Africa, March 19, 2014.
- “Pushing the Limits of African Philosophy” Department of Philosophy, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein South Africa, March 25, 2014.
- “Pushing the Limits of African Philosophy” University of Johannesburg Dept. of Philosophy, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 12, 2014.
- “Torture, Solitary Confinement and Place” Department of Philosophy, University of Ft. Hare, East London, South Africa, March 20, 2014.
- “The Location(s) of Philosophy: Generating and Questioning New Concepts in African Philosophy” American Philosophical Association Conference, Baltimore, MD, December 2013.
- “Elements of Philosophy-in-Place: Learning from African Philosophy”. Places of Thinking: On the Claim to Inter-“Cultural” Philosophy. Vienna, Austria, September 26-28 2013.
- “Instrumentalization in Universities and the Creative Potential of Race”, Institutional Culture Roundtable, Rhodes University, 12-13 September, Grahamstown South Africa.
- “Wondering at Wonder: The Phenomenology of Unprecedented Experience” Exploring Awe and Wonder. University of Central Florida, Orlando FL 6-8 September 2013.
- “Digital Place and Urban Space” Poeticizing the Urban Apparatus: Scenes of Innovation Culture of Cities Conference, New York, August 13-15 2013.
- “Phenomenology and Ethnophilosophy”, Contribution to Roundtable on Ecological Phenomenology. World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, Greece, August 2013.
- “Deleuzian Code Theory: Can the Materiality of Territorialization Survive in the Digital Age?” Sixth Deleuze Studies International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. July 8-10, 2013.
- “The Betweenness of Code”, International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place (IASESP), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL April 26-28, 2013.
- Brandon Sollins, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Shaun Gallagher, and Bruce Janz, “An Integrated Approach to Exploring Awe and Wonder.” Phenomenology and its Futures. Johannesburg, South Africa March 29-31 2013.
- “The Places that are Africa: Taking Africa Seriously as a Philosopher” Florida Atlantic University Undergraduate Student Conference Keynote Address, February 22, 2013.
- Alex J. Katsaros, Philip Peters, Bruce Janz, Rosalyn Howard, and Robb Lindgren (University of Central Florida) “Interactive Expeditions: Designing, Deploying, and Evaluating Real-Time Learning Delivered Live via Mobile Satellite Communications” International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference, Orlando, 13-15 January 2013.
- “African Philosophy and Philosophy-in-Place,” Roundtable on New Currents in African Philosophy, African Studies Association, December 1, 2012, Philadelphia PA.
- “Theories and Questions in the Context of Disciplines” International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS) 2012 Special Interest Group Philosophy and Epistemology of IS (SIGPHIL) Workshop on IS Theory: State of the Art. Orlando, Florida, December 17, 2012.
- “In Awe of It All: Hermeneutical Analysis of Astronauts’ Experiential Descriptions” Space, Science and Spirituality Workshop, Berlin, Germany, June 15, 2012.
- Why Boehme Matters Or Should Matter Today, Closing Plenary Address, Teutonic Philosophy: Jacob Boehme (1575-1624) in Context, His Life andthe Reception of His Writings. St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University, 16-18September 2010.
- Forget Deleuze, Third International Deleuze Studies Conference. Amsterdam, TheNetherlands. 12-14 July, 2010.
- “Landscape as Place” Landscape in Language: A Transdisciplinary Workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Oct. 26, 2008.
- “Practicality and African Philosophy” University of Fort Hare, Fort Hare, South Africa, September 1, 2008
- “Reason and Rationality in Eze’s On Reason”. Concluding Keynote, Spring Colloquium, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SA, Sept. 7, 2008.
- “Digital Humanities: New Possibilities for Humanities in a Digital Age.” Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SA, August 14, 2008.
- “Philosophy-in-Place and the Limits of Dialogue.” Stellenbosch University, South Africa, August 8, 2008.
- “The Water is Wide: Risking Tears at the Met, and Elsewhere” Rhodes University, Grahamstown, SA, August 20, 2008.
- “Philosophy-in-Place and the Limits of Dialogue” Dialogues in Place: The Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, December 5-8, 2007.
