I had the pleasure of attending UCF’s Dissertation Forum on February 5, an event hosted by the UCF Libraries and the UCF College of Graduate Studies, in collaboration with the UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty and ProQuest Academic. Lots of useful information was shared, from utilizing important researcher networks and building your online profile, to publishing, author rights, and time and stress management.

In my role as Assistant Director of the Texts & Technology program, I consistently see doctoral students slide into a lax writing and production schedule once they are finished with formal coursework. It appears that life without a structured campus schedule puts completing the dissertation on a back, albeit lit, burner. One of the most useful tools discovered at the Dissertation Forum and available online through the UCF Library, is a DISSERTATION CALCULATOR created by the University of Minnesota. Plug in your start and desired end date, and it spills out a complete timeline of what needs to be accomplished and by when. Print this out and post it near your work area. Or enter the dates in your online calendar. Better yet, do both! I’d love to know if it helps students reach their graduation goals.

You can also visit an All But Dissertation (ABD) Survival Guide here.

To expand your toolbox further, check out more great workshops offered through the Pathways to Success program.