Sara Raffel

Sara Raffel, Ph.D.


  • Ph.D. in Texts & Technology from University of Central Florida (2018)
  • M.Phil. in Film Theory & History from Trinity College, University of Dublin (2012)
  • B.A. in Media Studies from Hunter College, City University of New York (2005)

Selected Publications

Edited Collections

  • Lester, Connie L., Patricia Carlton, and Sara Raffel. “Interpreting Pulse: Three Public History Projects Engaging Community Interpretations of Tragedy.” LGBTQ Public History: Reports from the Field, edited by Nicole Belolan and Sarah Case, National Council on Public History, 2019, 39-44.

Conference Papers/Presentations


No courses found for Fall 2025.

No courses found for Summer 2025.

Course Number Course Title Mode Date and Time Syllabus
19270 ENC4262 Int Technical Communication Web-Based (W) 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Unavailable
<p>International Technical Communication focuses on the development of documentation for international audiences. Students will learn to address the challenges of communicating across cultures; they will learn to prepare documentation for translation and to create visuals for global audiences.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Upon completion of the course students will have gained valuable skills, experience, and knowledge. The course objectives are:</p> <ul> <li>To develop an understanding of the challenges of international technical communication and learn key strategies to address those challenges</li> <li>To learn theories of intercultural communication and to understand their application in the workplace</li> <li>To learn to write for international audiences</li> <li>To learn to create visuals for international audiences</li> <li>To design and produce a documentation project</li> <li>To learn to prepare documentation for translation</li> <li>To develop project management skills</li> <li>To meet the challenges of working as part of a virtual team</li> </ul>
19537 ENC6296 Interactive Design in Tc Web-Based (W) 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Unavailable
<div>Interactive Design in Technical Communication is an introduction to writing and designing different kinds of online help files, help systems, and tutorials with a focus on the theory and practice of designing interactive products. Students will study tutorials, procedures, and reference guides. The major focus will be on designing an interactive tutorial from a task-oriented point of view.</div><div>The course has two overarching goals:</div><div><ol><li>To explore and critique the modes of interactivity best suited to procedural software documentation and the relationship between designers and users. (Weeks 1-8)</li><li>To design and develop a product that follows task-oriented writing principles while incorporating interactive and human-centered design elements. (Weeks 9-16)</li></ol></div>

Updated: Oct 30, 2019