ENC 4275 / 5276: Theory & Practice of Tutoring Writing

Tuesday, 6:00 – 8:50 p.m.

This three-unit course is a practicum, which educates tutors to assist writers in the University Writing Center. Designed for both novice and experienced tutors, this writing intensive course introduces both undergraduate tutors and selected Graduate Teaching Assistants in Writing & Rhetoric to writing center research, theory, and practice. Prerequisite: ENC 1102.

You must have earned credit for ENC 1102 (or an equivalent course) to enroll in the ENC 4275 course.

Enrollment in this course is by special permission.

In Theory & Practice of Tutoring Writing, You Will Do the Following:

  • Learn about tutoring students from first-year to graduate across the disciplines
  • Study strategies to support multilingual writers
  • Discuss reading assignments
  • Lead discussion about your tutoring practices
  • Take part in student presentations of writing center work
  • Engage in problem solving about teaching challenges encountered in the UWC
  • Conduct multiple observations of tutoring and be observed yourself
  • Write frequent reflections on your tutoring practices
  • Write about your developing theory and practice of tutoring
  • Conduct primary research in the UWC
  • Share your writing, respond to the writing of classmates, and revise

To fulfill the requirements of the practicum, undergraduate peer tutors will be assigned 3-4 weekly tutoring hours that fit your schedule. You will participate in Writing Center orientation before the semester begins, then start work as a writing consultant during the second week of the semester.

Sample Course Materials