Since 2001, UCF’s Texts and Technology doctoral program has excelled in supporting its students with an internationally recognized faculty and by offering a rigorous curriculum in a friendly environment. Students bring knowledge of a specific discipline and deepen their understanding of the subject through a digital lens. In the T&T program, students adapt, develop, assess, and invent information practices in relation to emergent information technologies in and beyond the humanities.
Increase your employability
95% of T&T graduates are employed in their chosen field, with graduates working in academia, in government, and in industry.
Interdisciplinary options
This is an interdisciplinary program that will appeal to students with interests in social media, fan studies, folklore, rhetoric, the environment, ethics, communication, history, gender, race, the arts, curating, games, activism, education, coding, narrative, film, postcolonialism, queer studies, theory, knowledge management, psychology, and sustainability (to name a few!). For those who have interests in multiple areas, T&T is designed to facilitate customized studies. You will meet scholars and students from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds.
Best of both worlds
The small program is fueled by the resources of a large research university.
Flexible schedule
The choice of a full-time or part-time schedule is yours. A full time student can finish in approximately four years. A student with a Fast Track waiver of 15-credits can finish in approximately three years.
Milestones for Completion of Ph.D. Degree (for full-time students)
- Complete a First Year Review (scheduled with the Program Director following the conclusion of 18 credit hours in the program)
- Complete Core Coursework and Electives (requires approximately two years, but Fast Track can reduce it to approximately one year)
- Participate in an Internship
- Successfully pass the Candidacy Examination
- Develop and defend a Dissertation Prospectus (requires approximately one semester)
- Write Dissertation (requires approximately one-two years)
- Submit a substantial scholarly article to a peer-reviewed journal
- Defend the Dissertation
The price is right
UCF has been recognized by Forbes, The Princeton Review and Kiplinger’s for being one of the most affordable and best-value universities in the U.S.
In-state tuition and fees for the Texts and Technology program total $21,070. For a student with a Fast Track 15-credit waiver, the total amounts to $15,523.
Assistantships and fellowships are available.
I have recommended this field to colleagues or friends who show brilliance, curiosity, and an interest in pursuing the philosophical and humanistic dimensions of digital media.”
- We admit a new class of students each fall. 15 students started their program in fall 2018.
- Students currently in the program hail from fifteen different states and four countries outside of the USA
- Students choose either a full time or part time schedule.
- Many students take advantage of financial assistance from the university such as fellowships, scholarships, or graduate assistantships.
- Thirty-four UCF faculty from seven disciplines within the College of Arts & Humanities including Writing and Rhetoric, English, Philosophy, Digital Media, Art, Theatre, and History
- The program has dozens of graduate faculty scholars representing institutions throughout the United States and Europe who serve on dissertation committees
- The T&T program is also supported by the UCF Center for Humanities & Digital Research