I have an ongoing project called “is this your book.” First, I find old inscribed books. Then I make erasures in an effort to ferret out the inner workings of the inscriber. Some are poignant, some are odd. This one is healthful and about living.
The original book is Healthful Living: Based on the Essentials of Physiology by Jesse Feiring Williams (Macmillan, rev. 1932).
Maud Kelly
Maud Kelly is the mischievous librarian @is_this_your_book on Instagram and at isthisyourbook.com, where you have a 1 in 7 billion chance of finding your long lost book. She can also be found on Instagram @clotheslinetimeline and at clotheslinetimeline.com reporting back to the Godhead (or Source or whatever we’re calling it these days) on how weird and kind of great it is to be here on the heavy planet, all decked out in a body and clothes. Her work has appeared most recently in Pleiaedes and Barrow Street and was included in Best American Poetry 2009.