» Graphic Narrative

Muybridge Comics


“Muybridge Comics” challenges the division between comics and visual art. While all comics are necessarily a form of visual art, most comics do not encourage individual images, or panels, to be viewed independently from their sequences. “Muybridge Comics” attempts both approaches, with the final two installments assembling the two, interwoven, four-part sequences into combined images more reminiscent of traditional comics pages. “Muybridge Comics” adapts photographs from the motion studies “Two Women Kissing” and “Two Men Wrestling” published in Eadweard Muybridge’s 1887 Animal Locomotion.


Chris Gavaler

Chris Gavaler is an associate professor of English at Washington and Lee University, where he teaches creative writing, fiction, and comics. He has published two novels, Pretend I'm Not Here (HarperCollins 2002) and School for Tricksters (Southern Methodist 2011), and two books on comics, On the Origin of Superheroes (Iowa 2015) and Superhero Comics (Bloomsbury 2017). What If? Philosophical Thought Experiments of Superhero Comics, co-authored with Nathaniel Goldberg, is forthcoming from Iowa, and Creating Comics: A Writer’s and Illustrator’s Craft Guide, co-authored with Leigh Ann Beavers, is forthcoming from Bloomsbury. He is also the comics editor of Shenandoah.