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The WAC Fellows Program is a faculty development initiative to support the development of writing outcomes and assessment strategies that are locally situated and rooted in research-based best practices.

“After years of teaching history and humanities at the college level, I still found myself frustrated with the disparities between what I thought I was asking my students to accomplish within a writing assignment and the product they submitted. I could not see the forest for the trees. It was time to take a hard look at my writing assignments. The WAC program offered the time and space to revise my writing assignments and align them with the learning outcomes of the course. As a result of completing this program, I can focus on and more accurately measure student learning within my students’ writing. I highly recommend this program to all faculty members regardless of status or level of experience.”

Stacy Tanner, Ph.D, Department of Philosophy

The program is highly interactive and encourages participants to contribute to the collective creation of knowledge through asking questions about the ways that writing works and through sharing experiences with teaching writing.

How Does the Program Work?

Beginning in Fall 2023, the WAC Fellows Program will be offered in a hybrid format that includes both in-person workshops and online activities that can be accessed and completed via Webcourses.  During the program, faculty will review and develop sets of writing-related learning outcomes that are appropriate for their disciplines and the courses they teach. They also create sets of instructional materials, writing assignments with scaffolded activities and exercises, and assessment instruments to support the achievement of those writing-related learning outcomes.


Ucf WAC Fellows

Since the inception of the WAC at UCF, over 80 faculty representing nearly every college across the university have honed their knowledge of writing-related research and pedagogy through the WAC Fellows Program.  These faculty have often been recognized for their innovative teaching and their scholarship of teaching and learning.  <Need to add alphabetized list of faculty: For a complete list of faculty who have completed the WAC Fellows Program, click here.>



If you, your department, or college is interested in participating in a future Writing Across the Curriculum Fellows Program, please contact Dr. Laurie Pinkert.