- “Imagining and Imaging Place: Exhaustion and Creation at the Edges of Place-Making” WISER, Witswatersrand University, Johannesburg, SA, October 22, 2007.
- “The Concept as Object, Mode, and Catalyst in African Philosophy” Concluding Keynote, Philosophy/African Philosophy and the Future of Africa, Johannesburg, SA, October 23-25, 2007.
- “Thinking Like a Mountain: Ethics and Place as Travelling Concepts.” New Visions of Nature, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 31-June 2, 2007.
- “Making a Scene: Place-Making Imagination, Artistic Production, and Narratives in Urban Space.” Imaging Place: INVENT-L Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, February 24-26, 2007.
- “What Does it Mean To Do Philosophy-In-Place?” Migrating Texts: The Jacques Maritain Society Conference, May 31, 2006, York University, Toronto, Canada.
- “Artistic Production as Place-Making Imagination” Symbolic Meanings of Places/Spaces, International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place Conference, Towson University, April 30, 2005.
- “The Anatopistic Mystic, or Why Philosophers Should Read Mystical Texts” University of Alabama, Huntsville, Sept. 19, 2003.
Invited Lectures/Presentations
- “Interviews, Dialogues, Conversations on Screen” Philosophy and Film: Genres, Convergences, Synergies. University of Bayreuth
- “What If Philosophy Was Part Of This World?” Keynote, The Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.
- “Transhumanism and Moral Enhancement: African Philosophy, A/Humanism, and the Question of Morality”, Transhumanism in Africa: Questioning the Concept of Radical Enhancement of Humans’ Moral Capacities Colloquium, Center for Phenomenology in South Africa and the Conversational School of Philosophy, Nigeria.
- “Where is the African Future in Afrofuturism?” Keynote, Zora Neale Hurston Conference,
- Conversation with Tendayi Sithole, Annual Conference of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence: Spatialities, Bayreuth, Germany
- “Orality as Philosophical Performance”. Closing Plenary Lecture, The Status of Oral Traditions in the History of Philosophy: Methodological Considerations. University of Hildesheim, Germany
- “African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: A Book Overview”. University of Hildesheim, Germany.
- “African Philosophy and Enactivist Cognition: Book Launch Discussion.” University of Bayreuth, Germany.
- “Geography and African Philosophy.” University of Bayreuth, Germany.
- “Questions and Engagements on Aribiah David Attoe, Groundwork for a New Kind of African Metaphysics.” Book launch panel
- “Play and Becoming-Human in African Philosophy”, Keynote, 4th Biennial African Philosophy World Conference, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
- “Watsuji, Sociality, and Nature” Author meets readers panel on David W. Johnson, Watsuji on Nature, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
- “African Philosophy as Enactivism: Complexity and the Spaces of Philosophical Thought” ISCIA (Identity and Social Cohesion in Africa) Speaker series, South Africa.
- “How Do We Speak Of Our Place? Achille Mbembe’s World”. Part of Close Encounters Panel on Achille Mbembe, Association for Philosophy and Literature, Klagensfurt Austria
Miscellaneous Publications
- “Virtual Experience in Keith Harder’s Children of Icarus Series,” Catalogue, Children of Icarus show. February 2013.
- Emmanuel Eze in memorium. The South African Journal of Philosophy 27:4 (2008): 282-284.
- (with Emmanuel Eze) "'Uprooted African Am I': Jacques Derrida 1930-2004." Philosophia Africana 8:1 (March 2005): 79-82.
see CV
see CV
Course Number | Course | Title | Mode | Date and Time | Syllabus |
83127 | HUM3423 | African Humanities | Web-Based (W) | 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM | Unavailable |
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83674 | HUM3830 | Intro to Digital Humanities | Web-Based (W) | 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM | Unavailable |
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No courses found for Summer 2025.
Course Number | Course | Title | Mode | Date and Time | Syllabus |
18845 | ENG6810 | Theories of Texts & Technology | In Person (P) | Tu 06:00 PM - 08:50 PM | Unavailable |
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18830 | PHI5665 | Knowledge Responsib & Society | Web-Based (W) | 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM | Unavailable |
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Updated: Jun 20, 2024