3rd International Women's Issues Conference brings women in tech to the next generation
February 14, 2018 The Women’s and Gender Studies Program will host the third International Women’s Issues Conference with the theme of Women in TECH: The Next Generation of Activists. Keynote speaker Dr. Josephine Kulea will speak on Friday, February 16.
ICYMI: 8th Annual Knights Write Showcase
February 14, 2018 The Department of Writing and Rhetoric hosted the 8th annual Knights Wright Showcase on February 7th, 2018. This showcase is an opportunity for students from the first-year writing program to exhibit their hard work and dedication in refining their composition and research skills. The event was open to the community,...

T&T Student, Carissa Baker, To Be Inducted into Order of Pegasus
February 13, 2018 Congratulations, Carissa! Order of Pegasus is the most prestigious and significant award a student can attain at the University of Central Florida. Order of Pegasus recognizes exemplary performance by UCF bachelor’s degree students in the areas of academic achievement, outstanding university involvement, leadership, and community service. Master’s degree students, doctoral, professional,...

T&T Alumni, Aaron Zwintscher, Awarded Outstanding Dissertation
February 13, 2018 Aaron Zwintscher’s dissertation, Noise Thinks the Anthropocene: An Experiment in Noise Poetics, received the 2017-2018 Award for Outstanding Dissertation in the College of Arts and Humanities. You can find the dissertation on STARS: http://stars.library.ucf.edu/etd/5504/ Abstract This dissertation is a textual experiment in noise poetics. It is an experiment in that it...

SVAD student wins Arts Advocacy Award, Order of Pegasus
February 13, 2018 School of Visual Arts and Design student Ana Beltran received a certificate for advocacy in the arts from the Florida Higher Education Arts Network council in Tallahassee as part of Florida Arts Advocacy Day. Florida Arts Advocacy Day is a collaboration between the Florida Cultural Alliance and Florida Higher Education...
SVAD's Games for Change to exhibit at GDC 2018 with Limbitless Solutions
February 09, 2018 The annual Game Developers Conference organizers have donated exhibition space for SVAD students, faculty at the event in March.

Dr. Josephine Kulea to Give Keynote Address on Feb. 16
February 08, 2018 Dr. Josephine Kulea from the Samburu Girls Foundation will give the keynote address at the 2018 International Women’s Issues Conference, held Friday, February 16 and Saturday, February 17 at the UCF Student Union. The talk will be held on Friday, February 16 at 1:15 in the Key West Ballroom (218AB)...

Florida veteran establishes a legacy of honor and valor
February 06, 2018 When Joe Tillmon was in elementary school, segregation was still legal. However in the 5th grade, when Tillmon’s all black school became an integrated institution, he found himself as one of the only two black boys in his class. One day after a social studies lesson, while Tillmon was at...

Our T&T Student, Kirk Lundblade, Awarded Paid Internship with Orange County Clerk of Courts
February 06, 2018 First Year T&T student, Kirk Lundblade, was recently awarded a paid internship with the Orange County Clerk of Courts. His position will involve the following: Overview: The Orange County Clerk of Courts is implementing a wiki-style Knowledge Management System and related best practices to promote information self-service, allowing employees to find answers...

Our T&T Alumnus, Marci Mazzarotto, Publishes Experimental Video on TextShop
February 06, 2018 Marci Mazzarotto, who graduated from T&T in spring 2017, published her new video work, “(re)Inventing with the Cloud,” in the online journal TextShop. In her “Creator’s Statement” about the project, Marci writes, This project began with a simple task: to free up memory on my smart phone. As I deleted...

4th UCF Celebrates the Arts to Feature Tributes to Bernstein, President Hitt
February 06, 2018 UCF Celebrates the Arts–eight days of music, performances and visual displays–returns April 6-14 for a fourth year. The university’s annual showcase of student and faculty presentations at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Orlando will open with a tribute to American composer, conductor and educator Leonard Bernstein...

New African American Primary Source Collections now available at UCF Libraries
February 01, 2018 In honor of Black History Month, the UCF Libraries, the Department of History, and the Africana Studies program would like to announce the acquisition of two new African American primary source collections. These are the second of a two-part technology fee proposal. The first phase led to the acquisition of...

History Department coordinates exhibits, events for Black History Month
February 01, 2018 In partnerships with the UCF Library, Buffalo Soldiers Historical Society, and UCF Africana Studies program, the department adds a historical education to the events at UCF.

The 8th Annual Knights Write Showcase serves to celebrate, motivate writing
January 30, 2018 In its 8th year at UCF, the Knights Write Showcase offers the opportunity to first- and second-year students in ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 to submit their writing for panels, awards, and discussions.

Elvis and Sam Phillips: Methods of Invention at Sun Records
January 30, 2018 By Barry Mauer How Are New Modes of Communication Invented? The key to the invention of rock and roll was the development of a “personal culture,” which enabled the early rockers to think and communicate differently from commonly accepted modes. Both Elvis and Sam Phillips – Elvis producer at Sun...

Sonia Stephens Awarded Research Grant to Study Story Mapping and Sea Level Rise
January 30, 2018 Sonia Stephens’ research project, “Story Mapping and Sea Level Rise: Bringing a Global Risk Home,” was awarded an ACM SIGDOC Career Advancement Grant. Her co-investigator on the research project is D. Richards, from Old Dominion University. Congratulations, Sonia!

Anastasia Salter Has a New Book: Toxic Geek Masculinity in Media: Sexism, Trolling, and Identity Policing
January 30, 2018 Anastasia Salter’s new book, Toxic Geek Masculinity in Media: Sexism, Trolling, and Identity Policing, co-authored with Bridget Blodgett, was recently published by Palgrave Macmillan. From the publisher’s page (https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783319660769): This book examines changing representations of masculinity in geek media, during a time of transition in which “geek” has not only gone...

Nearly 100 Years of the Sanford Herald now digitally available on the RICHES™ Mosaic Interface
January 29, 2018 On August 22, 1908, the Sanford Herald published its first issue. Featuring articles about the cost of purchasing and developing farm land and details of orange culture, the first issue was named the “industrial edition” as Sanford was then known as the Gate City to Florida. News of the past...

UCF History Alumni Spotlight: Karen Kelly, Class of 2017
January 29, 2018 Karen Kelly currently lives about an hour away from Paris in the historic city of Rouen, Normandy teaching English to French children. Since graduating from UCF in 2017 with a BA in History, Karen has started working as a teaching assistant through the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF). The...

Wendy Givoglu Noted in Orlando Sentinel
January 26, 2018 January 25, 2018. T&T dissertation student, Wendy Givoglu, serves as Dean of the School of Arts and Entertainment at Valencia College. Her dissertation research focuses on arts engagement among millennials in Orlando and was featured at the HASTAC conference in November. Wendy was quoted in the Orlando Sentinel today, in...