The Little Boy
Bridget Biswas
Auditi Bridget Biswas has recently completed her MA in Architecture, Planning and Landscape from Newcastle University, UK while her first degree was Bachelor of Architecture. She has worked as a part-time faculty in her undergraduate university and always been interested about the people side of planning and architecture. She was involved in several volunteering activities during her time in Newcastle University, and eventually became interested about human health. Her MA dissertation looked into the interface between health and planning. Achieving population health and well-being as well as social equity through physical planning is her current research interest. Bridget was born in a family with strong passion for different art forms which nurtured her creative side from a very early age. How her family struggled hard and loved harder through everything motivates her the most. She believes we all have our very own parts to play to deliver equity for all, to every layer of the society. Currently she is working on a fixed term internship with renowned Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust in York, UK and acting as the marketing lead of their new elderly care facility.