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Persons desiring to quote from the FHQ may do so without special permission from the editor, but credit should be given in the following format: author, “article title,” Florida Historical Quarterly vol. # (month or season, year): pages. Articles may not be reproduced in full without permission from the Executive Director of the Florida Historical Society. Direct inquiries to:

Connie L. Lester, editor
Florida Historical Quarterly

Department of History
Trevor Colbourn Hall, Suite 319
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32816-1350


Once an article is accepted for publication, authors grant and assign copyright to the Florida Historical Society for the Society’s exclusive use. The copyright consists of any and all rights of whatever nature now or hereafter protected by the copyright laws of the United States and of all foreign countries, in all languages, and forms of communication, and the Society shall be the sole proprietor thereof. Authors must contact the Florida Historical Society before reusing materials published in the FHQ.