Reviewer Guidelines

The Quarterly solicits reviews of scholarly books, museum exhibitions, history-oriented movies, and digital sources (websites) related to Florida history and culture. Accepted reviews may appear in both the FHQ and EFHQ. See specific guidelines for evaluating works in each category below.  The Quarterly gives it reviewers complete freedom except as to length, grammar, the law of libel, and editorial usages of punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc., required to conform to FHQ style.
All reviews should be double-spaced, between 800 and 1000 words in length, with parenthetical citations for all quotes. Please save reviews as a Microsoft Word document and submit them as email attachments (if possible).


For Book Reviewers

Reviewers should strive to:
• Provide the informed reader with a brief, clear idea of the nature, content, and purpose of the volume and indicate its place in the literature on the subject, especially if it pertains to Florida history
• Include a discussion of how well the author succeeded in his or her purpose, covered the subject, used available resources, organized material, and expressed the narrative
• Evaluate the book as history for the potential reader and purchaser. Critical evaluation may be either favorable or unfavorable. Do not allow sympathy or difference of opinion to keep the review from being a strict and straightforward but courteous judgment
• Avoid digressive essays that might well appear in your own works
• Stay within the wordage assigned unless the editor agrees to a change
• Refrain from listing typographical or minor errors unless these materially affect quality

Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. However, a person wishing to be added to the reviewers’ list should provide a letter of interest and a current c.v. to the editor, and that request will be considered.

The editor wishes to receive for review non-fiction books relating to Florida and its people. The editor will also consider for review books on the United States, Southern history, the Atlantic World, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Send books for review to the

For Museum Exhibition Reviewers

Reviewers should strive to:
• Provide the informed reader with a brief, clear idea of the nature, content, and purpose of the museum exhibition and indicate its connection to the literature on the subject, especially if it pertains to Florida history
• Include a discussion of how well the curator succeeded in his or her purpose, covered the subject, used available resources, organized material, and depicted the historical topic being addressed
• Evaluate the museum exhibition as history for the reader and potential audience. Critical evaluation may be either favorable or unfavorable. Do not allow sympathy or difference of opinion to keep the review from being a strict and straightforward but courteous judgment
• Avoid digressive essays that might well appear in your own works
• Stay within the wordage assigned unless the editor agrees to a change

Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. However, a person wishing to be added to the reviewers’ list should provide a letter of interest and a current c.v. to the editor, and that request will be considered.

The editor wishes to receive for consideration notices of museum exhibitions relating to Florida and its people. The editor will also consider for review museum exhibitions on the United States, Southern history, the Atlantic World, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Send notices of museum exhibitions eligible for review to

For Movie Reviewers

Reviewers should strive to:
• Provide the informed reader with a brief, clear idea of the nature, content, and purpose of the movie and indicate its connection to the literature on the subject, especially if it pertains to Florida history
• Include a discussion of how well the movie succeeded in its purpose, covered the subject, used available resources, and depicted the historical topic being addressed
• Evaluate the movie as history for the potential reader and audience. Critical evaluation may be either favorable or unfavorable. Do not allow sympathy or difference of opinion to keep the review from being a strict and straightforward but courteous judgment
• Avoid digressive essays that might well appear in your own works
• Stay within the wordage assigned unless the editor agrees to a change

Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. However, a person wishing to be added to the reviewers’ list should provide a letter of interest and a current c.v. to the editor, and that request will be considered.

The editor wishes to receive for consideration notices of movies relating to Florida and its people. The editor will also consider for review movies on the United States, Southern history, the Atlantic World, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Send notices of movies eligible for review to

For Digital Source Reviewers

Reviewers should strive to:
• Provide the informed reader with a brief, clear idea of the nature, content, and purpose of the digital source and indicate its connection to the literature on the subject, especially if it pertains to Florida history
• Include a discussion of how well the source succeeded in its purpose, covered the subject, used available resources, organized material, and depicted the historical topic being addressed
• Evaluate the digital source as history for the reader and audience. Critical evaluation may be either favorable or unfavorable. Do not allow sympathy or difference of opinion to keep the review from being a strict and straightforward but courteous judgment
• Avoid digressive essays that might well appear in your own works
• Stay within the wordage assigned unless the editor agrees to a change
• Refrain from listing typographical or minor errors unless these materially affect quality

Unsolicited reviews are not accepted. However, a person wishing to be added to the reviewers’ list should provide a letter of interest and a current c.v. to the editor, and that request will be considered.

The editor wishes to receive for consideration notices of digital sources relating to Florida and its people. The editor will also consider for review digital sources on the United States, Southern history, the Atlantic World, the Caribbean, and Latin America. Send notices of digital sources eligible for review to