ENC 1101: Sociocultural Construct for Community Situated Writing

ENC 1101 emphasizes how writing works within and across communities, genres, processes, and languages to assist students in responding to today’s writing scenes. Students can expect to engage with declarative (content and conceptual) and procedural (performance and process) knowledge related to all aspects of composing. Students will name and then connect writing related knowledge with writing-related practices to better understand, strengthen, extend, and transform their diverse literacy and language practices for future use. The reading and writing tasks in ENC 1101—such as analyses of writing processes and goal setting, identifying and producing genres responsive to rhetorical and linguistic variation, and gaining control over revision strategies—provide frameworks for effective and deliberate approaches to composing at UCF and beyond.

ENC 1101 includes an ePortfolio where students demonstrate the course learning outcomes. ePortfolios are also used as a direct measure for programmatic assessment.

ENC 1101: Student Learning Outcomes

Writing Processes & Adaptation. Students will be able to describe and reflect on writing processes in order to flexibly adapt them to support their goals.

Multiple Literacies & Goal Setting. Students will be able to demonstrate how they marshal/leverage their multiple literacies (e.g. speaking, listening, reading, multilingual writing, translating, multimodality, etc.) to support their writing processes.

Variation across Contexts. Students will be able to identify, analyze, and reflect on variation in rhetorical and linguistic patterns, including their own, from a range of contexts (e.g cultural, digital, workplace, and/or academic).

Decision Making & Production. Students will be able to produce writing that demonstrates their ability to navigate choices and constraints when writing for specific audiences, genres, and purposes.

Writing and Power. Students will be able to critically examine and act on the relationship among identity, literacy, language, and power.

Revision. Students will be able to negotiate differences in and act with intention on feedback from readers when drafting, revising, and editing their writing.

UCF students are required to complete both ENC1101 and ENC1102 with a grade of C- or better in order to fulfill the General Education Program. Questions regarding AP, CLEP, and transfer credit for these courses should be directed to your college’s undergraduate advising office, to the College of Arts and Humanities Student Advising, or to the Office of Undergraduate Studies.