“Imogen Says Nothing,” but complex play says a lot
January 31, 2025 Orlando Sentinel arts writer Matt Palm reviews Theatre UCF’s “Imogen Says Nothing”

UCF students to grapple with ethical issues in national competition
January 29, 2025 The qualifying teams for the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl national championship advanced from 13 Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl regionals that took place last fall from California to the Chesapeake Bay. More than 160 universities and colleges — including UCF — participated.

Be Better Club Prepares Students to Navigate Ethical Dilemmas
October 12, 2023 UCF’s Center for Ethics wants students to be prepared when they face complicated ethical situations with emerging technologies like AI.

UCF is Exploring the Intersection of Art and Artificial Intelligence
July 17, 2023 In honor of Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day (July 16), here’s how UCF is leveraging this rapidly evolving technology in the arts to discover a world of possibilities.

'It’s Basically a New Paintbrush': Exploring the Frontiers of AI in Art at UCF
April 17, 2023 Experts, students and guests attended the REALity of ARTificial Intelligence event Monday evening hosted by the UCF Center for Ethics in collaboration with the Center for Computer Vision and the School of Visual Arts and Design.

Spotlight 2022: Year-In-Review
September 22, 2022 The positive impact the arts and humanities has on our community is evident. From the expertise our professors lend on a daily basis to the talents of our students, the people in our college accomplish great things. Read about them in our annual report, Spotlight 2022.

Thank You Knight Nation for Record-Breaking UCF Day of Giving 2022
April 08, 2022 “We asked for a ‘little help from our friends’ this year, and our friends delivered,” says Jeff Moore, dean of the College of Arts and Humanities.

UCF Researchers Share Their Insights into Innovation and Inspiration
February 11, 2022 Faculty members from across UCF share what it takes to achieve progress: collaboration, perseverance, diversity of perspective, acceptance of diversity, and, through it all, inspiration.

CAH Faculty Receive $600,000 NSF Grant to Study Ethics in STEM Fields
November 02, 2020 The National Science Foundation supported study led by faculty members in Philosophy and Writing and Rhetoric to understand relationships between values and disciplinary ethics and has the potential to improve knowledge of underrepresented students’ experiences.

Interactive media and web conference sessions open to public
July 06, 2020 Texts and Technologies at UCF is hosting two virtual conferences this summer, both of which focus on the fusion of humanities questions with critical examination and playful exploration of the potential of technology.

Arts and Humanities Summer Speaker Series
June 17, 2020 The UCF College of Arts and Humanities is hosting a series of talks from the faculty highlighting research and teaching in arts and humanities. The summer speaker series will run from June 18 through July 23.

Congratulations to CAH's 2019-20 TIP and RIA Awardees
April 24, 2020 Congratulations to the faculty members who have been selected to receive 2019-20 UCF Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Awards or Research Incentive Awards (RIA).