A Year of Growth

Jonathan Fink


My youngest daughter does not know

that each tree ring marks a year of growth

when she selects a piece of scrap wood


from the sawdust and shavings

that have covered our back patio

and carries the board inside to color


the rings revealed by the saw blade,

my daughter filling the arching semicircles

until a rainbow appears as her sisters


lay other scraps across the floor to make

a path on which to leap from board to board

to furniture and back again in a game,


I imagine, every child in history has played,

the game requiring only the belief

that the ground is not as solid as it seems,


that a misstep or tip of balance will lead

to peril, whether lava or river or canyon below,

even though, while laughing, they jump again,


shrugging off each demise, protesting

only when I collect the boards

and insist that the world be ordered


over their appeals to fairness,

the mantra of childhood, to which

I and every parent I know responds,


Who says the world is fair? mostly resisting,

though sometimes not, to itemize,

while wielding a clothes-less Barbie


or broken toy like a judge’s gavel,

every slight from work and love

and politics both foreign and domestic


as the neighbor’s dog howls at the burgeoning

moon and the kids give each other that look

meaning, What’s got into dad—all we meant


was we were having fun? which is when

I see myself reflected in the glass

of the patio sliding doors and realize


how large I must seem to them,

large, though clearly not authoritative,

as the youngest starts spacing


the boards again behind my back,

and I lift one and point to the rings

in the grain, and say, see, this too


was once alive, how, though rooted,

it turned it leaves to the warmth of the sun

and drew water from the earth, its limbs


not unlike yours when you lift the hems

of your skirts to hop through puddles,

or wave to me from the treehouse


we are building together, a project begun

before the passing of their grandmother

though intersecting now with her loss


as grief permeates all things, and they ask

the questions one would expect

(if she looks down on them from above


just as they, from the tree, look down on me)

and the questions one doesn’t expect

about how the tree feels holding


the remains of another tree in its limbs,

transformed, though it is, to a house,

and I tell them trees aren’t capable


of abstract thought or have feelings

like we do, though what do I know,

thinking of Michelangelo’s Pieta,


and Mary, though stone, holding

her deceased son, and how the body

is itself a house of memory and love


and loss, as my wife and I explained

to our daughters, that the sadness they feel

is sadness, yes, but also love transformed,


that grief is love for the one who was lost,

just as my wife expressed on the day

before her mother died, after a month


of hospice at her mother’s home and the gift,

my wife said, to be there with her,

to measure and administer the morphine


when the great pain came, when any touch,

even a blanket, became unbearable,

to honor the effort at the end for her to stand,


holding to the walker, and request what would be

her final bath, and my wife, afterwards,

drawing a comb through the fineness of her hair,


never more beautiful, my wife saying

that night, and again the next day

even after the workers had come so quickly


to take her, to gather and remove

any remaining meds, count every pill

as her final breath still hung in the air,


and our daughters cried unceasingly

so that when, that night, we drove away,

the trees that lined the road seemed to bow


to the car, to lift their limbs in the breeze,

the undersides of their leaves lighter

than the backs, like the palms of hands,


which, I believed, if they could,

they would place on our car, on the shoulders

of my wife, or interweave their limbs


as a canopy above us, their petals

below, and the road would no longer

be a road but a tunnel, to where it ascended


I did not know, only that we were

like breath released at last from the throat,

becoming the words we were unable to say.


Elegy Ending with a Slice of Sour-Cream-and-Raisin Pie

Joe Wilkins


A boy wants to break
the world in half and put it
in his pocket. All through the eulogy


I thumbed a cracked mussel shell
pulled the day before from the shallows
beneath the bridge,


the shell’s interior curves so perfect
and slick I could almost feel
the mother-of-pearl—


lavender and rose, cream
at the thin, crumbling edge. My collar
itched. I didn’t like the golden


corduroys I had to wear,
hand-me-downs from an older
cousin, and still my only pants without


mended knees or a patched ass.
The priest needed the cup,
so I held it up. I didn’t know the man


who died. He was my grandfather’s age,
which worried me, but not enough
to slow me down


(wasn’t my first funeral, wouldn’t
be my last). I shucked
my starched vestments faster


than all the other altar boys,
and so was first in line
for a chipped-beef sandwich and pie.



Terry Godbey 


Eleven years ago 

he checked outta here, 

dead at 58, 

just as I emerged 

from a cancer chrysalis. 


No mention of a wife 

or children, 

and no more chances 

for me to apologize 

for stomping on his heart 

40 years ago. 


The absence of kids 

stings a bit 

since his mention early on 

of having little Terrys with me 

was what sent me running, 

still a little Terry myself. 

