The Florida Review Staff
- Editor & Director: David James Poissant
- Managing Editor: Mike Shier
- Poetry Editors: Brandon Amico & Rochelle Hurt
- Creative Nonfiction Editor: Mike Shier
- Fiction Editors: David James Poissant & Blake Sanz
- Graphic Narrative Editor: Nathan Holic
- Senior Associate Editors: Jordan Alexander & Drew Robertson
- Associate Poetry Editors: Kianna Greene, Rose Leahy, Cesca Ledesma, Lisa Summe
- Layout and Design: Lorinda K. Antrim
- Chapbook Staff (2025): Sean Ironman, David James Poissant, David Schwartz
- Assistant Editors: Ian Abercrombie, Taylor Arnold, Lauren Bedevia, Harrison Burke, Mae Capaldi, Jayleen Cerda, Bianca Dagostino, Adialyz Del Valle, Aloysius Devine, Alessandra Gonzalez, Alex Gurtis, Hannah Howe, Frederick Lambert, Nina Lopez, Lil McKenna, Susan Mesler-Evans, Emily Rose Miller, Bleah Patterson, Sophia Saco, Leona Strong, Eric Tegethoff, Landy Thomas, Charlotte Trumble
Aquifer Staff
- Editor & Director: David James Poissant
- Senior Associate Editor: Jordan Alexander
- Creative Nonfiction Editor: Brendan Stephens
- Graphic Narrative Editor: Nathan Holic
- Website Designer: Matt Dunn
- Assistant Editors: Ian Abercrombie, Taylor Arnold, Lauren Bedevia, Harrison Burke, Jayleen Cerda, Bianca Dagostino, Adialyz Del Valle, Aloysius Devine, Alessandra Gonzalez, Hannah Howe, Frederick Lambert, Rose Leahy, Nina Lopez, Lil McKenna, Susan Mesler-Evans, Sophia Saco, Leona Strong, Eric Tegethoff, Landy Thomas
Former Editors:
Peter Kispert, 2022-2023
Jake Wolff, 2020-2022
Lisa Roney, 2015–2020
Jocelyn Bartkevicius, 2009–2015
Susan Fallows, 2008
Jeanne M. Leiby, 2004–2007
Russ Kesler, 1991–2000
Pat Rushin, 1984–1990, 2001–2003
Patricia Goodwin James, 1982
Susan Hartman, 1978–1981
Wyatt Laurence Wyatt & Jack Reed, 1977
Wyatt Laurence Wyatt, 1975–1976
Jay Taylor, 1973–1974
Doug Frazeur, 1972