Jacob Lawrence’s “Great Migration” (Photo credit: MOMA)
This course is about more than appreciating artwork — it sheds light on untold stories and the history of America.
Get a first-hand look at the course, African-American Art taught by SVAD faculty member Keri Watson. In this course, students learn a historical survey of art produced by working artists of African heritage and representations of African-American life by these and other artists
From the Professor
Why is this topic important?
The story of African-American art and African-American history is the story of American art and American history. It’s really important that people learn the stories they relate to and are a part of their lives. I don’t think there is as many opportunities for that as there could be. I probably have more African-American students in this class than I do in any other class that I teach, and that’s a good thing, but I’m also really happy that I have Euro-white American students, as well. We are a country of immigrants and of hyphens, and I feel like we have a civic responsibility to learn about our shared cultural experiences and the differences in our cultural experiences and to have discussions about those in the safe environment of a classroom. Hopefully that influences the way people think about what’s going on in our world right now.
Why are you passionate about teaching this course?
I love this class. My area of research is modern American art history, and I’m often writing and publishing about representations of race and gender and disability. For me, art is really powerful and important. I think UCF has a great commitment to diversity and inclusion and equity, and I think we need more classes that tell the stories that aren’t told in other places.
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