I wasn’t expecting a man 

to want to stick around. 

Even I didn’t care that much 

for my company. 


I don’t remember 

breaking up 

or explaining anything. 

I just stopped  

answering my phone, 

heard his motorcycle  

stirring the summer night 

outside my apartment 

where I was kissing my new man. 

We ran into each other  

at the newspaper where we worked, 

wound up at the same parties 

where his eyes followed me everywhere 

and I accepted his cocaine 

but nothing else. 


He moved to D.C., where I heard he crashed  

his motorcycle, struggled with a brain injury, 

but in his 20s he was a sun-burnished god, 

all muscle and quick to smile. 

Good with his hands, he had built  

his own catamaran, and we sailed 

on the Banana River 

and in the Atlantic  

amid pods of dolphins. 


His sister left a cryptic online remembrance: 

Unfortunately, he took the wrong path in life. 

So many questions 

and no answers. 

See, here I go again, making it all about me. 


Two Poems

Carolene Kurien


A Confession

I am a bad horse.

I neigh and hoof my way into the houses

of neighborhood husbands

and commission myself for rides

to know straddle and buck.

Some say my mane is the color

of the death beyond death. Some say

it’s best to avoid direct eye contact.

I ask the hydrangea why it is so hard to forgive

people who have changed. Did you know

the more acidic their soil, the bluer

they get? I am not trying to make a metaphor,

but I am saying that most of my daydreams

involve being loved by large groups

of people. I walk into a surprise party

with a banner that reads Happy Birthday,

You Are A Good Person! Someone has baked

my favorite carrot cake. Someone has bought

more mini razors for my mustache. The people I fuck

in my fantasies have no faces. I can barely make out

their bodies. The ghost of myself whimpers

under the ghost of theirselves,

and none of us can smile. The book I am reading

says it’s not my fault. How I am.

That I was just a kid, apparently. But now I am old;

my teeth will fall out soon. And my empty

mouth will no longer have someone else to blame.




I am eating a jam sandwich the taste of rain.

I am finding it difficult to harness myself

into the concept of forgiveness. Rosmarie Waldrop

wrote Your skin was delicate, like a retracted confession.

The dent in your back I placed wishing coins upon

thin and deepening. Your empty, welling face.

Under a microscope, various teardrops have various

physiognomies. Onion tears reach outward like rhizomes,

ever-wet and blooming. Tears of ending and beginning

are Rorschach tests filled with your features: a boat-shaped

birthmark, a whisper of nose. Under the streetlight I pick

a painting and live it. I walk the cliff at Pourville.

I disassemble into yellow kiss. Above my head floats

an assembly of arms. I am uneasy with what I’ll become.



Edmund White 


What’s left of an ex in my memory? 

He was kind and courtly (as he should have been 

Since he was a Sicilian aristocrat), 

When he wasn’t being horrid if I stepped 

Out of line, then frozen with fury and  

Unforgiving. He taught me one good pasta 

Recipe, Pasta alla Norma, with fried eggplant. He 

Bought me a CD player when mine broke, several  

Cashmere blankets, and he restored a leather 

Club chair that was in tatters. He was a doctor, could play 

The harpsichord, cook a few dishes, entertain 

In his battleship-sized loft, lie and cheat convincingly,  

Make the sort of love a heterosexual Mediterranean  

Male might make, selfish and athletic—and which I liked  

Because it never dwindled away even after we broke up. 

We both cried a lot. He had a black ceramic vase with an 

African face and a crown, until I explained that 

Was unacceptable in politically correct New York. 

Then it was banished, as was I when I told his new  

Lover that Giovanni and I were still having sex. I saw a good shrink 

And got over him. I’ll never have another lover— 

Too much of a bother. Once in a while I wish we could 

Speak on the phone, to find out whether his father’s  

Parkinson’s is progressing, whether his little brother  

Got married, and did he ever discover a cure for that  

Kind of breast cancer. And does he still hate me?  



Vincent Antonio Rendoni


I witnessed something beautiful, friends

One day,

on my father’s monthly visit
to give his father
some money


who kicked him out at sixteen
who didn’t believe in touch or mercy

caught his son limping

& put away the contempt fathers have for sons
& suspended the law of machismo reached for the rusted Texaco box
with the antiseptic, tweezers & gauze
slapped his knee
& called to his son’s feet,
& began working his way
through the skin & blood
of a used car salesman’s ingrown toenail

& never thought, not even once

as he cut through the keratin
cleaning & washing the lowest part
of working folk
that this is something
a man has to think about.


