Undergraduate Advising

All SVAD Advising appointments are held in the CAHSA Advising office in Trevor Colbourn Hall (TCH) Room 159. College of Arts and Humanities Student Advising (CAHSA)

CAHSA – Student Advising for the UCF College of Arts and Humanities



Office: Trevor Colbourn Hall – TCH 159
Phone: 407-823-3312
Email: cahsa@ucf.edu


Advising Hours by appointment

Monday – Thursday:
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM; 1:30 – 5:00 PM

8:00 AM – 12:30 PM


Prospective Students

Because of the high number of requests, we are unable to meet individually with prospective students at this time. We encourage you to attend a virtual information session or in-person info session/tour presented by our advising team.