Introducing Creative Nonfiction Editor Brendan Stephens

We are thrilled to introduce Brendan Stephens as our new online Creative Nonfiction editor for Aquifer!

Brendan Stephens is a writer and educator from Appalachia. His work has appeared in The Georgia Review, The PinchEpochthe Southeast ReviewCleaver Magazine, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. His awards include multiple Inprint Donald Barthelme awards, an Into the Void Fiction Prize, a Sequestrum Emerging Writer Award, and inclusion in Wigleaf’s Top 50 Very Short Fictions. He earned his Ph.D. in creative writing and literature from the University of Houston and an MFA from the University of Central Florida. Currently, he is an assistant professor of English at Northwestern Oklahoma State University and a submissions editor for SmokeLong Quarterly.


Introducing Creative Nonfiction Editor Terry Ann Thaxton

We’re making it official—meet Terry Ann Thaxton, a creative nonfiction editor with The Florida Review. Thaxton joined our team as an editor over the summer, but she’s no stranger to TFR.

Thaxton’s poetry and creative nonfiction–rooted in Florida landscape and history–explore the individual’s place in family and community, women’s issues, mental illness, and silenced voices of the past and present. Her books of poetry include Getaway Girl, The Terrible Wife, and Mud Song. She’s been awarded two Florida Book Awards, the Jeffrey E. smith Editors Prize at The Missouri Review for nonfiction, and the T.S. Eliot Poetry Prize. Her poems and essays have been published in Pithead Chapel, New Letters, Chattahoochee Review, Hayden’s Ferry, The Missouri Review, and other literary journals. She has an MA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing. Thaxton is a professor at the University of Central Florida and directs the graduate programs in English.


Announcing Our 2023 Nominations for the Best of the Net Anthology

Aquifer: The Florida Review Online is thrilled to announce the nominations for the 2023 Best of the Net Anthology! The Best of the Net is an anthology created by Sundress Publications that accepts pieces first published online in the categories of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art. To read more about the Best of the Net anthology, check out their webpage.

Aquifer receives many wonderful pieces each year, and we are so excited to showcase our 2023 nominations. Best of luck to the nominees! 

Poetry Nominations:
“Nurture” by Jacques J. Rancourt
“Cool Side of the Pillow” by Cynthia Atkins
“Blues for King Kong” by Sihle Ntuli
“Content” by Allan Peterson
“Christmas Eve“ by Chelsea Dingman
“Witness Statement” by Kyle McCord
Fiction Nominations:
“Junior Steaks” by Anney Bolgiano
“75 Simple Steps to Positive, Growing Change” by Andreas Trolf
Nonfiction Nominations:
“Mythogenesis” by Suzanne Manizza Rosak
“What Comes in the Night” by Ariél Martinez
Visual Art Nominations:
“Heirloom” by Catherine-Esther Cowie
“The Queen of All the Dirt” by Catherine Esther-Cowie