Boundary Waters

Donald Platt


Accessible primarily by canoe, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, in northeast Minnesota . . . extends 150 miles along the U.S.-Canada border, covering approximately 1,098,000 acres . . .
— Explore Minnesota


I want to go

to the Boundary Waters, canoe its one thousand lakes,

hundreds of miles


of rivers. So many places I’ve never been. I’d like to see sunset

reflected in Tuscarora

Lake, when it’s so still you cannot tell the difference


between sky on fire

and water on fire. Rosanne and I could paddle together

in our red canoe


to the very middle of the lake. Her hair would outshine sunset.

One loon would call

to another loon with its otherworldly wail from across


wide water.

That’s all I want to hear. But Rosanne, who has been to the Boundary

Waters and back,


tells me gently, firmly, matter-of-factly—in the voice

I love more

than any other woman’s voice—that no, I will never go as far


as Tuscarora

Lake. My body with its nerve pain, unable to walk anymore

without its rollator,


would not be able to do even one long portage.

She’s right, of course.

And even if I were to canoe that cold, aquifer-fed water


so clear I can see

twenty feet down to the rocky bottom, always another

waterway is waiting.


Night calls me with its unanswerable cry. Death’s loon

cries out

to me to come, come. Canoe to him alone across


dark, starlit water

where the moon now rises. Keep him company upon those other

boundaryless waters.


Weight of Water

Allison Field Bell


Yesterday at the kitchen sink, my lover told me again
how I can’t do it right—load the dishwasher, wash the cast iron.
No soap, no scrubbing. My hands submerged in water, scalding.


Today, I’d rather be a fish. Scales, gills, unblinking eyes. Curl
around the toxic tentacles of that blooming mass: the anemone.
Brilliant orange and white stripes against the rainbow of reef.


None of that anxiety that dwells in the stomach, hollows it out, drops
it to the knees. The way my lover yelled when I panicked—
shook and shimmied. Too much, too much.


Too much pressure from the weight of water above,
but not feeling the ear-popping ascent from the depths of
the sandy floor. Water crushing bones. A whole sea of it to live in.


I’d like to be a shark. A predator. Free in my own kingdom.
Beast so ancient, so full of its own history, so full of its
own instinct. So full. So unlike the way I am. Sitting on the edge


of the bed now, my lover beyond a slammed door. I wonder
what it is to escape something. Where it is I could go. Beyond
the twist of whitewater, the shallow sand shelf to the deep


underbelly of sea, cold dark infinite. Bliss, all that water, swimming.



Travis Mossotti


Here’s the orchard someone else will tend to.
And the crawl space beneath the porch
of the house where someone else’s barn cat
will slumber through the summer nights
dreaming of long-tailed mice in the high grass.
Over that field, the light dips and refracts
through the broken glass of the muck pond
where a catfish will take someone else’s bait
and hook—that it might meet the refined
heat of a skillet. The ghosts of a thousand
head of cattle walk through the woods at night
in someone else’s dream while the windows,
cracked slightly, let a mild breeze pass
through the empty rooms like an appraiser.
There is no death that cannot be undone
by simply turning the compost with a pitchfork
or by scattering scratch in the dirt for chickens
who sing each time they lay, but every repair
is only a gesture against the torment of slow
winds and steady rain and heavy sun. It will be
someone else who grows too old to climb
the ladder into the barn’s cool loft or the flight
of stairs that lead to and from their own bed.
It will be their hand weighing the mortgage.
It will be their face forgetting its smile. Listen,
if the well pump kicks to life at dawn, it will be
someone else drawing a bath for the last time—
joints relaxing as their form submerges, body
recovering and failing in the same held breath.



Michael Chang


wanna sleep till i see u again
words u generally wanna hear
except when ur already at their haus
hey do u wanna get outta here
i like it when u talk abt cannes
so much
i like it so much
i’m a same-sex couple
a warehouse
nothing in me but a grand piano
stop staring
start tearing
if u’d changed u wouldn’t be here
did u see my present
the one i left
believing u could be deterred
i think i threw it out
as they used to say in hollywood
that movie sold popcorn
he asked to take me to the pound shop
but it was just a dollar tree
u go to the disco, panic
they want a better look at u
any acknowledgment of their infinitesimal existence
as mark twain’s old saw has it
the difference between a fire & a firefly
rain that looks like u, clean sheets
we luv to be intrusive
take an invasive procedure
make it more invasive
find it hard to leave relationships
luv being in luv w/ machines
money from a white-shoe firm
in fact a frozen-foods conglomerate
angel cakes bearing lines of credit
do not be afraid
